Actual source code: mpibdiag.h

  1: /* $Id: mpibdiag.h,v 1.19 2001/08/07 03:02:55 balay Exp $ */

 3:  #include src/mat/impls/bdiag/seq/bdiag.h

  5: /* 
  6:    Mat_MPIBDiag - Parallel, block-diagonal format, where each diagonal
  7:    element consists of a square block of size bs x bs.  Dense storage
  8:    within each block is in column-major order.

 10:    For now, the parallel part is just a copy of the Mat_MPIAIJ
 11:    parallel data structure. 
 12:  */

 14: typedef struct {
 15:   int           *rowners;           /* row range owned by each processor */
 16:   int           rstart,rend;        /* starting and ending local rows */
 17:   int           brstart,brend;      /* block starting and ending local rows */
 18:   Mat           A;                  /* local matrix */
 19:   int           gnd;                /* number of global diagonals */
 20:   int           *gdiag;             /* global matrix diagonal numbers */
 21:   int           size;               /* size of communicator */
 22:   int           rank;               /* rank of proc in communicator */

 24:   /* The following variables are used for matrix assembly */
 25:   PetscTruth    donotstash;             /* 1 if off processor entries dropped */
 26:   MPI_Request   *send_waits;            /* array of send requests */
 27:   MPI_Request   *recv_waits;            /* array of receive requests */
 28:   int           nsends,nrecvs;         /* numbers of sends and receives */
 29:   PetscScalar   *svalues,*rvalues;     /* sending and receiving data */
 30:   int           rmax;                   /* maximum message length */
 31:   int           *garray;                /* work array */
 32:   PetscTruth    roworiented;            /* indicates MatSetValues() input default 1*/

 34:   /* The following variables are used for matrix-vector products */

 36:   Vec           lvec;                   /* local vector */
 37:   VecScatter    Mvctx;                  /* scatter context for vector */
 38: } Mat_MPIBDiag;