Actual source code: dense.h
1: /* $Id: dense.h,v 1.10 2001/08/07 03:02:45 balay Exp $ */
3: #include src/mat/matimpl.h
8: /*
9: MATSEQDENSE format - conventional dense Fortran storage (by columns)
10: */
12: typedef struct {
13: PetscScalar *v; /* matrix elements */
14: PetscTruth roworiented; /* if true, row oriented input (default) */
15: int pad; /* padding */
16: int *pivots; /* pivots in LU factorization */
17: PetscTruth user_alloc; /* true if the user provided the dense data */
18: } Mat_SeqDense;
20: EXTERN int MatMult_SeqDense(Mat A,Vec,Vec);
21: EXTERN int MatMultAdd_SeqDense(Mat A,Vec,Vec,Vec);
22: EXTERN int MatMultTranspose_SeqDense(Mat A,Vec,Vec);
23: EXTERN int MatMultTransposeAdd_SeqDense(Mat A,Vec,Vec,Vec);
25: #endif