Actual source code: gcreate.c

  1: /*$Id: gcreate.c,v 1.131 2001/07/20 21:22:13 bsmith Exp $*/

 3:  #include src/mat/matimpl.h
 4:  #include petscsys.h

  6: #undef __FUNCT__  
  8: static int MatPublish_Base(PetscObject obj)
  9: {
 10: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_AMS)
 11:   Mat mat = (Mat)obj;
 13: #endif

 16: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_AMS)
 17:   /* if it is already published then return */
 18:   if (mat->amem >=0) return(0);

 20:   PetscObjectPublishBaseBegin(obj);
 21:   AMS_Memory_add_field((AMS_Memory)mat->amem,"globalsizes",&mat->M,2,AMS_INT,AMS_READ,
 22:                                 AMS_COMMON,AMS_REDUCT_UNDEF);
 23:   AMS_Memory_add_field((AMS_Memory)mat->amem,"localsizes",&mat->m,2,AMS_INT,AMS_READ,
 24:                                 AMS_DISTRIBUTED,AMS_REDUCT_UNDEF);
 25:   PetscObjectPublishBaseEnd(obj);
 26: #endif

 28:   return(0);
 29: }

 32: #undef __FUNCT__  
 34: /*@C
 35:    MatCreate - Creates a matrix where the type is determined
 36:    from either a call to MatSetType() or from the options database
 37:    with a call to MatSetFromOptions(). The default matrix type is
 38:    AIJ, using the routines MatCreateSeqAIJ() or MatCreateMPIAIJ()
 39:    if you do not set a type in the options database. If you never
 40:    call MatSetType() or MatSetFromOptions() it will generate an 
 41:    error when you try to use the matrix.

 43:    Collective on MPI_Comm

 45:    Input Parameters:
 46: +  m - number of local rows (or PETSC_DECIDE)
 47: .  n - number of local columns (or PETSC_DECIDE)
 48: .  M - number of global rows (or PETSC_DETERMINE)
 49: .  N - number of global columns (or PETSC_DETERMINE)
 50: -  comm - MPI communicator
 52:    Output Parameter:
 53: .  A - the matrix

 55:    Options Database Keys:
 56: +    -mat_type seqaij   - AIJ type, uses MatCreateSeqAIJ()
 57: .    -mat_type mpiaij   - AIJ type, uses MatCreateMPIAIJ()
 58: .    -mat_type seqbdiag - block diagonal type, uses MatCreateSeqBDiag()
 59: .    -mat_type mpibdiag - block diagonal type, uses MatCreateMPIBDiag()
 60: .    -mat_type mpirowbs - rowbs type, uses MatCreateMPIRowbs()
 61: .    -mat_type seqdense - dense type, uses MatCreateSeqDense()
 62: .    -mat_type mpidense - dense type, uses MatCreateMPIDense()
 63: .    -mat_type seqbaij  - block AIJ type, uses MatCreateSeqBAIJ()
 64: -    -mat_type mpibaij  - block AIJ type, uses MatCreateMPIBAIJ()

 66:    Even More Options Database Keys:
 67:    See the manpages for particular formats (e.g., MatCreateSeqAIJ())
 68:    for additional format-specific options.

 70:    Notes:
 71:    If PETSC_DECIDE is not used for the arguments 'm' and 'n', then the
 72:    user must ensure that they are chosen to be compatible with the
 73:    vectors. To do this, one first considers the matrix-vector product 
 74:    'y = A x'. The 'm' that is used in the above routine must match the 
 75:    local size used in the vector creation routine VecCreateMPI() for 'y'.
 76:    Likewise, the 'n' used must match that used as the local size in
 77:    VecCreateMPI() for 'x'.

 79:    Level: beginner

 81:    User manual sections:
 82: +   Section 3.1 Creating and Assembling Matrices
 83: -   Chapter 3 Matrices

 85: .keywords: matrix, create

 87: .seealso: MatCreateSeqAIJ((), MatCreateMPIAIJ(), 
 88:           MatCreateSeqBDiag(),MatCreateMPIBDiag(),
 89:           MatCreateSeqDense(), MatCreateMPIDense(), 
 90:           MatCreateMPIRowbs(), MatCreateSeqBAIJ(), MatCreateMPIBAIJ(),
 91:           MatCreateSeqSBAIJ(), MatCreateMPISBAIJ(),
 92:           MatConvert()
 93: @*/
 94: int MatCreate(MPI_Comm comm,int m,int n,int M,int N,Mat *A)
 95: {
 96:   Mat B;
 99: #endif

103:   *A = PETSC_NULL;
105:   MatInitializePackage(PETSC_NULL);
106: #endif

108:   PetscHeaderCreate(B,_p_Mat,struct _MatOps,MAT_COOKIE,0,"Mat",comm,MatDestroy,MatView);
109:   PetscLogObjectCreate(B);

111:   B->m = m;
112:   B->n = n;
113:   B->M = M;
114:   B->N = N;

116:   B->preallocated  = PETSC_FALSE;
117:   B->bops->publish = MatPublish_Base;
118:   *A = B;
119:   return(0);
120: }

122: #undef __FUNCT__  
124: /*@C
125:    MatSetFromOptions - Creates a matrix where the type is determined
126:    from the options database. Generates a parallel MPI matrix if the
127:    communicator has more than one processor.  The default matrix type is
128:    AIJ, using the routines MatCreateSeqAIJ() and MatCreateMPIAIJ() if
129:    you do not select a type in the options database.

131:    Collective on Mat

133:    Input Parameter:
134: .  A - the matrix

136:    Options Database Keys:
137: +    -mat_type seqaij   - AIJ type, uses MatCreateSeqAIJ()
138: .    -mat_type mpiaij   - AIJ type, uses MatCreateMPIAIJ()
139: .    -mat_type seqbdiag - block diagonal type, uses MatCreateSeqBDiag()
140: .    -mat_type mpibdiag - block diagonal type, uses MatCreateMPIBDiag()
141: .    -mat_type mpirowbs - rowbs type, uses MatCreateMPIRowbs()
142: .    -mat_type seqdense - dense type, uses MatCreateSeqDense()
143: .    -mat_type mpidense - dense type, uses MatCreateMPIDense()
144: .    -mat_type seqbaij  - block AIJ type, uses MatCreateSeqBAIJ()
145: -    -mat_type mpibaij  - block AIJ type, uses MatCreateMPIBAIJ()

147:    Even More Options Database Keys:
148:    See the manpages for particular formats (e.g., MatCreateSeqAIJ())
149:    for additional format-specific options.

151:    Level: beginner

153: .keywords: matrix, create

155: .seealso: MatCreateSeqAIJ((), MatCreateMPIAIJ(), 
156:           MatCreateSeqBDiag(),MatCreateMPIBDiag(),
157:           MatCreateSeqDense(), MatCreateMPIDense(), 
158:           MatCreateMPIRowbs(), MatCreateSeqBAIJ(), MatCreateMPIBAIJ(),
159:           MatCreateSeqSBAIJ(), MatCreateMPISBAIJ(),
160:           MatConvert()
161: @*/
162: int MatSetFromOptions(Mat B)
163: {
164:   int        ierr,size;
165:   char       mtype[256];
166:   PetscTruth flg;

169:   PetscOptionsGetString(B->prefix,"-mat_type",mtype,256,&flg);
170:   if (flg) {
171:     MatSetType(B,mtype);
172:   }
173:   if (!B->type_name) {
174:     MPI_Comm_size(B->comm,&size);
175:     if (size == 1) {
176:       MatSetType(B,MATSEQAIJ);
177:     } else {
178:       MatSetType(B,MATMPIAIJ);
179:     }
180:   }
181: #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX) && !defined(PETSC_USE_SINGLE) && defined(PETSC_HAVE_CXX_NAMESPACE)
182:   MatESISetFromOptions(B);
183: #endif
184:   return(0);
185: }

187: #undef __FUNCT__  
189: /*@C
190:    MatSetUpPreallocation

192:    Collective on Mat

194:    Input Parameter:
195: .  A - the matrix

197:    Level: beginner

199: .keywords: matrix, create

201: .seealso: MatCreateSeqAIJ((), MatCreateMPIAIJ(), 
202:           MatCreateSeqBDiag(),MatCreateMPIBDiag(),
203:           MatCreateSeqDense(), MatCreateMPIDense(), 
204:           MatCreateMPIRowbs(), MatCreateSeqBAIJ(), MatCreateMPIBAIJ(),
205:           MatCreateSeqSBAIJ(), MatCreateMPISBAIJ(),
206:           MatConvert()
207: @*/
208: int MatSetUpPreallocation(Mat B)
209: {
210:   int        ierr;

213:   if (B->ops->setuppreallocation) {
214:     PetscLogInfo(B,"MatSetUpPreallocation: Warning not preallocating matrix storage");
215:     (*B->ops->setuppreallocation)(B);
216:     B->ops->setuppreallocation = 0;
217:     B->preallocated            = PETSC_TRUE;
218:   }
219:   return(0);
220: }

222: /*
223:         Copies from Cs header to A
224: */
225: #undef __FUNCT__  
227: int MatHeaderCopy(Mat A,Mat C)
228: {
229:   int         ierr,refct;
230:   PetscOps    *Abops;
231:   MatOps      Aops;
232:   char        *mtype,*mname;

235:   /* free all the interior data structures from mat */
236:   (*A->ops->destroy)(A);

238:   PetscMapDestroy(A->rmap);
239:   PetscMapDestroy(A->cmap);

241:   /* save the parts of A we need */
242:   Abops = A->bops;
243:   Aops  = A->ops;
244:   refct = A->refct;
245:   mtype = A->type_name;
246:   mname = A->name;

248:   /* copy C over to A */
249:   ierr  = PetscMemcpy(A,C,sizeof(struct _p_Mat));

251:   /* return the parts of A we saved */
252:   A->bops      = Abops;
253:   A->ops       = Aops;
254:   A->qlist     = 0;
255:   A->refct     = refct;
256:   A->type_name = mtype;
257:   A->name      = mname;

259:   PetscLogObjectDestroy(C);
260:   PetscHeaderDestroy(C);
261:   return(0);
262: }