Actual source code: meshPeriodic.c

  1: #ifdef PETSC_RCS_HEADER
  2: static char vcid[] = "$Id: meshPeriodic.c,v 1.00 2001/09/25 06:48:57 knepley Exp $";
  3: #endif

  5: /*
  6:      Defines the interface to functions on a periodic mesh
  7: */

 9:  #include src/mesh/meshimpl.h

 11: #undef  __FUNCT__
 13: /*@
 14:   MeshIsPeriodic - This function returns the periodicity of the mesh.

 16:   Not collective

 18:   Input Parameter:
 19: . mesh - The mesh

 21:   Output Parameter:
 22: . per  - The flag for periodicity

 24:   Level: intermediate

 26: .keywords: mesh, coordinates, periodic
 27: .seealso: MeshIsPeriodicDimension(), MeshSetPeriodicDimension(), MeshPeriodicX(), MeshPeriodicRelativeX(), MeshPeriodicDiffX()
 28: @*/
 29: int MeshIsPeriodic(Mesh mesh, PetscTruth *per)
 30: {
 34:   *per = mesh->isPeriodic;
 35:   return(0);
 36: }

 38: #undef  __FUNCT__
 40: /*@
 41:   MeshIsPeriodicDimension - This function returns the periodicity of a given dimension the mesh.

 43:   Not collective

 45:   Input Parameters:
 46: + mesh - The mesh
 47: - dir  - The coordinate direction

 49:   Output Parameter:
 50: . per  - The flag for periodicity

 52:   Level: intermediate

 54: .keywords: mesh, coordinates, periodic. dimension
 55: .seealso: MeshIsPeriodic(), MeshSetPeriodicDimension(), MeshPeriodicX(), MeshPeriodicRelativeX(), MeshPeriodicDiffX()
 56: @*/
 57: int MeshIsPeriodicDimension(Mesh mesh, int dir, PetscTruth *per)
 58: {
 62:   if ((dir < 0) || (dir >= mesh->dim)) SETERRQ1(PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "Direction %d does not appear in this mesh", dir)
 63:   *per = mesh->isPeriodicDim[dir];
 64:   return(0);
 65: }

 67: #undef  __FUNCT__
 69: /*@
 70:   MeshSetPeriodicDimension - This function sets the periodicity of a given dimension the mesh.

 72:   Not collective

 74:   Input Parameters:
 75: + mesh - The mesh
 76: . dir  - The coordinate direction
 77: - per  - The flag for periodicity

 79:   Level: intermediate

 81: .keywords: mesh, coordinates, periodic. dimension
 82: .seealso: MeshIsPeriodic(), MeshIsPeriodicDimension(), MeshPeriodicX(), MeshPeriodicRelativeX(), MeshPeriodicDiffX()
 83: @*/
 84: int MeshSetPeriodicDimension(Mesh mesh, int dir, PetscTruth per)
 85: {
 86:   int d;

 90:   if ((dir < 0) || (dir >= mesh->dim)) SETERRQ1(PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE, "Direction %d does not appear in this mesh", dir)
 91:   mesh->isPeriodicDim[dir] = per;
 92:   for(mesh->isPeriodic = PETSC_FALSE, d = 0; d < mesh->dim; d++) {
 93:     if (mesh->isPeriodicDim[d] == PETSC_TRUE) mesh->isPeriodic = PETSC_TRUE;
 94:   }
 95:   return(0);
 96: }

 98: /* If optimized, these functions are replaced by macros in $PETSC_DIR/include/mesh.h */

101: #undef  __FUNCT__
103: /*@C
104:   MeshPeriodicX - Returns the value modulo the period of the mesh.

106:   Not collective

108:   Input Parameters:
109: + mesh - The mesh
110: - x    - The original coordinate

112:   Output Parameter:
113: . ret  - The normalized coordinate

115:   Level: intermediate

117: .keywords: mesh, coordinates, periodic
118: .seealso: MeshPeriodicY(), MeshPeriodicZ(), MeshPeriodicRelativeX(), MeshPeriodicDiffX()
119: @*/
120: double MeshPeriodicX(Mesh mesh, double x)
121: {
124:   if (mesh->isPeriodicDim[0] == PETSC_FALSE)
125:     PetscFunctionReturn(x);
126:   if (x - PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON > mesh->endX) {
127:     if (x - mesh->sizeX > mesh->endX) {
128:       PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF, "ERROR: Coordinate %g has winding number greater than onen", x);
129:       PetscFunctionReturn(0.0);
130:     }
131:     PetscFunctionReturn(x - mesh->sizeX);
132:   } else if (x + PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON < mesh->startX) {
133:     if (x + mesh->sizeX < mesh->startX) {
134:       PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF, "ERROR: Coordinate %g has winding number greater than onen", x);
135:       PetscFunctionReturn(0.0);
136:     }
137:     PetscFunctionReturn(x + mesh->sizeX);
138:   } else {
139:     PetscFunctionReturn(x);
140:   }
141: }

143: #undef  __FUNCT__
145: /*@C
146:   MeshPeriodicY - Returns the value modulo the period of the mesh.

148:   Not collective

150:   Input Parameters:
151: + mesh - The mesh
152: - y    - The original coordinate

154:   Output Parameter:
155: . ret  - The normalized coordinate

157:   Level: intermediate

159: .keywords: mesh, coordinates, periodic
160: .seealso: MeshPeriodicX(), MeshPeriodicZ(), MeshPeriodicRelativeY(), MeshPeriodicDiffY()
161: @*/
162: double MeshPeriodicY(Mesh mesh, double y)
163: {
166:   if (mesh->isPeriodicDim[1] == PETSC_FALSE)
167:     PetscFunctionReturn(y);
168:   if (y - PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON > mesh->endY) {
169:     if (y - mesh->sizeY > mesh->endY) {
170:       PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF, "ERROR: Coordinate %g has winding number greater than onen", y);
171:       PetscFunctionReturn(0.0);
172:     }
173:     PetscFunctionReturn(y - mesh->sizeY);
174:   } else if (y + PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON < mesh->startY) {
175:     if (y + mesh->sizeY < mesh->startY) {
176:       PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF, "ERROR: Coordinate %g has winding number greater than onen", y);
177:       PetscFunctionReturn(0.0);
178:     }
179:     PetscFunctionReturn(y + mesh->sizeY);
180:   } else {
181:     PetscFunctionReturn(y);
182:   }
183: }

185: #undef  __FUNCT__
187: /*@C
188:   MeshPeriodicZ - Returns the value modulo the period of the mesh.

190:   Not collective

192:   Input Parameters:
193: + mesh - The mesh
194: - z    - The original coordinate

196:   Output Parameter:
197: . ret  - The normalized coordinate

199:   Level: intermediate

201: .keywords: mesh, coordinates, periodic
202: .seealso: MeshPeriodicX(), MeshPeriodicY(), MeshPeriodicRelativeZ(), MeshPeriodicDiffZ()
203: @*/
204: double MeshPeriodicZ(Mesh mesh, double z)
205: {
208:   if (mesh->isPeriodicDim[2] == PETSC_FALSE)
209:     PetscFunctionReturn(z);
210:   if (z - PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON > mesh->endZ) {
211:     if (z - mesh->sizeZ > mesh->endZ) {
212:       PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF, "ERROR: Coordinate %g has winding number greater than onen", z);
213:       PetscFunctionReturn(0.0);
214:     }
215:     PetscFunctionReturn(z - mesh->sizeZ);
216:   } else if (z + PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON < mesh->startZ) {
217:     if (z + mesh->sizeZ < mesh->startZ) {
218:       PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF, "ERROR: Coordinate %g has winding number greater than onen", z);
219:       PetscFunctionReturn(0.0);
220:     }
221:     PetscFunctionReturn(z + mesh->sizeZ);
222:   } else {
223:     PetscFunctionReturn(z);
224:   }
225: }

227: #undef  __FUNCT__
229: /*@C
230:   MeshPeriodicRelativeX - Returns the value modulo the period of the mesh, relative
231:   to a given coordinate.

233:   Not collective

235:   Input Parameters:
236: + mesh - The mesh
237: . x    - The original coordinate
238: - xO   - The origin defining the period

240:   Output Parameter:
241: . ret  - The normalized coordinate

243:   Level: intermediate

245:   Note:
246:   This function is normally used to have a geometric object reside in a single
247:   period of the mesh. For instance, a triangle that needs to be drawn.

249: .keywords: mesh, coordinates, periodic
250: .seealso: MeshPeriodicRelativeY(), MeshPeriodicRelativeZ(), MeshPeriodicX(), MeshPeriodicDiffX()
251: @*/
252: double MeshPeriodicRelativeX(Mesh mesh, double x, double xO)
253: {
256:   if (mesh->isPeriodicDim[0] == PETSC_FALSE)
257:     PetscFunctionReturn(x);
258:   if (x - PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON > xO + 0.5*mesh->sizeX) {
259:     if (x - mesh->sizeX > xO + mesh->sizeX) {
260:       PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF, "ERROR: Coordinate %g has winding number greater than one about %gn", x, xO);
261:       PetscFunctionReturn(0.0);
262:     }
263:     PetscFunctionReturn(x - mesh->sizeX);
264:   } else if (x + PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON < xO - 0.5*mesh->sizeX) {
265:     if (x + mesh->sizeX < xO - mesh->sizeX) {
266:       PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF, "ERROR: Coordinate %g has winding number greater than one about %gn", x, xO);
267:       PetscFunctionReturn(0.0);
268:     }
269:     PetscFunctionReturn(x + mesh->sizeX);
270:   } else {
271:     PetscFunctionReturn(x);
272:   }
273: }

275: #undef  __FUNCT__
277: /*@C
278:   MeshPeriodicRelativeY - Returns the value modulo the period of the mesh, relative
279:   to a given coordinate.

281:   Not collective

283:   Input Parameters:
284: + mesh - The mesh
285: . y    - The original coordinate
286: - yO   - The origin defining the period

288:   Output Parameter:
289: . ret  - The normalized coordinate

291:   Level: intermediate

293:   Note:
294:   This function is normally used to have a geometric object reside in a single
295:   period of the mesh. For instance, a triangle that needs to be drawn.

297: .keywords: mesh, coordinates, periodic
298: .seealso: MeshPeriodicRelativeX(), MeshPeriodicRelativeZ(), MeshPeriodicY(), MeshPeriodicDiffY()
299: @*/
300: double MeshPeriodicRelativeY(Mesh mesh, double y, double yO)
301: {
304:   if (mesh->isPeriodicDim[1] == PETSC_FALSE)
305:     PetscFunctionReturn(y);
306:   if (y - PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON > yO + 0.5*mesh->sizeY) {
307:     if (y - mesh->sizeY > yO + mesh->sizeY) {
308:       PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF, "ERROR: Coordinate %g has winding number greater than one about %gn", y, yO);
309:       PetscFunctionReturn(0.0);
310:     }
311:     PetscFunctionReturn(y - mesh->sizeY);
312:   } else if (y + PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON < yO - 0.5*mesh->sizeY) {
313:     if (y + mesh->sizeY < yO - mesh->sizeY) {
314:       PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF, "ERROR: Coordinate %g has winding number greater than one about %gn", y, yO);
315:       PetscFunctionReturn(0.0);
316:     }
317:     PetscFunctionReturn(y + mesh->sizeY);
318:   } else {
319:     PetscFunctionReturn(y);
320:   }
321: }

323: #undef  __FUNCT__
325: /*@C
326:   MeshPeriodicRelativeZ - Returns the value modulo the period of the mesh, relative
327:   to a given coordinate.

329:   Not collective

331:   Input Parameters:
332: + mesh - The mesh
333: . z    - The original coordinate
334: - zO   - The origin defining the period

336:   Output Parameter:
337: . ret  - The normalized coordinate

339:   Level: intermediate

341:   Note:
342:   This function is normally used to have a geometric object reside in a single
343:   period of the mesh. For instance, a triangle that needs to be drawn.

345: .keywords: mesh, coordinates, periodic
346: .seealso: MeshPeriodicRelativeX(), MeshPeriodicRelativeY(), MeshPeriodicZ(), MeshPeriodicDiffZ()
347: @*/
348: double MeshPeriodicRelativeZ(Mesh mesh, double z, double zO)
349: {
352:   if (mesh->isPeriodicDim[2] == PETSC_FALSE)
353:     PetscFunctionReturn(z);
354:   if (z - PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON > zO + 0.5*mesh->sizeZ) {
355:     if (z - mesh->sizeZ > zO + mesh->sizeZ) {
356:       PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF, "ERROR: Coordinate %g has winding number greater than one about %gn", z, zO);
357:       PetscFunctionReturn(0.0);
358:     }
359:     PetscFunctionReturn(z - mesh->sizeZ);
360:   } else if (z + PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON < zO - 0.5*mesh->sizeZ) {
361:     if (z + mesh->sizeZ < zO - mesh->sizeZ) {
362:       PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF, "ERROR: Coordinate %g has winding number greater than one about %gn", z, zO);
363:       PetscFunctionReturn(0.0);
364:     }
365:     PetscFunctionReturn(z + mesh->sizeZ);
366:   } else {
367:     PetscFunctionReturn(z);
368:   }
369: }

371: #undef  __FUNCT__
373: /*@C
374:   MeshPeriodicDiffX - Takes the difference of two x-coordinates in the domain, and returns
375:   the value modulo the period of the mesh.

377:   Not collective

379:   Input Parameters:
380: + mesh - The mesh
381: - diff - The original difference

383:   Output Parameter:
384: . ret  - The normalized difference

386:   Level: intermediate

388: .keywords: mesh, coordinates, periodic
389: .seealso: MeshPeriodicDiffY(), MeshPeriodicDiffZ(), MeshPeriodicX(), MeshPeriodicRelativeX()
390: @*/
391: double MeshPeriodicDiffX(Mesh mesh, double diff)
392: {
395:   if (mesh->isPeriodicDim[0] == PETSC_FALSE)
396:     PetscFunctionReturn(diff);
397:   if (diff - PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON > 0.5*mesh->sizeX) {
398:     if (diff - mesh->sizeX > 0.5*mesh->sizeX) {
399:       PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF, "ERROR: Difference %g has winding number greater than onen", diff);
400:       PetscFunctionReturn(0.0);
401:     }
402:     PetscFunctionReturn(diff - mesh->sizeX);
403:   } else if (diff + PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON < -0.5*mesh->sizeX) {
404:     if (diff + mesh->sizeX < -0.5*mesh->sizeX) {
405:       PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF, "ERROR: Difference %g has winding number greater than onen", diff);
406:       PetscFunctionReturn(0.0);
407:     }
408:     PetscFunctionReturn(diff + mesh->sizeX);
409:   } else {
410:     PetscFunctionReturn(diff);
411:   }
412: }

414: #undef  __FUNCT__
416: /*@C
417:   MeshPeriodicDiffY - Takes the difference of two y-coordinates in the domain, and returns
418:   the value modulo the period of the mesh.

420:   Not collective

422:   Input Parameters:
423: + mesh - The mesh
424: - diff - The original difference

426:   Output Parameter:
427: . ret  - The normalized difference

429:   Level: intermediate

431: .keywords: mesh, coordinates, periodic
432: .seealso: MeshPeriodicDiffX(), MeshPeriodicDiffZ(), MeshPeriodicY(), MeshPeriodicRelativeY()
433: @*/
434: double MeshPeriodicDiffY(Mesh mesh, double diff)
435: {
438:   if (mesh->isPeriodicDim[1] == PETSC_FALSE)
439:     PetscFunctionReturn(diff);
440:   if (diff - PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON > 0.5*mesh->sizeY) {
441:     if (diff - mesh->sizeY > 0.5*mesh->sizeY) {
442:       PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF, "ERROR: Difference %g has winding number greater than onen", diff);
443:       PetscFunctionReturn(0.0);
444:     }
445:     PetscFunctionReturn(diff - mesh->sizeY);
446:   } else if (diff + PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON < -0.5*mesh->sizeY) {
447:     if (diff + mesh->sizeY < -0.5*mesh->sizeY) {
448:       PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF, "ERROR: Difference %g has winding number greater than onen", diff);
449:       PetscFunctionReturn(0.0);
450:     }
451:     PetscFunctionReturn(diff + mesh->sizeY);
452:   } else {
453:     PetscFunctionReturn(diff);
454:   }
455: }

457: #undef  __FUNCT__
459: /*@C
460:   MeshPeriodicDiffZ - Takes the difference of two z-coordinates in the domain, and returns
461:   the value modulo the period of the mesh.

463:   Not collective

465:   Input Parameters:
466: + mesh - The mesh
467: - diff - The original difference

469:   Output Parameter:
470: . ret  - The normalized difference

472:   Level: intermediate

474: .keywords: mesh, coordinates, periodic
475: .seealso: MeshPeriodicDiffX(), MeshPeriodicDiffY(), MeshPeriodicZ(), MeshPeriodicRelativeZ()
476: @*/
477: double MeshPeriodicDiffZ(Mesh mesh, double diff)
478: {
481:   if (mesh->isPeriodicDim[2] == PETSC_FALSE)
482:     PetscFunctionReturn(diff);
483:   if (diff - PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON > 0.5*mesh->sizeZ) {
484:     if (diff - mesh->sizeZ > 0.5*mesh->sizeZ) {
485:       PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF, "ERROR: Difference %g has winding number greater than onen", diff);
486:       PetscFunctionReturn(0.0);
487:     }
488:     PetscFunctionReturn(diff - mesh->sizeZ);
489:   } else if (diff + PETSC_MACHINE_EPSILON < -0.5*mesh->sizeZ) {
490:     if (diff + mesh->sizeZ < -0.5*mesh->sizeZ) {
491:       PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_SELF, "ERROR: Difference %g has winding number greater than onen", diff);
492:       PetscFunctionReturn(0.0);
493:     }
494:     PetscFunctionReturn(diff + mesh->sizeZ);
495:   } else {
496:     PetscFunctionReturn(diff);
497:   }
498: }