# $Id: makefile,v 1.99 2001/09/07 20:11:25 bsmith Exp $ 

CFLAGS	         =
FFLAGS	         = 
CPPFLAGS         =
FPPFLAGS         =
LOCDIR           = src/sles/examples/tutorials/
EXAMPLESC        = ex1.c ex2.c ex3.c ex4.c ex5.c ex7.c ex8.c ex9.c ex10.c ex11.c \
                   ex12.c ex13.c ex15.c ex16.c ex22.c ex23.c ex25.c ex26.c ex27.c
EXAMPLESF        = ex1f.F ex2f.F ex6f.F ex11f.F ex13f90.F ex14f.F ex15f.F ex21f.F
MANSEC           = SLES

include ${PETSC_DIR}/bmake/common/base

ex1: ex1.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex1 ex1.o  ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex1.o

ex1f: ex1f.o  chkopts
	${RM} ex1f.o

ex2: ex2.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex2 ex2.o  ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex2.o

ex2a: ex2a.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex2a ex2a.o  ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex2a.o

ex2f: ex2f.o  chkopts
	${RM} ex2f.o

ex3: ex3.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex3 ex3.o  ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex3.o

ex4: ex4.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex4 ex4.o  ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex4.o

ex5: ex5.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex5 ex5.o  ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex5.o

ex6: ex6.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex6 ex6.o  ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex6.o

ex6f: ex6f.o  chkopts
	${RM} ex6f.o

ex7: ex7.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex7 ex7.o  ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex7.o

ex8: ex8.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex8 ex8.o  ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex8.o

ex9: ex9.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex9 ex9.o  ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex9.o

ex10: ex10.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex10 ex10.o  ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex10.o

ex11: ex11.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex11 ex11.o  ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex11.o

ex11f: ex11f.o  chkopts
	-${FLINKER} -o ex11f ex11f.o ${PETSC_FORTRAN_LIB} ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex11f.o

ex12: ex12.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex12 ex12.o  ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex12.o

ex13: ex13.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex13 ex13.o  ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex13.o

ex13f90: ex13f90.o  chkopts
	-${FLINKER} -o ex13f90 ex13f90.o ${PETSC_FORTRAN_LIB} ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex13f90.o

ex14: ex14.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex14 ex14.o  ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex14.o

ex14f: ex14f.o  chkopts
	-${FLINKER} -o ex14f ex14f.o  ${PETSC_FORTRAN_LIB} ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex14f.o

ex15: ex15.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex15 ex15.o  ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex15.o

ex15f: ex15f.o  chkopts
	-${FLINKER} -o ex15f ex15f.o  ${PETSC_FORTRAN_LIB} ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex15f.o

ex16: ex16.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex16 ex16.o  ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex16.o

ex17: ex17.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex17 ex17.o  ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex17.o

ex18: ex18.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex18 ex18.o  ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex18.o

ex20: ex20.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex20 ex20.o  ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex20.o

ex21f: ex21f.o  chkopts
	-${FLINKER} -o ex21f ex21f.o  ${PETSC_FORTRAN_LIB} ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex21f.o

ex22: ex22.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex22 ex22.o  ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex22.o

ex22f: ex22f.o  chkopts
	-${FLINKER} -o ex22f ex22f.o  ${PETSC_FORTRAN_LIB} ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex22f.o

ex23: ex23.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex23 ex23.o  ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex23.o

ex25: ex25.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex25 ex25.o  ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex25.o

ex26: ex26.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex26 ex26.o  ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex26.o

ex27: ex27.o  chkopts
	-${CLINKER} -o ex27 ex27.o  ${PETSC_SLES_LIB}
	${RM} ex27.o

	-@${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex1 -ksp_smonitor -ksp_gmres_irorthog > ex1_1.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex1_1.out ex1_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex1_1, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex1_1.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex1 -pc_type sor -pc_sor_symmetric -ksp_smonitor -ksp_gmres_irorthog >\
	   ex1_2.tmp 2>&1;   \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex1_2.out ex1_2.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex1_2, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex1_2.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex1 -pc_type eisenstat -ksp_smonitor -ksp_gmres_irorthog >\
	   ex1_3.tmp 2>&1;   \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex1_3.out ex1_3.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex1_3, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex1_3.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex1f -ksp_smonitor -ksp_gmres_irorthog > ex1f_1.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex1f_1.out ex1f_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex1f_1, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex1f_1.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex2 -ksp_smonitor -m 5 -n 5 -ksp_gmres_irorthog > ex2_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex2_1.out ex2_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex2_1, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex2_1.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 2 ex2 -ksp_smonitor -m 5 -n 5 -ksp_gmres_irorthog > ex2_2.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex2_2.out ex2_2.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex2_2, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex2_2.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex2 -pc_type sor -pc_sor_symmetric -ksp_smonitor -ksp_gmres_irorthog > \
	    ex2_3.tmp 2>&1;   \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex2_3.out ex2_3.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex2_3, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex2_3.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex2 -pc_type eisenstat -ksp_smonitor -ksp_gmres_irorthog >\
	    ex2_4.tmp 2>&1;   \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex2_4.out ex2_4.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex2_4, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex2_4.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 2 ex2 -ksp_smonitor -m 5 -n 5 -mat_view_draw -ksp_gmres_irorthog    > ex2_5.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex2_2.out ex2_5.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex2_5, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex2_5.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 2 ex2 -pc_type none -vec_type esi -vec_esi_type esi::petsc::Vector \
               -mat_type esi -mat_esi_type esi::petsc::Matrix -is_esi_type esi::petsc::IndexSpace   > ex2_6.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex2_6.out ex2_6.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex2_6, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex2_6.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 2 ex2f -pc_type jacobi -ksp_smonitor -ksp_gmres_irorthog > ex2f_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex2f_1.out ex2f_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex2f_1, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex2f_1.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 3  ex4 -ksp_smonitor -ksp_gmres_irorthog > ex4_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex4_1.out ex4_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex4_1, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex4_1.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex5 -pc_type jacobi -ksp_smonitor -ksp_gmres_irorthog > ex5_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex5_1.out ex5_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex5_1, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex5_1.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 2 ex5 -pc_type jacobi -ksp_smonitor -ksp_gmres_irorthog \
	   -ksp_rtol .000001 > ex5_2.tmp 2>&1;   \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex5_2.out ex5_2.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex5_2, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex5_2.tmp

# Note: We test these BlockSolve95 examples differently from the usual
# because the coloring heuristic is machine-dependent; convergence rates
# may differ slightly on various architectures.
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 2 ex5 -pc_type icc -ksp_type cg -mat_type mpirowbs -ksp_rtol .000001;\
	echo "ex5_3: This program tested the ICC preconditioner in BlockSolve95."
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 2 ex5 -pc_type ilu -mat_nonsym -mat_type mpirowbs -ksp_gmres_irorthog\
	   -ksp_rtol .000001;\
	echo "ex5_4: This program tested the ILU preconditioner in BlockSolve95."
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 2 ex5 -mat_type mpibdiag -mat_block_size 2 -ksp_gmres_irorthog > ex5_5.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex5_5.out ex5_5.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex5_5, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex5_5.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex6f -pc_type jacobi -mat_view -ksp_smonitor -ksp_gmres_irorthog > ex6f_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex6f_1.out ex6f_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex6f_1, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex6f_1.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 2 ex7 -ksp_smonitor -noslesview -ksp_gmres_irorthog> ex7_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex7_1.out ex7_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex7_1, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex7_1.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex9 -t 2 -pc_type jacobi -ksp_smonitor -ksp_type gmres -ksp_gmres_irorthog \
	   -s2_ksp_type bcgs -s2_pc_type jacobi -s2_ksp_smonitor \
           > ex9_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex9_1.out ex9_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex9_1, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex9_1.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 2 ex10 -f0 ../../../mat/examples/matbinary.cplx.ex -ksp_gmres_irorthog -options_left off > ex10_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_1.out ex10_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex10_1, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_1.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 2 ex10 -options_left no -ksp_type bicg \
	   -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium > ex10_2.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_2.out ex10_2.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex10_2, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_2.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 2 ex10 -options_left no -ksp_type bicg -pc_type asm \
	   -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium > ex10_3.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_3.out ex10_3.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex10_3, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_3.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex10 -options_left no -ksp_type bicg -pc_type lu \
	   -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium > ex10_4.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_4.out ex10_4.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex10_4, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_4.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex10 -options_left no -ksp_type bicg \
	   -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium > ex10_5.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_5.out ex10_5.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex10_5, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_5.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex10 -pc_ilu_levels 2 -pc_ilu_fill 1.73 -ksp_gmres_irorthog \
	   -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/fem1 > ex10_6.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_6.out ex10_6.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex10_6, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_6.tmp
BS = 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
	-@touch ex10_7.tmp
	-@for bs in ${BS}; do \
	 ${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium -load_ignore_info \
                    -mat_type seqbaij -matload_block_size $$bs -ksp_max_it 100 -ksp_gmres_irorthog -ksp_rtol \
                    1.0e-15 -ksp_smonitor >> ex10_7.tmp 2>&1 ; \
	 ${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium -load_ignore_info \
                    -mat_type seqbaij -matload_block_size $$bs -ksp_max_it 100 -ksp_gmres_irorthog -ksp_rtol \
                    1.0e-15 -ksp_smonitor -pc_ilu_mat_ordering_type nd >> ex10_7.tmp 2>&1 ; \
	 ${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium -load_ignore_info \
                    -mat_type seqbaij -matload_block_size $$bs -ksp_max_it 100 -ksp_gmres_irorthog -ksp_rtol \
                    1.0e-15 -ksp_smonitor -pc_ilu_levels 1 >> ex10_7.tmp 2>&1 ; \
	 ${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium -load_ignore_info \
                    -mat_type seqbaij -matload_block_size $$bs -ksp_type preonly \
                    -ksp_smonitor -pc_type lu  >> ex10_7.tmp 2>&1 ; \
	-@if (${DIFF} output/ex10_7.out ex10_7.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex10_7, diffs above"; fi;
	-@${RM} -f ex10_7.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex10 -sles_diagonal_scale -pc_type eisenstat -ksp_smonitor -sles_diagonal_scale_fix \
	   -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium -ksp_gmres_irorthog -options_left no > ex10_8.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_8.out ex10_8.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex10_8, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_8.tmp
	-@touch ex10_9.tmp
	-@for type in gmres bicg bcgs tcqmr tfqmr; do \
          for bs in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7; do \
          for np in 1 2 3; do \
	 ${MPIRUN} -np $$np ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium -load_ignore_info \
                    -mat_type mpibaij -matload_block_size $$bs -ksp_max_it 100 -ksp_gmres_irorthog -ksp_rtol \
                    1.0e-15 -ksp_smonitor >> ex10_9.tmp 2>&1 ; ${WIN_SLEEP} \
	 ${MPIRUN} -np $$np ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium -ksp_gmres_irorthog -load_ignore_info \
                    -mat_type mpibaij -matload_block_size $$bs -ksp_max_it 100 -ksp_rtol \
                    1.0e-15 -ksp_smonitor -trans >> ex10_9.tmp 2>&1 ; ${WIN_SLEEP} \
         done; done; done; 
	-@if (${DIFF} output/ex10_9.out ex10_9.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex10_9, diffs above"; fi;
	-@${RM} -f ex10_9.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 2 ex10 -options_left no -ksp_type fgmres -pc_type sles \
	   -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium -ksp_fgmres_modifypcsles -ksp_smonitor> ex10_10.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_10.out ex10_10.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex10_10, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_10.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 2 ex10 -options_left no -f0 ftp://info.mcs.anl.gov/pub/petsc/matrices/testmatrix.gz > ex10_11.tmp 2>&1;\
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_11.out ex10_11.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex10_11, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_11.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex10 -options_left no -mat_aij_matlab -pc_type lu -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/arco1 > ex10_12.tmp 2>&1;\
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_12.out ex10_12.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex10_12, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_12.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex10 -options_left no -mat_aij_lusol -pc_type lu -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/arco1 > ex10_13.tmp 2>&1;\
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_13.out ex10_13.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex10_13, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_13.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 3 ex10 -options_left no -pc_type spai -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium; \
	echo "ex10_14: This program tested the SPAI preconditioner."
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 3 ex10 -options_left no -pc_type hypre -pc_hypre_type pilut -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium > ex10_15.tmp 2>&1;\
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_15.out ex10_15.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex10_15, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_15.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 3 ex10 -options_left no -pc_type hypre -pc_hypre_type parasails -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium > ex10_16.tmp 2>&1;\
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_16.out ex10_16.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex10_16, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_16.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 3 ex10 -options_left no -pc_type hypre -pc_hypre_type boomeramg -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium > ex10_17.tmp 2>&1;\
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_17.out ex10_17.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex10_17, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_17.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 3 ex10 -options_left no -pc_type hypre -pc_hypre_type euclid -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/medium > ex10_18.tmp 2>&1;\
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex10_18.out ex10_18.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex10_18, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex10_18.tmp
LEVELS = 0 2 4
	-@touch ex10_19aij.tmp
	-@touch ex10_19sbaij.tmp
	-@for levels in ${LEVELS}; do \
	${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/poisson1 -ksp_type cg -pc_type icc -pc_icc_levels $$levels >> ex10_19aij.tmp 2>&1; \
	 ${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex10 -f0 ${DATAFILESPATH}/matrices/poisson1 -ksp_type cg -pc_type icc -pc_icc_levels $$levels -matload_type seqsbaij >> ex10_19sbaij.tmp 2>&1; \
	-@if (${DIFF} ex10_19aij.tmp ex10_19sbaij.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex10_19, diffs above"; fi; \
	${RM} -f ex10_19aij.tmp ex10_19sbaij.tmp

	-@${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex11 -n 6 -norandom -pc_type none -ksp_smonitor -ksp_gmres_irorthog > ex11_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex11_1.out ex11_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex11_1, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex11_1.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex11f -n 6 -norandom -pc_type none -ksp_smonitor -ksp_gmres_irorthog > ex11f_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex11f_1.out ex11f_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex11f_1, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex11f_1.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex12 -ksp_gmres_irorthog > ex12_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex12_1.out ex12_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex12_1, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex12_1.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex13 -m 19 -n 20 -ksp_gmres_irorthog > ex13_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex13_1.out ex13_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex13_1, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex13_1.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex13f90 -m 19 -n 20 -ksp_gmres_irorthog > ex13f90_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex13f90_1.out ex13f90_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex13f90_1, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex13f90_1.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex14f -no_output -ksp_gmres_irorthog > ex14_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex14_1.out ex14_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex14f_1, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex14_1.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 2 ex15 -sles_view -user_defined_pc -ksp_gmres_irorthog > ex15_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex15_1.out ex15_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex15_1, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex15_1.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 2 ex15f -sles_view -user_defined_pc -ksp_gmres_irorthog > ex15f_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex15f_1.out ex15f_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex15f_1, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex15f_1.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 2 ex16 -ntimes 4 -ksp_gmres_irorthog > ex16_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex16_1.out ex16_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex16_1, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex16_1.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex21f  > ex21f_1.tmp 2>&1; \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex21f_1.out ex21f_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex21f_1, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex21f_1.tmp
	-@${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex22 -pc_mg_type full -dmmg_ksp_monitor > ex22_1.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex22_1.out ex22_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex22_1, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex22_1.tmp

	-@${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex22f -pc_mg_type full -dmmg_ksp_monitor > ex22_1.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex22_1.out ex22_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex22f_1, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex22_1.tmp

	-@${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex23 -ksp_smonitor -ksp_gmres_irorthog > ex23_1.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex23_1.out ex23_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex23_1, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex23_1.tmp

	-@${MPIRUN} -np 3 ex23 -ksp_smonitor -ksp_gmres_irorthog > ex23_2.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex23_2.out ex23_2.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex23_2, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex23_2.tmp

	-@${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex25 > ex25_1.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex25_1.out ex25_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex25_1, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex25_1.tmp

	-@${MPIRUN} -np 2 ex25 > ex25_1.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex25_1.out ex25_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex25_2, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex25_1.tmp

	-@${MPIRUN} -np 1 ex26 -esi_sles_view -esi_mat_type seqbaij > ex26_1.tmp 2>&1;	  \
	   if (${DIFF} output/ex26_1.out ex26_1.tmp) then true; \
	   else echo "Possible problem with ex26_1, diffs above"; fi; \
	   ${RM} -f ex26_1.tmp

TESTEXAMPLES_1   = ex1.PETSc runex1 runex1_2 runex1_3 \
		   ex1.rm ex2.PETSc runex2 runex2_2 runex2_3 runex2_4 \
		   ex2.rm ex7.PETSc runex7 ex7.rm ex5.PETSc runex5 \
		   runex5_2 ex5.rm ex9.PETSc runex9 ex9.rm \
                   ex12.PETSc runex12 ex12.rm ex13.PETSc runex13 ex13.rm \
                   ex15.PETSc runex15 ex15.rm \
                   ex16.PETSc runex16 ex16.rm ex22.PETSc runex22 ex22.rm \
                   ex23.PETSc runex23 runex23_2 ex23.rm  ex25.PETSc runex25 runex25_2 ex25.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_2   = ex2.PETSc runex2_5 ex2.rm ex4.PETSc ex4.rm ex8.PETSc ex5.PETSc \
	           runex5_5 ex5.rm ex8.rm 
TESTEXAMPLES_3   = ex1f.PETSc runex1f ex1f.rm ex2f.PETSc runex2f ex2f.rm \
                   ex6f.PETSc ex6f.rm ex14f.PETSc runex14f ex14f.rm ex15f.PETSc runex15f ex15f.rm ex22f.PETSc runex22f ex22f.rm \
                   ex21f.PETSc runex21f ex21f.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_9   = ex1f.PETSc runex1f ex1f.rm ex6f.PETSc runex6f ex6f.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_4   = ex1.PETSc runex1 runex1_2 runex1_3 ex1.rm ex2.PETSc runex2 \
		   runex2_3 ex2.rm ex7.PETSc ex7.rm ex5.PETSc ex5.rm \
		   ex4.PETSc ex4.rm ex9.PETSc runex9 ex9.rm \
                   ex23.PETSc runex23 ex23.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_5   = ex10.PETSc runex10 ex10.rm ex11.PETSc runex11 ex11.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_6   = ex10.PETSc runex10_2 runex10_3 runex10_4 \
                   runex10_5 runex10_6 runex10_7 runex10_8 runex10_9 \
                   runex10_10 runex10_19 ex10.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_BLOCKSOLVE   = ex5.PETSc runex5_3 runex5_4 ex5.rm
# even though ex10.c is a C example to run with -mat_aij_lusol requires a Fortran compiler, hence
# we list it with the fortran examples
TESTEXAMPLES_8             = ex10.PETSc runex10_13 ex10.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_10            = ex11f.PETSc runex11f ex11f.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_12            = ex13f90.PETSc runex13f90 ex13f90.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_13            = ex3.PETSc ex3.rm ex14f.PETSc ex14f.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_MATLAB_ENGINE = ex10.PETSc runex10_12  ex10.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_17            = ex10.PETSc runex10_11 ex10.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_18            = ex2.PETSc runex2_6 ex2.rm ex26.PETSc runex26 ex26.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_SPAI          = ex10.PETSc runex10_14 ex10.rm
TESTEXAMPLES_HYPRE         = ex10.PETSc runex10_15 runex10_16 runex10_17 runex10_1 ex10.rm

include ${PETSC_DIR}/bmake/common/test