Actual source code: richscale.c

  1: /*$Id: richscale.c,v 1.22 2001/04/10 19:36:34 bsmith Exp $*/

 3:  #include src/sles/ksp/kspimpl.h
 4:  #include src/sles/ksp/impls/rich/richctx.h

  7: #undef __FUNCT__  
  9: /*@
 10:     KSPRichardsonSetScale - Set the damping factor; if this routine is not called, the factor 
 11:     defaults to 1.0.

 13:     Collective on KSP

 15:     Input Parameters:
 16: +   ksp - the iterative context
 17: -   scale - the relaxation factor

 19:     Level: intermediate

 21: .keywords: KSP, Richardson, set, scale
 22: @*/
 23: int KSPRichardsonSetScale(KSP ksp,PetscReal scale)
 24: {
 25:   int ierr,(*f)(KSP,PetscReal);

 29:   PetscObjectQueryFunction((PetscObject)ksp,"KSPRichardsonSetScale_C",(void (**)(void))&f);
 30:   if (f) {
 31:     (*f)(ksp,scale);
 32:   }
 33:   return(0);
 34: }