Actual source code: ml.h

  1: #ifdef PETSC_RCS_HEADER
  2: static char vcid[] = "$Id: ml.h,v 1.6 2001/01/27 21:32:36 knepley Exp $";
  3: #endif
  4: /* 
  5:    Private data structure for Multilevel preconditioner.
  6: */

 10:  #include gvec.h
 12:   #include "PLA.h"
 13: #endif
 14:  #include petscblaslapack.h

 16: enum {PC_ML_SetUpInit, PC_ML_SetUpConstrained, PC_ML_SetUpConstrainedBd, PC_ML_SetUpParallel,
 17:       PC_ML_ReducePartitionMesh, PC_ML_ReducePartitionRowCol, PC_ML_ReduceFactor, PC_ML_ReduceBdGrad, PC_ML_ReduceBdGradExtract,
 18:       PC_ML_ReduceBdGradRowPartLocalToGlobal, PC_ML_ReduceShrinkMesh, PC_ML_ApplySymmetricLeftParallel,
 19:       PC_ML_ApplySymmetricRightParallel, PC_ML_QRFactorization, PC_ML_ApplyQR, PC_ML_CreateBdGrad, PC_ML_MAX_EVENTS};
 20: extern int PC_MLEvents[PC_ML_MAX_EVENTS];
 21: #define PC_MLLogEventBegin(e,o1,o2,o3,o4) PetscLogEventBegin(PC_MLEvents[e],o1,o2,o3,o4)
 22: #define PC_MLLogEventEnd(e,o1,o2,o3,o4)   PetscLogEventEnd(PC_MLEvents[e],o1,o2,o3,o4)


 28: typedef struct {
 29:   Grid             grid;                /* The problem grid */
 30:   PetscTruth       useMath;             /* Use Mathematica functions instead */
 31:   PetscViewer      mathViewer;          /* The link to Mathematica */
 32:   PetscViewer      factorizationViewer; /* The visualization of the factorization process */

 34:   /* Gradient variabels */
 35:   int              gradOp;              /* The gradient operator */
 36:   int              divOp;               /* The divergence operator */
 37:   int              sField;              /* The shape function field */
 38:   int              tField;              /* The test function field */
 39:   VarOrdering      sOrder;              /* The global variable ordering for the shape function in B */
 40:   LocalVarOrdering sLocOrder;           /* The local  variable ordering for the shape function in B */
 41:   VarOrdering      tOrder;              /* The global variable ordering for the test  function in B */
 42:   LocalVarOrdering tLocOrder;           /* The local  variable ordering for the test  function in B */
 43:   PetscScalar      gradAlpha;           /* The scalar multiplier for the gradient operator */
 44:   GMat             B;                   /* The gradient matrix */
 45:   Mat              locB;                /* The local gradient matrix */
 46:   GVec             reduceSol;           /* The solution in the range of B */
 47:   GVec             nonlinearIterate;    /* The current iterate in a Newton solve */
 48:   GVec             diag;                /* The diagonal of the jacobian (approximately) */

 50:   /* Mesh variables */
 51:   int              numMeshes;           /* The number of meshes corresponding to the factorization hierarchy */
 52:   int              partSize;            /* The target size of column partitions */
 53:   int             *numElements;         /* The number of elements in each mesh */
 54:   int             *numVertices;         /* The number of vertices in each mesh */
 55:   double          *vertices;            /* The coordinates for each vertex */
 56:   int              numEdges;            /* The number of edges in the original mesh */
 57:   int           ***meshes;              /* The mesh hierarchy in CSR format */
 59:   /* Numbering variables */
 60:   int             *numPartitions;       /* The number of partitions for each level */
 61:   int            **numPartitionCols;    /* The number of columns in each partition and the final QR */
 62:   int           ***colPartition;        /* The column or node partition */
 63:   int            **numPartitionRows;    /* The number of rows in each partition followed by the boundary and residual */
 64:   int          ****rowPartition;        /* The row or edge partition */
 65:   int              rank;                /* The rank of B^p which is the length of range */
 66:   int             *range;               /* The rows of P in the range of B ordered so that D is diagonal */
 67:   VecScatter       rangeScatter;        /* The map from a solution vector to a column vector */
 68:   int              numLocNullCols;      /* The number of columns corresponding to zero singular values */
 69:   int             *nullCols;            /* The columns corresponding to zero singular values */

 71:   /* Factorization variables */
 72:   int              numRows;             /* The number of rows    in B */
 73:   int              numCols;             /* The number of columns in B */
 74:   int              numLevels;           /* The number of levels in the factorization */
 75:   int              maxLevels;           /* The threshold for new allocation */
 76:   int              QRthresh;            /* The node threshold for performing a final QR in this domain */
 77:   PetscReal        DoQRFactor;          /* The multiplier m for row > cols*m which determines when to QR U */
 78:   double           zeroTol;             /* The numeric tolerance used for determining zero singular values */
 79:   PetscReal    ****factors;             /* The factor list */
 80:   Mat             *grads;               /* The boundary gradients for each level */
 81:   Vec             *bdReduceVecs;        /* The work vectors for the boundary+residual rows at each level */
 82:   Vec             *colReduceVecs;       /* The work vectors for the remaining columns at each level */
 83:   Vec             *colReduceVecs2;      /* A duplicate of colReduceVecs[] */
 84:   PetscReal       *interiorWork;        /* A work vector the size of the maximum rows in any partition */
 85:   PetscReal       *interiorWork2;       /* A duplicate of interiorWork[] */
 86:   int              interiorWorkLen;     /* The size of interiorWork[] */

 88:   /* Parallel variables */
 89:   int              globalRank;          /* The rank of B, or total number of range space vectors */
 90:   int              localRank;           /* The rank of B_p */
 91:   int              numNullCols;         /* The total number of columns corresponding to zero singular values */
 92:   int             *firstNullCol;        /* The first column with a zero singular value in each domain */
 93:   int              numLocInterfaceRows; /* The number of rows with nonzeros in another domain */
 94:   int              numInterfaceRows;    /* The global number of interface rows */
 95:   int             *interfaceRows;       /* The row numbers of interface rows in the original matrix */
 96:   int             *firstInterfaceRow;   /* The first interface row in each domain */
 97:   int              numInteriorRows;     /* The number of rows which are not interface rows in this domain */
 98:   int             *interiorRows;        /* The row numbers of interior rows in the original matrix */
100:   PLA_Template     PLAlayout;           /* Layout of PLA structures across processors */
101:   PLA_Obj          interfaceQR;         /* The QR factorization of the interface matrix B_I */
102:   PLA_Obj          interfaceTAU;        /* The elementary reflection multipliers for interfaceQR */
103:   PLA_Obj          PLArhsD;             /* The work vector for applying D size matrices */
104:   PLA_Obj          PLArhsP;             /* The work vector for applying P size matrices */
105: #else
106:   PetscReal       *interfaceQR;         /* The QR factorization of the interface matrix B_I */
107:   PetscReal       *interfaceTAU;        /* The elementary reflection multipliers for interfaceQR */
109:   PetscReal       *interfaceGrad;       /* The interface matrix B_I */
110: #endif
111: #endif
112:   GVec            *interfaceV;          /* The column of V^i corresponding to the zero singular value in that domain */
113:   Mat              interfaceB;          /* The interface rows of B for each domain */
114:   Vec              interiorRhs;         /* The rhs for solves in the interior */
115:   VecScatter       interiorScatter;     /* The map from a global solution vector to an interior vector */
117:   Vec              locInterfaceRhs;     /* The rhs for reduction of the local interface */
118:   VecScatter       locInterfaceScatter; /* The map from a global solution vector to a local interface vector */
119: #endif
120:   Vec              interfaceRhs;        /* The rhs for solves on the interface: only on proc 1 */
121:   VecScatter       interfaceScatter;    /* The map from a global solution vector to an interface vector: only on proc 1 */
122:   Vec              interfaceColRhs;     /* The rhs for solves on the column interface: only on proc 1 */
123:   VecScatter       interfaceColScatter; /* The map from a global column vector to a column interface vector: only on proc 1 */
124:   VecScatter       reduceScatter;       /* The map from a parallel column vector to a serial column vector on each proc */
125:   GVec             colWorkVec;          /* A Work vector in the column space of B */
126:   Vec              globalColWorkVec;    /* A work vector the size of colWorkVec, but duplicated on each processor */

128:   /* Work space for LAPACK routines */
129:   int          workLen;
130:   PetscScalar *work;
131:   int          svdWorkLen;
132:   PetscScalar *svdWork;
133: } PC_Multilevel;

135: /* mlSerial prototypes */
136: extern PetscTruth PCMultiLevelDoQR_Private(PC, int, int);
137: extern int PCMultiLevelCalcVertexCoords_Private(PC, int, int, int *);
138: extern int PCMultiLevelFilterVertexCoords_Tutte(PC, int, double *, int **);
139: extern int PCMultiLevelReduceView(PC, int, int, int *, int, int *);
140: extern int PCMultiLevelReduce(PC);
141: extern int PCMultiLevelView_Private(PC, PetscViewer, int, int, int, int **);

143: /* mlApply prototypes */
144: extern int PCMultiLevelApplyDInv(PC, GVec, GVec);
145: extern int PCMultiLevelApplyDInvTrans(PC, GVec, GVec);
146: extern int PCMultiLevelApplyV(PC, GVec, GVec);
147: extern int PCMultiLevelApplyVTrans(PC, GVec, GVec);
148: extern int PCMultiLevelApplyP(PC, GVec, GVec);
149: extern int PCMultiLevelApplyPTrans(PC, GVec, GVec);
150: extern int PCMultiLevelApplyP1(PC, GVec, GVec);
151: extern int PCMultiLevelApplyP1Trans(PC, GVec, GVec);
152: extern int PCMultiLevelApplyP2(PC, GVec, GVec);
153: extern int PCMultiLevelApplyP2Trans(PC, GVec, GVec);

155: /* mlCheck prototypes */
156: extern int PCValidQ_Multilevel(PC);
157: extern int PCDebug_Multilevel(PC);
158: extern int PCDebugPrintMat_Multilevel(PC, const char []);

160: #endif