Actual source code: slesimpl.h

  1: /* $Id: slesimpl.h,v 1.12 2000/05/05 22:16:55 balay Exp $ */

  3: #if !defined(_SLESIMPL_H)
  4: #define _SLESIMPL_H

 6:  #include petscsles.h

  8: struct _p_SLES {
  9:   PETSCHEADER(int)
 10:   int        setupcalled;
 11:   PetscTruth dscale;      /* diagonal scale system; used with SLESSetDiagonalScale() */
 12:   PetscTruth dscalefix;   /* unscale system after solve */
 13:   PetscTruth dscalefix2;  /* system has been unscaled */
 14:   Vec        diagonal;    /* 1/sqrt(diag of matrix) */
 15:   PC         pc;
 16:   KSP        ksp;
 17: };

 19: #endif