Actual source code: damg.c

  1: /*$Id: damg.c,v 1.35 2001/07/20 21:25:12 bsmith Exp $*/
 3:  #include petscda.h
 4:  #include petscsles.h
 5:  #include petscmg.h

  7: /*
  8:    Code for almost fully managing multigrid/multi-level linear solvers for DA grids
  9: */

 11: #undef __FUNCT__  
 13: /*@C
 14:     DMMGCreate - Creates a DA based multigrid solver object. This allows one to 
 15:       easily implement MG methods on regular grids.

 17:     Collective on MPI_Comm

 19:     Input Parameter:
 20: +   comm - the processors that will share the grids and solution process
 21: .   nlevels - number of multigrid levels 
 22: -   user - an optional user context

 24:     Output Parameters:
 25: .    - the context

 27:     Notes:
 28:       To provide a different user context for each level call DMMGSetUser() after calling
 29:       this routine

 31:     Level: advanced

 33: .seealso DMMGDestroy() 

 35: @*/
 36: int DMMGCreate(MPI_Comm comm,int nlevels,void *user,DMMG **dmmg)
 37: {
 38:   int        ierr,i;
 39:   DMMG       *p;
 40:   PetscTruth galerkin;

 43:   PetscOptionsGetInt(0,"-dmmg_nlevels",&nlevels,PETSC_IGNORE);
 44:   PetscOptionsHasName(0,"-dmmg_galerkin",&galerkin);

 46:   PetscMalloc(nlevels*sizeof(DMMG),&p);
 47:   for (i=0; i<nlevels; i++) {
 48:     ierr           = PetscNew(struct _p_DMMG,&p[i]);
 49:     ierr           = PetscMemzero(p[i],sizeof(struct _p_DMMG));
 50:     p[i]->nlevels  = nlevels - i;
 51:     p[i]->comm     = comm;
 52:     p[i]->user     = user;
 53:     p[i]->galerkin = galerkin;
 54:   }
 55:   *dmmg = p;
 56:   return(0);
 57: }

 59: #undef __FUNCT__  
 61: /*@C
 62:     DMMGSetUseGalerkinCoarse - Courses the DMMG to use R*A_f*R^T to form
 63:        the coarser matrices from finest 

 65:     Collective on DMMG

 67:     Input Parameter:
 68: .    - the context

 70:     Level: advanced

 72: .seealso DMMGCreate()

 74: @*/
 75: int DMMGSetUseGalerkinCoarse(DMMG* dmmg)
 76: {
 77:   int  i,nlevels = dmmg[0]->nlevels;

 80:   if (!dmmg) SETERRQ(1,"Passing null as DMMG");

 82:   for (i=0; i<nlevels; i++) {
 83:     dmmg[i]->galerkin = PETSC_TRUE;
 84:   }
 85:   return(0);
 86: }

 88: #undef __FUNCT__  
 90: /*@C
 91:     DMMGDestroy - Destroys a DA based multigrid solver object. 

 93:     Collective on DMMG

 95:     Input Parameter:
 96: .    - the context

 98:     Level: advanced

100: .seealso DMMGCreate()

102: @*/
103: int DMMGDestroy(DMMG *dmmg)
104: {
105:   int     ierr,i,nlevels = dmmg[0]->nlevels;

108:   if (!dmmg) SETERRQ(1,"Passing null as DMMG");

110:   for (i=1; i<nlevels; i++) {
111:     if (dmmg[i]->R) {MatDestroy(dmmg[i]->R);}
112:   }
113:   for (i=0; i<nlevels; i++) {
114:     if (dmmg[i]->dm) {DMDestroy(dmmg[i]->dm);}
115:     if (dmmg[i]->x)  {VecDestroy(dmmg[i]->x);}
116:     if (dmmg[i]->b)  {VecDestroy(dmmg[i]->b);}
117:     if (dmmg[i]->r)  {VecDestroy(dmmg[i]->r);}
118:     if (dmmg[i]->work1)  {VecDestroy(dmmg[i]->work1);}
119:     if (dmmg[i]->w)  {VecDestroy(dmmg[i]->w);}
120:     if (dmmg[i]->work2)  {VecDestroy(dmmg[i]->work2);}
121:     if (dmmg[i]->lwork1)  {VecDestroy(dmmg[i]->lwork1);}
122:     if (dmmg[i]->B && dmmg[i]->B != dmmg[i]->J) {MatDestroy(dmmg[i]->B);}
123:     if (dmmg[i]->J)  {MatDestroy(dmmg[i]->J);}
124:     if (dmmg[i]->Rscale)  {VecDestroy(dmmg[i]->Rscale);}
125:     if (dmmg[i]->fdcoloring)  {MatFDColoringDestroy(dmmg[i]->fdcoloring);}
126:     if (dmmg[i]->sles)  {SLESDestroy(dmmg[i]->sles);}
127:     if (dmmg[i]->snes)  {PetscObjectDestroy((PetscObject)dmmg[i]->snes);}
128:     PetscFree(dmmg[i]);
129:   }
130:   PetscFree(dmmg);
131:   return(0);
132: }

134: #undef __FUNCT__  
136: /*@C
137:     DMMGSetDM - Sets the coarse grid information for the grids

139:     Collective on DMMG

141:     Input Parameter:
142: +   dmmg - the context
143: -   dm - the DA or VecPack object

145:     Level: advanced

147: .seealso DMMGCreate(), DMMGDestroy()

149: @*/
150: int DMMGSetDM(DMMG *dmmg,DM dm)
151: {
152:   int        ierr,i,nlevels = dmmg[0]->nlevels;

155:   if (!dmmg) SETERRQ(1,"Passing null as DMMG");

157:   /* Create DA data structure for all the levels */
158:   dmmg[0]->dm = dm;
159:   PetscObjectReference((PetscObject)dm);
160:   for (i=1; i<nlevels; i++) {
161:     DMRefine(dmmg[i-1]->dm,dmmg[i]->comm,&dmmg[i]->dm);
162:   }
163:   DMMGSetUp(dmmg);
164:   return(0);
165: }

167: #undef __FUNCT__  
169: /*@C
170:     DMMGSetUp - Prepares the DMMG to solve a system

172:     Collective on DMMG

174:     Input Parameter:
175: .   dmmg - the context

177:     Level: advanced

179: .seealso DMMGCreate(), DMMGDestroy(), DMMG, DMMGSetSNES(), DMMGSetSLES(), DMMGSolve()

181: @*/
182: int DMMGSetUp(DMMG *dmmg)
183: {
184:   int        ierr,i,nlevels = dmmg[0]->nlevels;

188:   /* Create work vectors and matrix for each level */
189:   for (i=0; i<nlevels; i++) {
190:     DMCreateGlobalVector(dmmg[i]->dm,&dmmg[i]->x);
191:     VecDuplicate(dmmg[i]->x,&dmmg[i]->b);
192:     VecDuplicate(dmmg[i]->x,&dmmg[i]->r);
193:   }

195:   /* Create interpolation/restriction between levels */
196:   for (i=1; i<nlevels; i++) {
197:     DMGetInterpolation(dmmg[i-1]->dm,dmmg[i]->dm,&dmmg[i]->R,PETSC_NULL);
198:   }

200:   return(0);
201: }

203: #undef __FUNCT__  
205: /*@C
206:     DMMGSolve - Actually solves the (non)linear system defined with the DMMG

208:     Collective on DMMG

210:     Input Parameter:
211: .   dmmg - the context

213:     Level: advanced

215:      Notes: For linear (SLES) problems may be called more than once, uses the same 
216:     matrices but recomputes the right hand side for each new solve. Call DMMGSetSLES()
217:     to generate new matrices.
219: .seealso DMMGCreate(), DMMGDestroy(), DMMG, DMMGSetSNES(), DMMGSetSLES(), DMMGSetUp()

221: @*/
222: int DMMGSolve(DMMG *dmmg)
223: {
224:   int        i,ierr,nlevels = dmmg[0]->nlevels;
225:   PetscTruth gridseq,vecmonitor,flg;
226:   KSP        ksp;

229:   PetscOptionsHasName(0,"-dmmg_grid_sequence",&gridseq);
230:   PetscOptionsHasName(0,"-dmmg_vecmonitor",&vecmonitor);
231:   if (gridseq) {
232:     if (dmmg[0]->initialguess) {
233:       (*dmmg[0]->initialguess)(dmmg[0]->snes,dmmg[0]->x,dmmg[0]);
234:       if (dmmg[0]->sles) {
235:         SLESGetKSP(dmmg[0]->sles,&ksp);
236:         KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero(ksp,PETSC_TRUE);
237:       }
238:     }
239:     for (i=0; i<nlevels-1; i++) {
240:       (*dmmg[i]->solve)(dmmg,i);
241:       if (vecmonitor) {
242:         VecView(dmmg[i]->x,PETSC_VIEWER_DRAW_(dmmg[i]->comm));
243:       }
244:       MatInterpolate(dmmg[i+1]->R,dmmg[i]->x,dmmg[i+1]->x);
245:       if (dmmg[i+1]->sles) {
246:         SLESGetKSP(dmmg[i+1]->sles,&ksp);
247:         KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero(ksp,PETSC_TRUE);
248:       }
249:     }
250:   } else {
251:     if (dmmg[nlevels-1]->initialguess) {
252:       (*dmmg[nlevels-1]->initialguess)(dmmg[nlevels-1]->snes,dmmg[nlevels-1]->x,dmmg[nlevels-1]);
253:       if (dmmg[nlevels-1]->sles) {
254:         SLESGetKSP(dmmg[nlevels-1]->sles,&ksp);
255:         KSPSetInitialGuessNonzero(ksp,PETSC_TRUE);
256:       }
257:     }
258:   }
259:   (*DMMGGetFine(dmmg)->solve)(dmmg,nlevels-1);
260:   if (vecmonitor) {
261:      VecView(dmmg[nlevels-1]->x,PETSC_VIEWER_DRAW_(dmmg[nlevels-1]->comm));
262:   }

264:   PetscOptionsHasName(PETSC_NULL,"-dmmg_view",&flg);
265:   if (flg && !PetscPreLoadingOn) {
266:     DMMGView(dmmg,PETSC_VIEWER_STDOUT_(dmmg[0]->comm));
267:   }
268:   return(0);
269: }

271: #undef __FUNCT__  
273: int DMMGSolveSLES(DMMG *dmmg,int level)
274: {
275:   int        ierr,its;

278:   (*dmmg[level]->rhs)(dmmg[level],dmmg[level]->b);
279:   if (dmmg[level]->matricesset) {
280:     SLESSetOperators(dmmg[level]->sles,dmmg[level]->J,dmmg[level]->J,SAME_NONZERO_PATTERN);
281:     dmmg[level]->matricesset = PETSC_FALSE;
282:   }
283:   SLESSolve(dmmg[level]->sles,dmmg[level]->b,dmmg[level]->x,&its);
284:   return(0);
285: }

287: /*
288:     Sets each of the linear solvers to use multigrid 
289: */
290: #undef __FUNCT__  
292: int DMMGSetUpLevel(DMMG *dmmg,SLES sles,int nlevels)
293: {
294:   int         ierr,i;
295:   PC          pc;
296:   PetscTruth  ismg,monitor,ismf,isshell,ismffd;
297:   SLES        lsles; /* solver internal to the multigrid preconditioner */
298:   MPI_Comm    *comms,comm;
299:   PetscViewer ascii;
300:   KSP         ksp;

304:   if (!dmmg) SETERRQ(1,"Passing null as DMMG");

306:   PetscOptionsHasName(PETSC_NULL,"-dmmg_ksp_monitor",&monitor);
307:   if (monitor) {
308:     SLESGetKSP(sles,&ksp);
309:     PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)ksp,&comm);
310:     PetscViewerASCIIOpen(comm,"stdout",&ascii);
311:     PetscViewerASCIISetTab(ascii,1+dmmg[0]->nlevels-nlevels);
312:     KSPSetMonitor(ksp,KSPDefaultMonitor,ascii,(int(*)(void*))PetscViewerDestroy);
313:   }

315:   /* use fgmres on outer iteration by default */
316:   SLESGetKSP(sles,&ksp);
317:   KSPSetType(ksp,KSPFGMRES);

319:   ierr  = SLESGetPC(sles,&pc);
320:   ierr  = PCSetType(pc,PCMG);
321:   ierr  = PetscMalloc(nlevels*sizeof(MPI_Comm),&comms);
322:   for (i=0; i<nlevels; i++) {
323:     comms[i] = dmmg[i]->comm;
324:   }
325:   ierr  = MGSetLevels(pc,nlevels,comms);
326:   ierr  = PetscFree(comms);
327:    MGSetType(pc,MGFULL);

329:   PetscTypeCompare((PetscObject)pc,PCMG,&ismg);
330:   if (ismg) {

332:     /* set solvers for each level */
333:     for (i=0; i<nlevels; i++) {
334:       MGGetSmoother(pc,i,&lsles);
335:       SLESSetOperators(lsles,dmmg[i]->J,dmmg[i]->B,DIFFERENT_NONZERO_PATTERN);
336:       MGSetX(pc,i,dmmg[i]->x);
337:       MGSetRhs(pc,i,dmmg[i]->b);
338:       MGSetR(pc,i,dmmg[i]->r);
339:       MGSetResidual(pc,i,MGDefaultResidual,dmmg[i]->J);
340:       if (monitor) {
341:         SLESGetKSP(lsles,&ksp);
342:         PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)ksp,&comm);
343:         PetscViewerASCIIOpen(comm,"stdout",&ascii);
344:         PetscViewerASCIISetTab(ascii,1+dmmg[0]->nlevels-i);
345:         KSPSetMonitor(ksp,KSPDefaultMonitor,ascii,(int(*)(void*))PetscViewerDestroy);
346:       }
347:       /* If using a matrix free multiply and did not provide an explicit matrix to build
348:          the preconditioner then must use no preconditioner 
349:       */
350:       PetscTypeCompare((PetscObject)dmmg[i]->B,MATSHELL,&isshell);
351:       PetscTypeCompare((PetscObject)dmmg[i]->B,MATDAAD,&ismf);
352:       PetscTypeCompare((PetscObject)dmmg[i]->B,MATMFFD,&ismffd);
353:       if (isshell || ismf || ismffd) {
354:         PC lpc;
355:         SLESGetPC(lsles,&lpc);
356:         PCSetType(lpc,PCNONE);
357:       }
358:     }

360:     /* Set interpolation/restriction between levels */
361:     for (i=1; i<nlevels; i++) {
362:       MGSetInterpolate(pc,i,dmmg[i]->R);
363:       MGSetRestriction(pc,i,dmmg[i]->R);
364:     }
365:   }
366:   return(0);
367: }

369: extern int MatSeqAIJPtAP(Mat,Mat,Mat*);

371: #undef __FUNCT__  
373: /*@C
374:     DMMGSetSLES - Sets the linear solver object that will use the grid hierarchy

376:     Collective on DMMG

378:     Input Parameter:
379: +   dmmg - the context
380: .   func - function to compute linear system matrix on each grid level
381: -   rhs - function to compute right hand side on each level (need only work on the finest grid
382:           if you do not use grid sequencing

384:     Level: advanced

386:     Notes: For linear problems my be called more than once, reevaluates the matrices if it is called more
387:        than once. Call DMMGSolve() directly several times to solve with the same matrix but different 
388:        right hand sides.
390: .seealso DMMGCreate(), DMMGDestroy, DMMGSetDM(), DMMGSolve()

392: @*/
393: int DMMGSetSLES(DMMG *dmmg,int (*rhs)(DMMG,Vec),int (*func)(DMMG,Mat))
394: {
395:   int        ierr,i,nlevels = dmmg[0]->nlevels;
396:   PetscTruth galerkin;

399:   if (!dmmg) SETERRQ(1,"Passing null as DMMG");
400:   galerkin = dmmg[0]->galerkin;

402:   if (galerkin) {
403:     DMGetMatrix(dmmg[nlevels-1]->dm,MATMPIAIJ,&dmmg[nlevels-1]->B);
404:     (*func)(dmmg[nlevels-1],dmmg[nlevels-1]->B);
405:     for (i=nlevels-2; i>-1; i--) {
406:       MatSeqAIJPtAP(dmmg[i+1]->B,dmmg[i+1]->R,&dmmg[i]->B);
407:     }
408:   }

410:   if (!dmmg[0]->sles) {
411:     /* create solvers for each level */
412:     for (i=0; i<nlevels; i++) {

414:       if (!dmmg[i]->B && !galerkin) {
415:         DMGetMatrix(dmmg[i]->dm,MATMPIAIJ,&dmmg[i]->B);
416:       }
417:       if (!dmmg[i]->J) {
418:         dmmg[i]->J = dmmg[i]->B;
419:       }

421:       SLESCreate(dmmg[i]->comm,&dmmg[i]->sles);
422:       DMMGSetUpLevel(dmmg,dmmg[i]->sles,i+1);
423:       SLESSetFromOptions(dmmg[i]->sles);
424:       dmmg[i]->solve = DMMGSolveSLES;
425:       dmmg[i]->rhs   = rhs;
426:     }
427:   }

429:   /* evalute matrix on each level */
430:   for (i=0; i<nlevels; i++) {
431:     if (!galerkin) {
432:       (*func)(dmmg[i],dmmg[i]->J);
433:     }
434:     dmmg[i]->matricesset = PETSC_TRUE;
435:   }

437:   for (i=0; i<nlevels-1; i++) {
438:     SLESSetOptionsPrefix(dmmg[i]->sles,"dmmg_");
439:   }

441:   return(0);
442: }

444: #undef __FUNCT__  
446: /*@C
447:     DMMGView - prints information on a DA based multi-level preconditioner

449:     Collective on DMMG and PetscViewer

451:     Input Parameter:
452: +   dmmg - the context
453: -   viewer - the viewer

455:     Level: advanced

457: .seealso DMMGCreate(), DMMGDestroy

459: @*/
460: int DMMGView(DMMG *dmmg,PetscViewer viewer)
461: {
462:   int            ierr,i,nlevels = dmmg[0]->nlevels,flag;
463:   MPI_Comm       comm;
464:   PetscTruth     isascii;

467:   if (!dmmg) SETERRQ(1,"Passing null as DMMG");
469:   PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)viewer,&comm);
470:   MPI_Comm_compare(comm,dmmg[0]->comm,&flag);
471:   if (flag != MPI_CONGRUENT && flag != MPI_IDENT) {
472:     SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_NOTSAMECOMM,"Different communicators in the DMMG and the PetscViewer");
473:   }

475:   PetscTypeCompare((PetscObject)viewer,PETSC_VIEWER_ASCII,&isascii);
476:   if (isascii) {
477:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"DMMG Object with %d levelsn",nlevels);
478:   }
479:   for (i=0; i<nlevels; i++) {
480:     PetscViewerASCIIPushTab(viewer);
481:     DMView(dmmg[i]->dm,viewer);
482:     PetscViewerASCIIPopTab(viewer);
483:   }
484:   if (isascii) {
485:     PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"%s Object on finest leveln",dmmg[nlevels-1]->sles ? "SLES" : "SNES");
486:     if (dmmg[nlevels-1]->galerkin) {
487:       PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(viewer,"Using Galerkin R^T*A*R process to compute coarser matrices");
488:     }
489:   }
490:   if (dmmg[nlevels-1]->sles) {
491:     SLESView(dmmg[nlevels-1]->sles,viewer);
492:   } else {
493:     /* use of PetscObjectView() means we do not have to link with libpetscsnes if SNES is not being used */
494:     PetscObjectView((PetscObject)dmmg[nlevels-1]->snes,viewer);
495:   }
496:   return(0);
497: }