Actual source code: pops.c

  1: /* $Id: pops.c,v 1.11 2001/04/10 19:34:15 bsmith Exp $*/

  3: /*
  4:     Defines the operations for the Postscript PetscDraw implementation.
  5: */

 7:  #include src/sys/src/draw/impls/ps/psimpl.h

  9: #undef __FUNCT__  
 11: /*@C
 12:       PetscDrawOpenPS - Opens a PetscViewer that generates Postscript

 14:   Collective on MPI_Comm

 16:   Input Parameters:
 17: +   comm - communicator that shares the PetscViewer
 18: -   file - name of file where Postscript is to be stored

 20:   Output Parameter:
 21: .  viewer - the PetscViewer object

 23:   Level: beginner

 25: .seealso: PetscDrawDestroy(), PetscDrawOpenX(), PetscDrawCreate(), PetscViewerDrawOpen(), PetscViewerDrawGetDraw()
 26: @*/
 27: int PetscDrawOpenPS(MPI_Comm comm,char *filename,PetscDraw *draw)
 28: {

 32:   PetscDrawCreate(comm,filename,0,0,0,0,0,draw);
 33:   PetscDrawSetType(*draw,PETSC_DRAW_PS);
 34:   return(0);
 35: }

 37: /*
 38:      These macros transform from the users coordinates to the Postscript
 39: */
 40: #define WIDTH  8.5*72
 41: #define HEIGHT 11*72
 42: #define XTRANS(win,x) 
 43:    ((WIDTH)*((win)->port_xl+(((x-(win)->coor_xl)*((win)->port_xr-(win)->port_xl))/((win)->coor_xr-(win)->coor_xl))))
 44: #define YTRANS(win,y) 
 45:    ((HEIGHT)*((win)->port_yl+(((y-(win)->coor_yl)*((win)->port_yr-(win)->port_yl))/((win)->coor_yr-(win)->coor_yl))))

 47: /*
 48:     Contains the RGB colors for the PETSc defined colors
 49: */
 50: static PetscReal  rgb[3][256];
 51: static PetscTruth rgbfilled = PETSC_FALSE;

 53: #define PSSetColor(ps,c)   (((c) == ps->currentcolor) ? 0 : 
 54: (ps->currentcolor = (c),PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(ps->ps_file,"%g %g %g setrgbcolorn",rgb[0][c],rgb[1][c],rgb[2][c])))

 56: #undef __FUNCT__  
 58: static int PetscDrawPoint_PS(PetscDraw draw,PetscReal x,PetscReal  y,int c)
 59: {
 60:   PetscReal     xx,yy;
 61:   int           ierr;
 62:   PetscDraw_PS* ps = (PetscDraw_PS*)draw->data;

 65:   xx = XTRANS(draw,x);  yy = YTRANS(draw,y);
 66:   PSSetColor(ps,c);
 67:   PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(ps->ps_file,"%g %g moveto %g %g lineto stroken",xx,yy,xx+1,yy);
 68:   return(0);
 69: }

 71: #undef __FUNCT__  
 73: static int PetscDrawLine_PS(PetscDraw draw,PetscReal xl,PetscReal yl,PetscReal xr,PetscReal yr,int c)
 74: {
 75:   PetscDraw_PS* ps = (PetscDraw_PS*)draw->data;
 76:   PetscReal     x1,y_1,x2,y2;
 77:   int           ierr;

 80:   x1 = XTRANS(draw,xl);   x2  = XTRANS(draw,xr);
 81:   y_1 = YTRANS(draw,yl);   y2  = YTRANS(draw,yr);
 82:   PSSetColor(ps,c);
 83:   PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(ps->ps_file,"%g %g moveto %g %g lineto stroken",x1,y_1,x2,y2);
 84:   return(0);
 85: }

 87: #undef __FUNCT__  
 89: static int PetscDrawStringSetSize_PS(PetscDraw draw,PetscReal x,PetscReal  y)
 90: {
 91:   PetscDraw_PS* ps = (PetscDraw_PS*)draw->data;
 92:   int           ierr,w,h;

 95:   w = (int)((WIDTH)*x*(draw->port_xr - draw->port_xl)/(draw->coor_xr - draw->coor_xl));
 96:   h = (int)((HEIGHT)*y*(draw->port_yr - draw->port_yl)/(draw->coor_yr - draw->coor_yl));
 97:   PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(ps->ps_file,"/Helvetica-normal findfont %g scalefont setfontn",(w+h)/2.0);
 98:   return(0);
 99: }

101: #undef __FUNCT__  
103: static int PetscDrawStringGetSize_PS(PetscDraw draw,PetscReal *x,PetscReal  *y)
104: {
105:   PetscReal   w = 9,h = 9;

108:   *x = w*(draw->coor_xr - draw->coor_xl)/(WIDTH)*(draw->port_xr - draw->port_xl);
109:   *y = h*(draw->coor_yr - draw->coor_yl)/(HEIGHT)*(draw->port_yr - draw->port_yl);
110:   return(0);
111: }

113: #undef __FUNCT__  
115: static int PetscDrawString_PS(PetscDraw draw,PetscReal x,PetscReal  y,int c,char *chrs)
116: {
117:   PetscDraw_PS* ps = (PetscDraw_PS*)draw->data;
118:   PetscReal     x1,y_1;
119:   int           ierr;

122:   PSSetColor(ps,c);
123:   x1 = XTRANS(draw,x);
124:   y_1 = YTRANS(draw,y);
125:   PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(ps->ps_file,"%g %g moveto (%s) shown",x1,y_1,chrs);
126:   return(0);
127: }

129: #undef __FUNCT__  
131: static int PetscDrawStringVertical_PS(PetscDraw draw,PetscReal x,PetscReal  y,int c,char *chrs)
132: {
133:   PetscDraw_PS* ps = (PetscDraw_PS*)draw->data;
134:   PetscReal     x1,y_1;
135:   int           ierr;

138:   PSSetColor(ps,c);
139:   x1 = XTRANS(draw,x);
140:   y_1 = YTRANS(draw,y);
141:   PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(ps->ps_file,"gsave %g %g moveto 90 rotate (%s) show grestoren",x1,y_1,chrs);
142:   return(0);
143: }

145: static int PetscDrawInterpolatedTriangle_PS(PetscDraw_PS*,PetscReal,PetscReal,int,PetscReal,PetscReal,int,PetscReal,PetscReal,int);

147: #undef __FUNCT__  
149: static int PetscDrawTriangle_PS(PetscDraw draw,PetscReal X1,PetscReal Y_1,PetscReal X2,
150:                           PetscReal Y2,PetscReal X3,PetscReal Y3,int c1,int c2,int c3)
151: {
152:   PetscDraw_PS* ps = (PetscDraw_PS*)draw->data;
153:   int           ierr;
154:   PetscReal     x1,y_1,x2,y2,x3,y3;

157:   x1   = XTRANS(draw,X1);
158:   y_1  = YTRANS(draw,Y_1);
159:   x2   = XTRANS(draw,X2);
160:   y2   = YTRANS(draw,Y2);
161:   x3   = XTRANS(draw,X3);
162:   y3   = YTRANS(draw,Y3);

164:   if (c1 == c2 && c2 == c3) {
165:     PSSetColor(ps,c1);
166:     PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(ps->ps_file,"%g %g moveto %g %g lineto %g %g lineto filln",x1,y_1,x2,y2,x3,y3);
167:   } else {
168:     PetscDrawInterpolatedTriangle_PS(ps,x1,y_1,c1,x2,y2,c2,x3,y3,c3);
169:   }
170:   return(0);
171: }

173: #undef __FUNCT__  
175: static int PetscDrawRectangle_PS(PetscDraw draw,PetscReal X1,PetscReal Y_1,PetscReal X2,
176:                           PetscReal Y2,int c1,int c2,int c3,int c4)
177: {
178:   PetscDraw_PS* ps = (PetscDraw_PS*)draw->data;
179:   int           ierr;
180:   PetscReal     x1,y_1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4;

183:   x1   = XTRANS(draw,X1);
184:   y_1  = YTRANS(draw,Y_1);
185:   x2   = XTRANS(draw,X2);
186:   y2   = YTRANS(draw,Y_1);
187:   x3   = XTRANS(draw,X2);
188:   y3   = YTRANS(draw,Y2);
189:   x4   = XTRANS(draw,X1);
190:   y4   = YTRANS(draw,Y2);

192:   PSSetColor(ps,(c1+c2+c3+c4)/4);
193:   PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(ps->ps_file,"%g %g moveto %g %g lineto %g %g lineto %g %g lineto %g %g lineto filln",x1,y_1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4,x1,y_1);
194:   return(0);
195: }

197: #undef __FUNCT__  
199: static int PetscDrawDestroy_PS(PetscDraw draw)
200: {
201:   PetscDraw_PS *ps = (PetscDraw_PS*)draw->data;
202:   int          ierr;
203:   PetscTruth   show;
204:   char         *filename,par[PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN];
207:   PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(ps->ps_file,"nshowpagen");
208:   PetscOptionsHasName(draw->prefix,"-draw_ps_show",&show);
209:   if (show) {
210:     PetscViewerGetFilename(ps->ps_file,&filename);
211:     PetscStrcpy(par,"ghostview ");
212:     PetscStrcat(par,filename);
213:     PetscPOpen(draw->comm,PETSC_NULL,par,"r",PETSC_NULL);
214:   }
215:   PetscViewerDestroy(ps->ps_file);
216:   PetscFree(ps);
217:   return(0);
218: }

220: #undef __FUNCT__  
222: static int PetscDrawSynchronizedFlush_PS(PetscDraw draw)
223: {
224:   int           ierr;
225:   PetscDraw_PS* ps = (PetscDraw_PS*)draw->data;

228:   PetscViewerFlush(ps->ps_file);
229:   return(0);
230: }

232: #undef __FUNCT__  
234: static int PetscDrawSynchronizedClear_PS(PetscDraw draw)
235: {
236:   int           ierr;
237:   PetscDraw_PS* ps = (PetscDraw_PS*)draw->data;

240:   PetscViewerFlush(ps->ps_file);
241:   PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(ps->ps_file,"nshowpagen");

243:   return(0);
244: }

246: static struct _PetscDrawOps DvOps = { 0,
247:                                  0,
248:                                  PetscDrawLine_PS,
249:                                  0,
250:                                  0,
251:                                  PetscDrawPoint_PS,
252:                                  0,
253:                                  PetscDrawString_PS,
254:                                  PetscDrawStringVertical_PS,
255:                                  PetscDrawStringSetSize_PS,
256:                                  PetscDrawStringGetSize_PS,
257:                                  0,
258:                                  0,
259:                                  PetscDrawSynchronizedFlush_PS,
260:                                  PetscDrawRectangle_PS,
261:                                  PetscDrawTriangle_PS,
262:                                  0,
263:                                  0,
264:                                  0,
265:                                  PetscDrawSynchronizedClear_PS,
266:                                  0,
267:                                  0,
268:                                  0,
269:                                  0,
270:                                  0,
271:                                  0,
272:                                  PetscDrawDestroy_PS,
273:                                  0,
274:                                  0,
275:                                  0 };

278: #undef __FUNCT__  
280: int PetscDrawCreate_PS(PetscDraw draw)
281: {
282:   PetscDraw_PS  *ps;
283:   int           ierr,ncolors,i;
284:   unsigned char *red,*green,*blue;
285:   static int    filecount = 0;
286:   char          buff[32];
287:   char          version[256];

290:   if (!draw->display) {
291:     sprintf(buff,"",filecount++);
292:     PetscStrallocpy(buff,&draw->display);
293:   }

295:   PetscGetVersion(&version);
296:   PetscNew(PetscDraw_PS,&ps);
297:   PetscMemcpy(draw->ops,&DvOps,sizeof(DvOps));
298:   PetscViewerASCIIOpen(draw->comm,draw->display,&ps->ps_file);
299:   PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(ps->ps_file,"%%!PS-Adobe-2.0n");
300:   PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(ps->ps_file,"%%%%Creator: PETSc %sn",version);
301:   PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(ps->ps_file,"%%%%Title: %sn",draw->display);
302:   PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(ps->ps_file,"%%%%Pages: 1n");
303:   PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(ps->ps_file,"%%%%PageOrder: Ascendn");
304:   PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(ps->ps_file,"%%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792n");
305:   PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(ps->ps_file,"%%%%DocumentFonts: Helvetica-normal Symboln");
306:   PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(ps->ps_file,"%%%%EndCommentsn");
307:   PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(ps->ps_file,"/Helvetica-normal findfont 10 scalefont setfontn");
308:   PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(ps->ps_file,"/c {setrgbcolor} defn");
309:   PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(ps->ps_file,"/l {lineto stroke} defn");
310:   PetscViewerASCIIPrintf(ps->ps_file,"/m {moveto} defn");

312:   ps->currentcolor = PETSC_DRAW_BLACK;

314:   if (!rgbfilled) {
315:     rgbfilled = PETSC_TRUE;
316:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_WHITE]       = 255/255;
317:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_WHITE]       = 255/255;
318:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_WHITE]       = 255/255;
319:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_BLACK]       = 0;
320:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_BLACK]       = 0;
321:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_BLACK]       = 0;
322:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_RED]         = 255/255;
323:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_RED]         = 0;
324:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_RED]         = 0;
325:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_GREEN]       = 0;
326:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_GREEN]       = 255./255;
327:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_GREEN]       = 0;
328:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_CYAN]        = 0;
329:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_CYAN]        = 255./255;
330:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_CYAN]        = 255./255;
331:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_BLUE]        = 0;
332:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_BLUE]        = 0;
333:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_BLUE]        = 255./255;
334:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_MAGENTA]     = 255./255;
335:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_MAGENTA]     = 0;
336:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_MAGENTA]     = 255./255;
337:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_AQUAMARINE]  = 127./255;
338:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_AQUAMARINE]  = 255./255;
339:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_AQUAMARINE]  = 212./255;
340:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_FORESTGREEN] = 34./255   ;
341:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_FORESTGREEN] = 139./255.;
342:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_FORESTGREEN] = 34./255. ;
343:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_ORANGE]      = 255./255.    ;
344:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_ORANGE]      = 165./255.;
345:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_ORANGE]      = 0 ;
346:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_VIOLET]      = 238./255.  ;
347:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_VIOLET]      = 130./255.;
348:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_VIOLET]      = 238./255.;
349:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_BROWN]       = 165./255.   ;
350:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_BROWN]       =  42./255.;
351:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_BROWN]       = 42./255.;
352:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_PINK]        = 255./255. ;
353:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_PINK]        = 192./255. ;
354:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_PINK]        = 203./255.;
355:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_CORAL]       = 255./255.;
356:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_CORAL]       = 127./255.;
357:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_CORAL]       = 80./255.;
358:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_GRAY]        = 190./255.  ;
359:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_GRAY]        = 190./255.;
360:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_GRAY]        = 190./255.;
361:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_YELLOW]      = 255./255.    ;
362:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_YELLOW]      = 255./255.;
363:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_YELLOW]      = 0/255.;
364:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_GOLD]        = 255./255.  ;
365:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_GOLD]        =  215./255.;
366:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_GOLD]        =  0;
367:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_LIGHTPINK]   = 255./255.  ;
368:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_LIGHTPINK]   = 182./255.;
369:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_LIGHTPINK]   = 193./255.;
370:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_MEDIUMTURQUOISE] = 72./255.;
371:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_MEDIUMTURQUOISE] =  209./255.;
372:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_MEDIUMTURQUOISE] =  204./255.;
373:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_KHAKI]           = 240./255.  ;
374:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_KHAKI]           = 230./255.;
375:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_KHAKI]           = 140./255.;
376:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_DIMGRAY]         = 105./255.  ;
377:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_DIMGRAY]         = 105./255.;
378:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_DIMGRAY]         = 105./255.;
379:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_YELLOWGREEN]     = 154./255.   ;
380:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_YELLOWGREEN]     = 205./255.;
381:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_YELLOWGREEN]     =  50./255.;
382:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_SKYBLUE]         = 135./255.  ;
383:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_SKYBLUE]         = 206./255.;
384:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_SKYBLUE]         = 235./255.;
385:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_DARKGREEN]       = 0    ;
386:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_DARKGREEN]       = 100./255.;
387:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_DARKGREEN]       = 0;
388:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_NAVYBLUE]        = 0   ;
389:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_NAVYBLUE]        =  0;
390:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_NAVYBLUE]        = 128./255.;
391:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_SANDYBROWN]      = 244./255.   ;
392:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_SANDYBROWN]      = 164./255.;
393:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_SANDYBROWN]      = 96./255.;
394:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_CADETBLUE]       =  95./255.  ;
395:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_CADETBLUE]       = 158./255.;
396:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_CADETBLUE]       = 160./255.;
397:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_POWDERBLUE]      = 176./255.  ;
398:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_POWDERBLUE]      = 224./255.;
399:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_POWDERBLUE]      = 230./255.;
400:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_DEEPPINK]        = 255./255. ;
401:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_DEEPPINK]        =  20./255.;
402:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_DEEPPINK]        = 147./255.;
403:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_THISTLE]         = 216./255.  ;
404:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_THISTLE]         = 191./255.;
405:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_THISTLE]         = 216./255.;
406:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_LIMEGREEN]       = 50./255.  ;
407:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_LIMEGREEN]       = 205./255.;
408:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_LIMEGREEN]       =  50./255.;
409:     rgb[0][PETSC_DRAW_LAVENDERBLUSH]   = 255./255.  ;
410:     rgb[1][PETSC_DRAW_LAVENDERBLUSH]   = 240./255.;
411:     rgb[2][PETSC_DRAW_LAVENDERBLUSH]   = 245./255.;

413:     /* now do the uniform hue part of the colors */
414:     ncolors = 256-PETSC_DRAW_BASIC_COLORS;
415:     ierr    = PetscMalloc(3*ncolors*sizeof(unsigned char),&red);
416:     green   = red   + ncolors;
417:     blue    = green + ncolors;
418:     ierr    = PetscDrawUtilitySetCmapHue(red,green,blue,ncolors);
419:     for (i=PETSC_DRAW_BASIC_COLORS; i<ncolors+PETSC_DRAW_BASIC_COLORS; i++) {
420:       rgb[0][i]  = ((double)red[i-PETSC_DRAW_BASIC_COLORS])/255.;
421:       rgb[1][i]  = ((double)green[i-PETSC_DRAW_BASIC_COLORS])/255.;
422:       rgb[2][i]  = ((double)blue[i-PETSC_DRAW_BASIC_COLORS])/255.;
423:     }
424:     PetscFree(red);
425:   }

427:   draw->data    = (void*)ps;
428:   return(0);
429: }

434: /*
435:          This works in Postscript coordinates
436: */
437: /*  

439:    this kind of thing should do contour triangles with Postscript level 3
440: 1000 dict begin
441:   /ShadingType 4 def
442:   /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB def
443:   /DataSource [0 10 10 255 255 255 0 400 10 0 0 0 0 200 400 255 0 0] def
444:   shfill

446:    once we have Postscript level 3 we should put this in as an option
447: */

450: #undef __FUNCT__  
452: static int PetscDrawInterpolatedTriangle_PS(PetscDraw_PS* ps,PetscReal x1,PetscReal y_1,int t1,
453:                                 PetscReal x2,PetscReal y2,int t2,PetscReal x3,PetscReal y3,int t3)
454: {
455:   PetscReal rfrac,lfrac;
456:   PetscReal lc,rc = 0.0,lx,rx = 0.0,xx,y;
457:   PetscReal rc_lc,rx_lx,t2_t1,x2_x1,t3_t1,x3_x1,t3_t2,x3_x2;
458:   PetscReal R_y2_y_1,R_y3_y_1,R_y3_y2;
459:   int       ierr,c;

462:   /*
463:         Is triangle even visible in window?
464:   */
465:   if (x1 < 0 && x2 < 0 && x3 < 0) return(0);
466:   if (y_1 < 0 && y2 < 0 && y3 < 0) return(0);
467:   if (x1 > 72*8.5 && x2 > 72*8.5 && x3 > 72*8.5) return(0);
468:   if (y_1 > 72*11 && y2 > 72*11 && y3 > 72*11) return(0);

470:   /* scale everything by two to reduce the huge file; note this reduces the quality */
471:   x1  /= 2.0;
472:   x2  /= 2.0;
473:   x3  /= 2.0;
474:   y_1 /= 2.0;
475:   y2  /= 2.0;
476:   y3  /= 2.0;
477:   PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(ps->ps_file,"gsave 2 2 scalen");

480:   /* Sort the vertices */
481: #define SWAP(a,b) {PetscReal _a; _a=a; a=b; b=_a;}
482: #define ISWAP(a,b) {int _a; _a=a; a=b; b=_a;}
483:   if (y_1 > y2) {
484:     SWAP(y_1,y2);ISWAP(t1,t2); SWAP(x1,x2);
485:   }
486:   if (y_1 > y3) {
487:     SWAP(y_1,y3);ISWAP(t1,t3); SWAP(x1,x3);
488:   }
489:   if (y2 > y3) {
490:     SWAP(y2,y3);ISWAP(t2,t3); SWAP(x2,x3);
491:   }
492:   /* This code is decidely non-optimal; it is intended to be a start at
493:    an implementation */

495:   if (y2 != y_1) R_y2_y_1 = 1.0/((y2-y_1)); else R_y2_y_1 = 0.0;
496:   if (y3 != y_1) R_y3_y_1 = 1.0/((y3-y_1)); else R_y3_y_1 = 0.0;
497:   t2_t1   = t2 - t1;
498:   x2_x1   = x2 - x1;
499:   t3_t1   = t3 - t1;
500:   x3_x1   = x3 - x1;
501:   for (y=y_1; y<=y2; y++) {
502:     /* PetscDraw a line with the correct color from t1-t2 to t1-t3 */
503:     /* Left color is (y-y_1)/(y2-y_1) * (t2-t1) + t1 */
504:     lfrac = ((y-y_1)) * R_y2_y_1;
505:     lc    = (lfrac * (t2_t1) + t1);
506:     lx    = (lfrac * (x2_x1) + x1);
507:     /* Right color is (y-y_1)/(y3-y_1) * (t3-t1) + t1 */
508:     rfrac = ((y - y_1)) * R_y3_y_1;
509:     rc    = (rfrac * (t3_t1) + t1);
510:     rx    = (rfrac * (x3_x1) + x1);
511:     /* PetscDraw the line */
512:     rc_lc = rc - lc;
513:     rx_lx = rx - lx;
514:     if (rx > lx) {
515:       for (xx=lx; xx<=rx; xx++) {
516:         c = (int)(((xx-lx) * (rc_lc)) / (rx_lx) + lc);
517:         PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(ps->ps_file,"%g %g %g cn",rgb[0][c],rgb[1][c],rgb[2][c]);
518:         PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(ps->ps_file,"%g %g m %g %g ln",xx,y,xx+1,y);
519:       }
520:     } else if (rx < lx) {
521:       for (xx=lx; xx>=rx; xx--) {
522:         c = (int)(((xx-lx) * (rc_lc)) / (rx_lx) + lc);
523:         PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(ps->ps_file,"%g %g %g cn",rgb[0][c],rgb[1][c],rgb[2][c]);
524:         PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(ps->ps_file,"%g %g m %g %g ln",xx,y,xx+1,y);
525:       }
526:     } else {
527:       c = (int)lc;
528:       PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(ps->ps_file,"%g %g %g cn",rgb[0][c],rgb[1][c],rgb[2][c]);
529:       PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(ps->ps_file,"%g %g m %g %g ln",lx,y,lx+1,y);
530:     }
531:   }

533:   /* For simplicity,"move" t1 to the intersection of t1-t3 with the line y=y2.
534:      We take advantage of the previous iteration. */
535:   if (y2 >= y3) {
536:     PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(ps->ps_file,"grestoren");
537:     return(0);
538:   }
539:   if (y_1 < y2) {
540:     t1  = (int)rc;
541:     y_1 = y2;
542:     x1  = rx;

544:     t3_t1   = t3 - t1;
545:     x3_x1   = x3 - x1;
546:   }
547:   t3_t2 = t3 - t2;
548:   x3_x2 = x3 - x2;
549:   if (y3 != y2) R_y3_y2 = 1.0/((y3-y2)); else R_y3_y2 = 0.0;
550:   if (y3 != y_1) R_y3_y_1 = 1.0/((y3-y_1)); else R_y3_y_1 = 0.0;
551:   for (y=y2; y<=y3; y++) {
552:     /* PetscDraw a line with the correct color from t2-t3 to t1-t3 */
553:     /* Left color is (y-y_1)/(y2-y_1) * (t2-t1) + t1 */
554:     lfrac = ((y-y2)) * R_y3_y2;
555:     lc    = (lfrac * (t3_t2) + t2);
556:     lx    = (lfrac * (x3_x2) + x2);
557:     /* Right color is (y-y_1)/(y3-y_1) * (t3-t1) + t1 */
558:     rfrac = ((y - y_1)) * R_y3_y_1;
559:     rc    = (rfrac * (t3_t1) + t1);
560:     rx    = (rfrac * (x3_x1) + x1);
561:     /* PetscDraw the line */
562:     rc_lc = rc - lc;
563:     rx_lx = rx - lx;
564:     if (rx > lx) {
565:       for (xx=lx; xx<=rx; xx++) {
566:         c = (int)(((xx-lx) * (rc_lc)) / (rx_lx) + lc);
567:         PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(ps->ps_file,"%g %g %g cn",rgb[0][c],rgb[1][c],rgb[2][c]);
568:         PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(ps->ps_file,"%g %g m %g %g ln",xx,y,xx+1,y);
569:       }
570:     } else if (rx < lx) {
571:       for (xx=lx; xx>=rx; xx--) {
572:         c = (int)(((xx-lx) * (rc_lc)) / (rx_lx) + lc);
573:         PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(ps->ps_file,"%g %g %g cn",rgb[0][c],rgb[1][c],rgb[2][c]);
574:         PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(ps->ps_file,"%g %g m %g %g ln",xx,y,xx+1,y);
575:       }
576:     } else {
577:       c = (int)lc;
578:       PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(ps->ps_file,"%g %g %g cn",rgb[0][c],rgb[1][c],rgb[2][c]);
579:       PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(ps->ps_file,"%g %g m %g %g ln",lx,y,lx+1,y);
580:     }
581:   }
582:   PetscViewerASCIISynchronizedPrintf(ps->ps_file,"grestoren");
583:   return(0);
584: }