Actual source code: dgcoor.c

  1: /*$Id: dgcoor.c,v 1.29 2001/03/23 23:20:08 balay Exp $*/
  2: /*
  3:        Provides the calling sequences for all the basic PetscDraw routines.
  4: */
 5:  #include src/sys/src/draw/drawimpl.h

  7: #undef __FUNCT__  
  9: /*@
 10:    PetscDrawGetCoordinates - Gets the application coordinates of the corners of
 11:    the window (or page).

 13:    Not Collective

 15:    Input Parameter:
 16: .  draw - the drawing object

 18:    Level: advanced

 20:    Ouput Parameters:
 21: .  xl,yl,xr,yr - the coordinates of the lower left corner and upper
 22:                  right corner of the drawing region.

 24:    Concepts: drawing^coordinates
 25:    Concepts: graphics^coordinates

 27: .seealso: PetscDrawSetCoordinates()

 29: @*/
 30: int PetscDrawGetCoordinates(PetscDraw draw,PetscReal *xl,PetscReal *yl,PetscReal *xr,PetscReal *yr)
 31: {
 38:   *xl = draw->coor_xl; *yl = draw->coor_yl;
 39:   *xr = draw->coor_xr; *yr = draw->coor_yr;
 40:   return(0);
 41: }