Actual source code: smatlab.c

  1: /* $Id: smatlab.c,v 1.12 2001/03/23 23:20:30 balay Exp $ */

 3:  #include petsc.h
 4:  #include petscsys.h

  6: #undef __FUNCT__
  8: /*@C
  9:     PetscStartMatlab - starts up Matlab with a Matlab script

 11:     Collective on MPI_Comm, but only processor zero in the communicator does anything

 13:     Input Parameters:
 14: +     comm - MPI communicator
 15: .     machine - optional machine to run Matlab on
 16: -     script - name of script (without the .m)

 18:     Output Parameter:
 19: .     fp - a file pointer returned from PetscPOpen()

 21:     Level: intermediate

 23:     Notes: 
 24:      This overwrites your matlab/startup.m file

 26:      The script must be in your Matlab path or current directory

 28:      Assumes that all machines share a common file system

 30: .seealso: PetscPOpen(), PetscPClose()
 31: @*/
 32: int PetscStartMatlab(MPI_Comm comm,char *machine,char *script,FILE **fp)
 33: {
 34:   int  ierr;
 35:   FILE *fd;
 36:   char command[512];
 37: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_UCBPS)
 38:   char buf[1024],*found;
 39:   int  rank;
 40: #endif

 44: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_UCBPS)
 45:   /* check if Matlab is not already running */
 46:   PetscPOpen(comm,machine,"/usr/ucb/ps -ugxww | grep matlab | grep -v grep","r",&fd);
 47:   MPI_Comm_rank(comm,&rank);
 48:   if (!rank) {
 49:     found = fgets(buf,1024,fd);
 50:   }
 51:   MPI_Bcast(&found,1,MPI_CHAR,0,comm);
 52:   PetscFClose(comm,fd);
 53:   if (found) return(0);
 54: #endif

 56:   if (script) {
 57:     /* the remote machine won't know about current directory, so add it to Matlab path */
 58:     /* the extra " are to protect possible () in the script command from the shell */
 59:     sprintf(command,"echo "delete ${HOMEDIRECTORY}/matlab/startup.m ; path(path,'${WORKINGDIRECTORY}'); %s  " > ${HOMEDIRECTORY}/matlab/startup.m",script);
 60:     PetscPOpen(comm,machine,command,"r",&fd);
 61:     PetscFClose(comm,fd);
 62:   }

 64:   PetscPOpen(comm,machine,"xterm -display ${DISPLAY} -e matlab -nosplash","r",fp);

 66:   return(0);
 67: }