Actual source code: cookie.c

  1: /*$Id: cookie.c,v 1.26 2001/03/23 23:20:38 balay Exp $*/

 3:  #include petsc.h

  5: #undef __FUNCT__  
  7: /*@
  8:     PetscRegisterCookie - Registers a new cookie for use with a
  9:     newly created PETSc object class.  The user should pass in
 10:     a variable initialized to zero; then it will be assigned a cookie.
 11:     Repeated calls to this routine with the same variable will 
 12:     not change the cookie. 

 14:     Not Collective

 16:     Output Parameter:
 17: .   cookie - the cookie you have been assigned

 19:     Level: developer

 21:     Note:
 22:     The initial cookie variable MUST be set to zero on the
 23:     first call to this routine.

 25:     Concepts: cookie^getting new one

 27: @*/
 28: int PetscRegisterCookie(int *cookie)
 29: {
 30:   SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_SUP, "This function is now obsolete. Please use PetscLogClassRegister().");
 31: }