Actual source code: ptime.h

  1: /* $Id: ptime.h,v 1.72 2001/01/15 21:44:04 bsmith Exp $ */
  2: /*
  3:        Low cost access to system time. This, in general, should not
  4:      be included in user programs.
  5: */

 10:  #include petsc.h
 11: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_SYS_TIME_H)
 12: #include <sys/types.h>
 13: #include <sys/time.h>
 14: #endif
 17: EXTERN int gettimeofday(struct timeval *,struct timezone *);
 19: #endif

 21: /*
 22:    PetscTime - Returns the current time of day in seconds.  

 24:    Output Parameter:
 25: .  v - time counter

 27:    Synopsis:
 28:    PetscTime(PetscLogDouble v)

 30:    Usage: 
 31:      PetscLogDouble v;
 32:      PetscTime(v);
 33:      .... perform some calculation ...
 34:      printf("Time for operation %gn",v);

 36:    Notes:
 37:    Since the PETSc libraries incorporate timing of phases and operations, 
 38:    PetscTime() is intended only for timing of application codes.  
 39:    The options database commands -log, -log_summary, and -log_all activate
 40:    PETSc library timing.  See the users manual for further details.

 42: .seealso:  PetscTimeSubtract(), PetscTimeAdd()

 44: .keywords:  Petsc, time
 45: */

 47: /*
 48:    PetscTimeSubtract - Subtracts the current time of day (in seconds) from
 49:    the value v.  

 51:    Input Parameter:
 52: .  v - time counter

 54:    Output Parameter:
 55: .  v - time counter (v = v - current time)

 57:    Synopsis:
 58:    PetscTimeSubtract(PetscLogDouble v)

 60:    Notes:
 61:    Since the PETSc libraries incorporate timing of phases and operations, 
 62:    PetscTimeSubtract() is intended only for timing of application codes.  
 63:    The options database commands -log, -log_summary, and -log_all activate
 64:    PETSc library timing.  See the users manual for further details.

 66: .seealso:  PetscTime(), PetscTimeAdd()

 68: .keywords:  Petsc, time, subtract
 69: */

 71: /*
 72:    PetscTimeAdd - Adds the current time of day (in seconds) to the value v.  

 74:    Input Parameter:
 75: .  v - time counter

 77:    Output Parameter:
 78: .  v - time counter (v = v + current time)

 80:    Synopsis:
 81:    PetscTimeAdd(PetscLogDouble v)

 83:    Notes:
 84:    Since the PETSc libraries incorporate timing of phases and operations, 
 85:    PetscTimeAdd() is intended only for timing of application codes.  
 86:    The options database commands -log, -log_summary, and -log_all activate
 87:    PETSc library timing.  See the users manual for further details.

 89: .seealso:  PetscTime(), PetscTimeSubtract()

 91: .keywords:  Petsc, time, add
 92: */

 94: /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
 95:     Some machines have very fast MPI_Wtime()
 96: */
 97: #if (defined(PETSC_HAVE_FAST_MPI_WTIME) && !defined(_petsc_mpi_uni))
 98: #define PetscTime(v)         (v)=MPI_Wtime();

100: #define PetscTimeSubtract(v) (v)-=MPI_Wtime();

102: #define PetscTimeAdd(v)      (v)+=MPI_Wtime();

104: /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
105:    Power1,2,3,PC machines have a fast clock read_real_time()
106: */
107: #elif defined(PETSC_USE_READ_REAL_TIME)
108: EXTERN PetscLogDouble rs6000_time(void);
109: #define PetscTime(v)         (v)=rs6000_time();

111: #define PetscTimeSubtract(v) (v)-=rs6000_time();

113: #define PetscTimeAdd(v)      (v)+=rs6000_time();

115: /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
116:     Dec Alpha has a very fast system clock accessible through getclock()
117:     getclock() doesn't seem to have a prototype for C++
118: */
119: #elif defined(PETSC_USE_GETCLOCK)
121: EXTERN int getclock(int clock_type,struct timespec *tp);

125: #define PetscTime(v)         {static struct  timespec _tp; 
126:                              getclock(TIMEOFDAY,&_tp); 
127:                              (v)=((PetscLogDouble)_tp.tv_sec)+(1.0e-9)*(_tp.tv_nsec);}

129: #define PetscTimeSubtract(v) {static struct timespec  _tp; 
130:                              getclock(TIMEOFDAY,&_tp); 
131:                              (v)-=((PetscLogDouble)_tp.tv_sec)+(1.0e-9)*(_tp.tv_nsec);}

133: #define PetscTimeAdd(v)      {static struct timespec  _tp; 
134:                              getclock(TIMEOFDAY,&_tp); 
135:                              (v)+=((PetscLogDouble)_tp.tv_sec)+(1.0e-9)*(_tp.tv_nsec);}

137: /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
138:    ASCI RED machine has a fast clock accessiable through dclock() 
139: */
140: #elif defined (PETSC_USE_DCLOCK)
142: EXTERN PetscLogDouble dclock();

145: #define PetscTime(v)         (v)=dclock();

147: #define PetscTimeSubtract(v) (v)-=dclock();

149: #define PetscTimeAdd(v)      (v)+=dclock();

152: /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
153:    NT uses a special time code
154: */
155: #elif defined (PETSC_USE_NT_TIME)
156: #include <time.h>
157: EXTERN PetscLogDouble nt_time(void);
158: #define PetscTime(v)         (v)=nt_time();

160: #define PetscTimeSubtract(v) (v)-=nt_time();

162: #define PetscTimeAdd(v)      (v)+=nt_time();

164: /* ------------------------------------------------------------------
165:     The usual Unix time routines.
166: */
167: #else
168: #define PetscTime(v)         {static struct timeval _tp; 
169:                              gettimeofday(&_tp,(struct timezone *)0);
170:                              (v)=((PetscLogDouble)_tp.tv_sec)+(1.0e-6)*(_tp.tv_usec);}

172: #define PetscTimeSubtract(v) {static struct timeval _tp; 
173:                              gettimeofday(&_tp,(struct timezone *)0);
174:                              (v)-=((PetscLogDouble)_tp.tv_sec)+(1.0e-6)*(_tp.tv_usec);}

176: #define PetscTimeAdd(v)      {static struct timeval _tp; 
177:                              gettimeofday(&_tp,(struct timezone *)0);
178:                              (v)+=((PetscLogDouble)_tp.tv_sec)+(1.0e-6)*(_tp.tv_usec);}
179: #endif

181: #endif