Actual source code: fdate.c

  1: /* $Id: fdate.c,v 1.41 2001/03/23 23:20:44 balay Exp $*/

 3:  #include petsc.h
 4:  #include petscsys.h
  5: #include "petscfix.h"
  6: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_SYS_TIME_H)
  7: #include <sys/types.h>
  8: #include <sys/time.h>
  9: #endif
 10: #include <time.h>
 13: EXTERN int gettimeofday(struct timeval *,struct timezone *);
 15: #endif

 17: static char starttime[256];
 19: /*
 20:   This function is called once during the initialize stage.
 21:   It stashes the timestamp, and uses it when needed. This is so that 
 22:   error handlers may report the date without generating possible
 23:   additional system errors during the call to get the date.

 25: */
 26: #undef __FUNCT__  
 28: /*@C
 29:     PetscGetDate - Gets the current date.

 31:    Not collective

 33:   Input Parameter:
 34: .  len - length of string to hold date

 36:   Output Parameter:
 37: .  date - the date

 39:   Level: beginner

 41:   Notes:
 42:     This is Y2K compliant.

 44:     This function DOES make a system call and thus SHOULD NOT be called
 45:     from an error handler. Use PetscGetInitialDate() instead.

 47: .seealso: PetscGetInitialDate()

 49: @*/
 50: int PetscGetDate(char date[],int len)
 51: {
 52:   char           *str=0;
 53: #if defined (PARCH_win32)
 54:   time_t         aclock;
 55:   int            ierr;
 56: #else
 57:   struct timeval tp;
 58:   int            ierr;
 59: #endif

 62: #if defined (PARCH_win32)
 63:   time(&aclock);
 64:   PetscStrncpy(date,asctime(localtime(&aclock)),len);
 65: #else
 66:   gettimeofday(&tp,(struct timezone *)0);
 67:   PetscStrncpy(date,asctime(localtime((time_t*)&tp.tv_sec)),len);
 68: #endif
 69:   /* now strip out the new-line chars at the end of the string */
 70:   PetscStrstr(date,"n",&str);
 71:   if (str) str[0] = 0;
 72:   return(0);
 73: }

 75: #undef __FUNCT__  
 77: int PetscSetInitialDate(void)
 78: {
 81:   PetscGetDate(starttime,256);
 82:   return(0);
 83: }

 85: #undef __FUNCT__  
 87: /*@C
 88:     PetscGetInitialDate - Gets the date the program was started 
 89:       on.

 91:    Not collective

 93:   Input Parameter:
 94: .  len - length of string to hold date

 96:   Output Parameter:
 97: .  date - the date

 99:   Level: beginner

101:   Notes:
102:     This is Y2K compliant.

104:     This function does not make a system call and thus may be called
105:     from an error handler.

107: .seealso: PetscGetDate()

109: @*/
110: int PetscGetInitialDate(char date[],int len)
111: {

115:   PetscStrncpy(date,starttime,len);
116:   return(0);
117: }