Actual source code: random.c

  1: /*$Id: random.c,v 1.60 2001/08/07 03:02:06 balay Exp $*/
  2: /*
  3:     This file contains routines for interfacing to random number generators.
  4:     This provides more than just an interface to some system random number
  5:     generator:

  7:     Numbers can be shuffled for use as random tuples

  9:     Multiple random number generators may be used

 11:     We are still not sure what interface we want here.  There should be
 12:     one to reinitialize and set the seed.
 13:  */

 15:  #include petsc.h
 16:  #include petscsys.h
 17: #include <stdlib.h>


 21: /* Private data */
 22: struct _p_PetscRandom {
 23:   PETSCHEADER(int)
 24:   unsigned    long seed;
 25:   PetscScalar low,width;       /* lower bound and width of the interval over
 26:                                   which the random numbers are distributed */
 27:   PetscTruth  iset;             /* if true, indicates that the user has set the interval */
 28:   /* array for shuffling ??? */
 29: };

 31: #undef __FUNCT__  
 33: /*@C
 34:    PetscRandomDestroy - Destroys a context that has been formed by 
 35:    PetscRandomCreate().

 37:    Collective on PetscRandom

 39:    Intput Parameter:
 40: .  r  - the random number generator context

 42:    Level: intermediate

 44: .seealso: PetscRandomGetValue(), PetscRandomCreate(), VecSetRandom()
 45: @*/
 46: int PetscRandomDestroy(PetscRandom r)
 47: {
 50:   if (--r->refct > 0) return(0);

 52:   PetscLogObjectDestroy((PetscObject)r);
 53:   PetscHeaderDestroy((PetscObject)r);
 54:   return(0);
 55: }

 57: #undef __FUNCT__  
 59: /*@C
 60:    PetscRandomSetInterval - Sets the interval over which the random numbers
 61:    will be randomly distributed.  By default, this interval is [0,1).

 63:    Collective on PetscRandom

 65:    Input Parameters:
 66: .  r  - the random number generator context

 68:    Example of Usage:
 69: .vb
 70:       PetscRandomCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,RANDOM_DEFAULT,&r);
 71:       PetscRandomSetInterval(RANDOM_DEFAULT,&r);
 72:       PetscRandomGetValue(r,&value1);
 73:       PetscRandomGetValue(r,&value2);
 74:       PetscRandomDestroy(r);
 75: .ve

 77:    Level: intermediate

 79:    Concepts: random numbers^range

 81: .seealso: PetscRandomCreate()
 82: @*/
 83: int PetscRandomSetInterval(PetscRandom r,PetscScalar low,PetscScalar high)
 84: {
 87: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
 88:   if (PetscRealPart(low) >= PetscRealPart(high))           SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"only low < high");
 89:   if (PetscImaginaryPart(low) >= PetscImaginaryPart(high)) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"only low < high");
 90: #else
 91:   if (low >= high) SETERRQ2(PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"only low < high: Instead %g %g",low,high);
 92: #endif
 93:   r->low   = low;
 94:   r->width = high-low;
 95:   r->iset  = PETSC_TRUE;
 96:   return(0);
 97: }

 99: /*
100:    For now we have set up using the DRAND48() generater. We need to deal 
101:    with other variants of random number generators. We should also add
102:    a routine to enable restarts [seed48()] 
103: */
104: #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_DRAND48)
106: extern double drand48();
107: extern void   srand48(long);

110: #undef __FUNCT__  
112: /*@C
113:    PetscRandomCreate - Creates a context for generating random numbers,
114:    and initializes the random-number generator.

116:    Collective on MPI_Comm

118:    Input Parameters:
119: +  comm - MPI communicator
120: -  type - the type of random numbers to be generated, usually RANDOM_DEFAULT

122:    Output Parameter:
123: .  r  - the random number generator context

125:    Level: intermediate

127:    Notes:
128:    By default, we generate random numbers via srand48()/drand48() that
129:    are uniformly distributed over [0,1).  The user can shift and stretch
130:    this interval by calling PetscRandomSetInterval().
132:    Currently three types of random numbers are supported. These types
133:    are equivalent when working with real numbers.
134: .     RANDOM_DEFAULT - both real and imaginary components are random
135: .     RANDOM_DEFAULT_REAL - real component is random; imaginary component is 0
136: .     RANDOM_DEFAULT_IMAGINARY - imaginary component is random; real component is 0

138:    Use VecSetRandom() to set the elements of a vector to random numbers.

140:    Example of Usage:
141: .vb
142:       PetscRandomCreate(PETSC_COMM_SELF,RANDOM_DEFAULT,&r);
143:       PetscRandomGetValue(r,&value1);
144:       PetscRandomGetValue(r,&value2);
145:       PetscRandomGetValue(r,&value3);
146:       PetscRandomDestroy(r);
147: .ve

149:    Concepts: random numbers^creating

151: .seealso: PetscRandomGetValue(), PetscRandomSetInterval(), PetscRandomDestroy(), VecSetRandom()
152: @*/
153: int PetscRandomCreate(MPI_Comm comm,PetscRandomType type,PetscRandom *r)
154: {
155:   PetscRandom rr;
156:   int         ierr,rank;

159:   *r = 0;
161:     SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Not for this random number type");
162:   }
163:   PetscHeaderCreate(rr,_p_PetscRandom,int,PETSC_RANDOM_COOKIE,type,"random",comm,PetscRandomDestroy,0);
164:   PetscLogObjectCreate(rr);
165:   rr->low   = 0.0;
166:   rr->width = 1.0;
167:   rr->iset  = PETSC_FALSE;
168:   rr->seed  = 0;
169:   MPI_Comm_rank(comm,&rank);
170:   srand48(0x12345678+rank);
171:   *r = rr;
172:   return(0);
173: }

175: #undef __FUNCT__  
177: /*@C
178:    PetscRandomGetValue - Generates a random number.  Call this after first calling
179:    PetscRandomCreate().

181:    Not Collective

183:    Intput Parameter:
184: .  r  - the random number generator context

186:    Output Parameter:
187: .  val - the value

189:    Level: intermediate

191:    Notes:
192:    Use VecSetRandom() to set the elements of a vector to random numbers.

194:    Example of Usage:
195: .vb
196:       PetscRandomCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD,RANDOM_DEFAULT,&r);
197:       PetscRandomGetValue(r,&value1);
198:       PetscRandomGetValue(r,&value2);
199:       PetscRandomGetValue(r,&value3);
200:       PetscRandomDestroy(r);
201: .ve

203:    Concepts: random numbers^getting

205: .seealso: PetscRandomCreate(), PetscRandomDestroy(), VecSetRandom()
206: @*/
207: int PetscRandomGetValue(PetscRandom r,PetscScalar *val)
208: {
211: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
212:   if (r->type == RANDOM_DEFAULT) {
213:     if (r->iset == PETSC_TRUE) {
214:          *val = PetscRealPart(r->width)*drand48() + PetscRealPart(r->low) +
215:                 (PetscImaginaryPart(r->width)*drand48() + PetscImaginaryPart(r->low)) * PETSC_i;
216:     }
217:     else *val = drand48() + drand48()*PETSC_i;
218:   } else if (r->type == RANDOM_DEFAULT_REAL) {
219:     if (r->iset == PETSC_TRUE) *val = PetscRealPart(r->width)*drand48() + PetscRealPart(r->low);
220:     else                       *val = drand48();
221:   } else if (r->type == RANDOM_DEFAULT_IMAGINARY) {
222:     if (r->iset == PETSC_TRUE) *val = (PetscImaginaryPart(r->width)*drand48()+PetscImaginaryPart(r->low))*PETSC_i;
223:     else                       *val = drand48()*PETSC_i;
224:   } else {
225:     SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Invalid random number type");
226:   }
227: #else
228:   if (r->iset == PETSC_TRUE) *val = r->width * drand48() + r->low;
229:   else                       *val = drand48();
230: #endif
231:   return(0);
232: }

234: #elif defined(PETSC_HAVE_RAND)

236: #undef __FUNCT__  
238: int PetscRandomCreate(MPI_Comm comm,PetscRandomType type,PetscRandom *r)
239: {
240:   PetscRandom rr;
241:   int      rank,ierr;

244:   PetscLogInfo(0,"PetscRandomCreate: using rand(). not as efficinet as dran48n");
245:   *r = 0;
247:     SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Not for this random number type");
248:   }
249:   PetscHeaderCreate(rr,_p_PetscRandom,int,PETSC_RANDOM_COOKIE,type,"random",comm,PetscRandomDestroy,0);
250:   PetscLogObjectCreate(rr);
251:   rr->low   = 0.0;
252:   rr->width = 1.0;
253:   rr->iset  = PETSC_FALSE;
254:   rr->seed  = 0;
255:   MPI_Comm_rank(comm,&rank);
256:   srand(0x12345678+rank);
257:   *r = rr;
258:   return(0);
259: }

261: #define RAND_WRAP() (rand()/(double)((unsigned int)RAND_MAX+1))
262: #undef __FUNCT__  
264: int PetscRandomGetValue(PetscRandom r,PetscScalar *val)
265: {
268: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
269:   if (r->type == RANDOM_DEFAULT) {
270:     if (r->iset == PETSC_TRUE)
271:          *val = PetscRealPart(r->width)*RAND_WRAP() + PetscRealPart(r->low) +
272:                 (PetscImaginaryPart(r->width)*RAND_WRAP() + PetscImaginaryPart(r->low)) * PETSC_i;
273:     else *val = RAND_WRAP() + RAND_WRAP()*PETSC_i;
274:   } else if (r->type == RANDOM_DEFAULT_REAL) {
275:     if (r->iset == PETSC_TRUE) *val = PetscRealPart(r->width)*RAND_WRAP() + PetscRealPart(r->low);
276:     else                       *val = RAND_WRAP();
277:   } else if (r->type == RANDOM_DEFAULT_IMAGINARY) {
278:     if (r->iset == PETSC_TRUE) *val = (PetscImaginaryPart(r->width)*RAND_WRAP()+PetscImaginaryPart(r->low))*PETSC_i;
279:     else                       *val = RAND_WRAP()*PETSC_i;
280:   } else SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_ARG_OUTOFRANGE,"Invalid random number type");
281: #else
282:   if (r->iset == PETSC_TRUE) *val = r->width * RAND_WRAP() + r->low;
283:   else                       *val = RAND_WRAP();
284: #endif
285:   return(0);
286: }

288: #else
289: /* Should put a simple, portable random number generator here? */

291: extern double drand48();

293: #undef __FUNCT__  
295: int PetscRandomCreate(MPI_Comm comm,PetscRandomType type,PetscRandom *r)
296: {
297:   PetscRandom rr;
298:   char        arch[10];
299:   int         ierr;

302:   *r = 0;
303:   if (type != RANDOM_DEFAULT) SETERRQ(PETSC_ERR_SUP,"Not for this random number type");
304:   PetscHeaderCreate(rr,_p_PetscRandom,int,PETSC_RANDOM_COOKIE,type,"random",comm,PetscRandomDestroy,0);
305:   PetscLogObjectCreate(rr);
306:   *r = rr;
307:   PetscGetArchType(arch,10);
308:   PetscPrintf(comm,"PetscRandomCreate: Warning: Random number generator not set for machine %s; using fake random numbers.n",arch);
309:   return(0);
310: }

312: #undef __FUNCT__  
314: int PetscRandomGetValue(PetscRandom r,PetscScalar *val)
315: {
318: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
319:   *val = (0.5,0.5);
320: #else
321:   *val = 0.5;
322: #endif
323:   return(0);
324: }
325: #endif