Actual source code: ebvec1.c

  4: /*$Id: ebvec1.c,v 1.9 2001/09/26 17:10:29 balay Exp $*/

 7:  #include src/vec/vecimpl.h
 8:  #include src/vec/impls/dvecimpl.h
 9:  #include esi/petsc/vector.h

 11: typedef struct {
 12:   ::esi::Vector<double,int> *evec;
 13: } Vec_ESI;

 15: /*
 16:     Wraps a PETSc vector to look like an ESI vector and stashes the wrapper inside the
 17:   PETSc vector. If PETSc vector already had wrapper uses that instead.
 18: */
 19: #undef __FUNCT__  
 21: int VecESIWrap(Vec xin,::esi::Vector<double,int> **v)
 22: {
 23:   esi::petsc::Vector<double,int> *t;
 24:   int                             ierr;

 27:   if (!xin->esivec) {
 28:     t = new esi::petsc::Vector<double,int>(xin);
 29:     t->getInterface("esi::Vector",xin->esivec);
 30:   }
 31:   *v = reinterpret_cast<esi::Vector<double,int>* >(xin->esivec);
 32:   return(0);
 33: }

 35: #undef __FUNCT__  
 37: /*@C
 38:   VecESISetVector - Takes a PETSc vector sets it to type ESI and 
 39:   provides the ESI vector that it wraps to look like a PETSc vector.

 41:   Level: intermediate

 43: @*/
 44:  int VecESISetVector(Vec xin,::esi::Vector<double,int> *v)
 45: {
 46:   Vec_ESI    *x;
 47:   PetscTruth tesi;
 48:   int        ierr;

 51:   PetscTypeCompare((PetscObject)xin,0,&tesi);
 52:   if (tesi) {
 53:     VecSetType(xin,VECESI);
 54:   }
 55:   PetscTypeCompare((PetscObject)xin,VECESI,&tesi);
 56:   if (tesi) {
 57:     int                      n,N;
 58:     ::esi::IndexSpace<int>   *map;

 60:     v->getGlobalSize(N);
 61:     if (xin->N == -1) xin->N = N;
 62:     else if (xin->N != N) SETERRQ2(1,"Global size of Vec %d not equal size of esi::Vector %d",xin->N,N);

 64:     v->getIndexSpace(map);
 65:     map->getLocalSize(n);
 66:     if (xin->n == -1) xin->n = n;
 67:     else if (xin->n != n) SETERRQ2(1,"Local size of Vec %d not equal size of esi::Vector %d",xin->n,n);

 69:     x       = (Vec_ESI*)xin->data;
 70:     x->evec = v;
 71:     v->addReference();
 72:     if (!xin->map){
 73:       PetscMapCreateMPI(xin->comm,n,N,&xin->map);
 74:     }
 75:     VecStashCreate_Private(xin->comm,1,&xin->stash);
 76:     VecStashCreate_Private(xin->comm,xin->bs,&xin->bstash);
 77:     (v)->getInterface("esi::Vector",xin->esivec);
 78:   }
 79:   return(0);
 80: }

 82: /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

 84: #undef __FUNCT__  
 86: int VecPlaceArray_ESI(Vec vin,const PetscScalar *a)
 87: {
 88:   Vec_ESI                                *v = (Vec_ESI *)vin->data;
 89:   ::esi::VectorReplaceAccess<double,int> *vr;
 90:   int                                    ierr;

 93:   v->evec->getInterface("esi::VectorReplaceAccess",reinterpret_cast<void *&>(vr));
 94:   vr->setArrayPointer((PetscScalar*)a,vin->n);
 95:   return(0);
 96: }

 98: #undef __FUNCT__  
100: int VecSet_ESI(const PetscScalar *alpha,Vec xin)
101: {
102:   Vec_ESI *x = (Vec_ESI*)xin->data;
103:   int     ierr;

106:   x->evec->put(*alpha);
107:   return(0);
108: }

110: #undef __FUNCT__  
112: int VecDuplicate_ESI(Vec xin,Vec *xout)
113: {
114:   Vec_ESI                   *x = (Vec_ESI*)xin->data;
115:   int                       ierr;
116:   ::esi::Vector<double,int> *nevec;

119:   VecCreate(xin->comm,xout);
120:   VecSetSizes(*xout,xin->n,xin->N);
121:   x->evec->clone(nevec);
122:   VecESISetVector(*xout,nevec);
123:   nevec->deleteReference();
124:   return(0);
125: }

127: #undef __FUNCT__  
129: int VecDot_ESI(Vec xin,Vec yin,PetscScalar *z)
130: {
131:   Vec_ESI                   *x = (Vec_ESI*)xin->data;
132:   int                       ierr;
133:   ::esi::Vector<double,int> *ytmp;

136:   /* Make yin look like an esi:Vector */
137:   VecESIWrap(yin,&ytmp);
138:   x->evec->dot(*ytmp,*z);
139:   return(0);
140: }

142: #undef __FUNCT__  
144: int VecAXPY_ESI(const PetscScalar *a,Vec xin,Vec yin)
145: {
146:   Vec_ESI                   *x = (Vec_ESI*)xin->data;
147:   int                       ierr;
148:   ::esi::Vector<double,int> *ytmp;

151:   /* Make yin look like an esi:Vector */
152:   VecESIWrap(yin,&ytmp);
153:   ytmp->axpy(*x->evec,*a);
154:   return(0);
155: }

157: #undef __FUNCT__  
159: int VecAYPX_ESI(const PetscScalar *a,Vec xin,Vec yin)
160: {
161:   Vec_ESI                   *x = (Vec_ESI*)xin->data;
162:   int                       ierr;
163:   ::esi::Vector<double,int> *ytmp;

166:   /* Make yin look like an esi:Vector */
167:   VecESIWrap(yin,&ytmp);
168:   ytmp->aypx(*a,*x->evec);
169:   return(0);
170: }

172: #undef __FUNCT__  
174: int VecWAXPY_ESI(const PetscScalar *a,Vec xin,Vec yin,Vec win)
175: {
176:   Vec_ESI                   *x = (Vec_ESI*)xin->data;
177:   int                       ierr;
178:   ::esi::Vector<double,int> *ytmp,*wtmp;

181:   /* Make yin look like an esi:Vector */
182:   VecESIWrap(yin,&ytmp);
183:   VecESIWrap(win,&wtmp);
184:   wtmp->axpby(*a,*x->evec,1.0,*ytmp);
185:   return(0);
186: }

188: #undef __FUNCT__  
190: int VecCopy_ESI(Vec xin,Vec yin)
191: {
192:   Vec_ESI                   *x = (Vec_ESI*)xin->data;
193:   int                       ierr;
194:   ::esi::Vector<double,int> *ytmp;

197:   if (xin != yin) {
198:     /* Make yin look like an esi:Vector */
199:     VecESIWrap(yin,&ytmp);
200:     ytmp->copy(*x->evec);
201:   }
202:   return(0);
203: }

205: #undef __FUNCT__  
207: int VecPointwiseMult_ESI(Vec xin,Vec yin,Vec zin)
208: {
209:   Vec_ESI                   *x = (Vec_ESI*)xin->data;
210:   int                       ierr;
211:   ::esi::Vector<double,int> *ztmp;

214:   if (zin != yin) {
215:     VecCopy(yin,zin);
216:   }

218:   /* Make zin look like an esi:Vector */
219:   VecESIWrap(zin,&ztmp);
220:   ztmp->scaleDiagonal(*x->evec);
221:   return(0);
222: }

224: #undef __FUNCT__  
226: int VecPointwiseDivide_ESI(Vec xin,Vec yin,Vec win)
227: {
228:   int          n = xin->n,i,ierr;
229:   PetscScalar  *xx,*yy,*ww;

232:   VecGetArrayFast(yin,&yy);
233:   if (yin != xin) {VecGetArrayFast(xin,&xx);}
234:   else xx = yy;
235:   if (yin != win) {VecGetArrayFast(win,&ww);}
236:   else ww = yy;
237:   for (i=0; i<n; i++) ww[i] = xx[i] / yy[i];
238:   VecRestoreArrayFast(yin,&yy);
239:   if (yin != win) {VecRestoreArrayFast(win,&ww);}
240:   if (xin != win) {VecRestoreArrayFast(xin,&xx);}
241:   return(0);
242: }

244:  #include petscblaslapack.h
245: /*
246:     ESI does not provide a method for this 
247: */
248: #undef __FUNCT__  
250: int VecSwap_ESI(Vec xin,Vec yin)
251: {

255:   if (xin != yin) {
256:     PetscScalar *ya,*xa;
257:     int         one = 1;

259:     VecGetArrayFast(yin,&ya);
260:     VecGetArrayFast(xin,&xa);
261:     BLswap_(&xin->n,xa,&one,ya,&one);
262:     VecRestoreArrayFast(xin,&xa);
263:     VecRestoreArrayFast(yin,&ya);
264:   }
265:   return(0);
266: }

268: #undef __FUNCT__  
270: int VecMDot_ESI(int nv,Vec xin,const Vec yin[],PetscScalar *z)
271: {
272:   Vec_ESI                   *x = (Vec_ESI *)xin->data;
273:   int                       ierr,i;
274:   ::esi::Vector<double,int> *ytmp;

277:   for (i=0; i<nv; i++) {
278:     /* Make yin look like an esi:Vector */
279:     VecESIWrap(yin[i],&ytmp);
280:     x->evec->dot(*ytmp,z[i]);
281:   }
282:   return(0);
283: }

286: #undef __FUNCT__  
288: int VecMAXPY_ESI(int nv,const PetscScalar *a,Vec xin, Vec yin[])
289: {
290:   Vec_ESI                   *x = (Vec_ESI *)xin->data;
291:   int                       ierr,i;
292:   ::esi::Vector<double,int> *ytmp;

295:   for (i=0; i<nv; i++) {
296:     /* Make yin look like an esi:Vector */
297:     VecESIWrap(yin[i],&ytmp);
298:     x->evec->axpy(*ytmp,a[i]);
299:   }
300:   return(0);
301: }

304: #undef __FUNCT__  
306: int VecGetSize_ESI(Vec vin,int *size)
307: {
308:   Vec_ESI *x = (Vec_ESI*)vin->data;
309:   int     ierr;

312:   x->evec->getGlobalSize(*size);
313:   return(0);
314: }

316: #undef __FUNCT__  
318: int VecGetLocalSize_ESI(Vec vin,int *size)
319: {
320:   Vec_ESI                  *x = (Vec_ESI*)vin->data;
321:   int                      ierr;
322:   ::esi::IndexSpace<int>   *map;

325:   x->evec->getIndexSpace(map);
326:   map->getLocalSize(*size);
327:   return(0);
328: }

330: #undef __FUNCT__  
332: int VecGetArray_ESI(Vec vin,PetscScalar **array)
333: {
334:   Vec_ESI *x = (Vec_ESI*)vin->data;
335:   int     ierr;

338:   x->evec->getCoefPtrReadWriteLock(*array);
339:   return(0);
340: }

342: #undef __FUNCT__  
344: int VecRestoreArray_ESI(Vec vin,PetscScalar **array)
345: {
346:   Vec_ESI *x = (Vec_ESI*)vin->data;
347:   int     ierr;

350:   x->evec->releaseCoefPtrLock(*array);
351:   return(0);
352: }

354: #undef __FUNCT__  
356: int VecScale_ESI(const PetscScalar *array,Vec vin)
357: {
358:   Vec_ESI *x = (Vec_ESI*)vin->data;
359:   int     ierr;

362:   x->evec->scale(*array);
363:   return(0);
364: }

366: #undef __FUNCT__  
368: int VecNorm_ESI(Vec vin,NormType ntype,PetscReal *norm)
369: {
370:   Vec_ESI *x = (Vec_ESI*)vin->data;
371:   int     ierr;

374:   if (ntype == NORM_2) {
375:     x->evec->norm2(*norm);
376:   } else if (ntype == NORM_1) {
377:     x->evec->norm1(*norm);
378:   } else if (ntype == NORM_INFINITY) {
379:     x->evec->normInfinity(*norm);
380:   } else SETERRQ1(1,"Unknown NormType %d",ntype);
381:   return(0);
382: }

384: extern int VecSetValues_MPI(Vec,int,const int[],const PetscScalar[],InsertMode);
385: extern int VecAssemblyBegin_MPI(Vec);
386: extern int VecAssemblyEnd_MPI(Vec);
387: extern int VecView_MPI(Vec,PetscViewer);
388: extern int VecReciprocal_Default(Vec);
389: extern int VecSetRandom_Seq(PetscRandom,Vec);
390: extern int VecSetValuesBlocked_MPI(Vec,int,const int[],const PetscScalar[],InsertMode);
391: extern int VecMax_MPI(Vec,int*,PetscReal*);
392: extern int VecMin_MPI(Vec,int*,PetscReal*);

394: /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

396: #undef __FUNCT__  
398: int VecDestroy_ESI(Vec v)
399: {
400:   Vec_ESI *vs = (Vec_ESI*)v->data;
401:   int     ierr;

404:   if (vs->evec) {
405:     vs->evec->deleteReference();
406:   }
407:   VecStashDestroy_Private(&v->bstash);
408:   VecStashDestroy_Private(&v->stash);
409:   PetscFree(vs);
410:   return(0);
411: }

414: #undef __FUNCT__  
416: int VecCreate_PetscESI(Vec V)
417: {
418:   int                            ierr;
419:   Vec                            v;
420:   esi::petsc::Vector<double,int> *ve;

423:   V->ops->destroy = 0;  /* since this is called from VecSetType() we have to make sure it doesn't get destroyed twice */
424:   VecSetType(V,VECESI);
425:   VecCreate(V->comm,&v);
426:   VecSetSizes(v,V->n,V->N);
427:   if (V->bs > 1) {VecSetBlockSize(v,V->bs);}
428:   PetscObjectSetOptionsPrefix((PetscObject)v,"esi_");
429:   VecSetFromOptions(v);
430:   ve   = new esi::petsc::Vector<double,int>(v);
431:   VecESISetVector(V,ve);
432:   ve->deleteReference();
433:   PetscObjectDereference((PetscObject)v);
434:   return(0);
435: }

438: static struct _VecOps EvOps = {VecDuplicate_ESI,
439:                                VecDuplicateVecs_Default,
440:                                VecDestroyVecs_Default,
441:                                VecDot_ESI,
442:                                VecMDot_ESI,
443:                                VecNorm_ESI,
444:                                0,
445:                                0,
446:                                VecScale_ESI,
447:                                VecCopy_ESI,
448:                                VecSet_ESI,
449:                                VecSwap_ESI,
450:                                VecAXPY_ESI,
451:                                0,
452:                                VecMAXPY_ESI,
453:                                VecAYPX_ESI,
454:                                VecWAXPY_ESI,
455:                                VecPointwiseMult_ESI,
456:                                VecPointwiseDivide_ESI,
457:                                VecSetValues_MPI,
458:                                VecAssemblyBegin_MPI,
459:                                VecAssemblyEnd_MPI,
460:                                VecGetArray_ESI,
461:                                VecGetSize_ESI,
462:                                VecGetLocalSize_ESI,
463:                                VecRestoreArray_ESI,
464:                                VecMax_MPI,
465:                                VecMin_MPI,
466:                                VecSetRandom_Seq,
467:                                0,
468:                                VecSetValuesBlocked_MPI,
469:                                VecDestroy_ESI,
470:                                VecView_MPI,
471:                                VecPlaceArray_ESI,
472:                                0,
473:                                VecDot_Seq,
474:                                VecTDot_Seq,
475:                                VecNorm_Seq,
476:                                0,
477:                                VecReciprocal_Default};

479: #undef __FUNCT__  
481: int VecESISetFromOptions(Vec V)
482: {
483:   char       string[1024];
484:   PetscTruth flg;
485:   int        ierr;
488:   PetscTypeCompare((PetscObject)V,VECESI,&flg);
489:   if (flg) {
490:     PetscOptionsGetString(V->prefix,"-vec_esi_type",string,1024,&flg);
491:     if (flg) {
492:       VecESISetType(V,string);
493:     }
494:   }
495:   return(0);
496: }

500: #undef __FUNCT__  
502: int VecCreate_ESI(Vec V)
503: {
504:   Vec_ESI *s;
505:   int     ierr;
508:   ierr    = PetscNew(Vec_ESI,&s);
509:   ierr    = PetscMemzero(s,sizeof(Vec_ESI));

511:   s->evec        = 0;
512:   V->data        = (void*)s;
513:   V->petscnative = PETSC_FALSE;
514:   V->esivec      = 0;
515:   ierr           = PetscMemcpy(V->ops,&EvOps,sizeof(EvOps));
516:   return(0);
517: }

520: extern PetscFList CCAList;

522: #undef __FUNCT__  
524: /*@C
525:   ESICreateIndexSpace - Creates an esi::IndexSpace using the -is_esi_type type 

527:   Level: beginner
529: @*/
530: int ESICreateIndexSpace(const char * commname,void *comm,int m,::esi::IndexSpace<int>*&v)
531: {
532:   int                             ierr;
533:   ::esi::IndexSpace<int>::Factory *f;
534:   ::esi::IndexSpace<int>::Factory *(*r)(void);
535:   char                            name[PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN];
536:   PetscTruth                      found;

539:   PetscOptionsGetString(PETSC_NULL,"-is_esi_type",name,1024,&found);
540:   if (!found) {
541:     PetscStrcpy(name,"esi::petsc::IndexSpace");
542:   }
543:   PetscFListFind(*(MPI_Comm*)comm,CCAList,name,(void(**)(void))&r);
544:   if (!r) SETERRQ1(1,"Unable to load esi::IndexSpace Factory constructor %s",name);
545:   f    = (*r)();
546:   f->create(commname,comm,m,PETSC_DECIDE,PETSC_DECIDE,v);
547:   delete f;
548:   return(0);
549: }

551: #undef __FUNCT__  
553: /*@C
554:     VecESISetType - Given a PETSc vector of type ESI loads the ESI constructor
555:           by name and wraps the ESI vector to look like a PETSc vector.

557:   Level: intermediate
558: @*/
559: int VecESISetType(Vec V,char *name)
560: {
561:   int                                ierr;
562:   ::esi::Vector<double,int>          *ve;
563:   ::esi::Vector<double,int>::Factory *f,*(*r)(void);
564:   ::esi::IndexSpace<int>             *map;

567:   PetscFListFind(V->comm,CCAList,name,(void(**)(void))&r);
568:   if (!r) SETERRQ1(1,"Unable to load esi::VectorFactory constructor %s",name);
569:   f    = (*r)();
570:   if (V->n == PETSC_DECIDE) {
571:     PetscSplitOwnership(V->comm,&V->n,&V->N);
572:   }
573:   ESICreateIndexSpace("MPI",&V->comm,V->n,map);
574:   f->create(*map,ve);
575:   map->deleteReference();
576:   delete f;
577:   VecESISetVector(V,ve);
578:   ve->deleteReference();
579:   return(0);
580: }

582: #undef __FUNCT__  
584: /*@C
585:     ESILoadFactory - Creates an object for any ESI factory class. Generally does
586:           this by dynamicly loading the constructor.

588:      Collective on MPI_Comm

590:     Input Parameters:
591: +     commname - name of parallel context; currently only "MPI" is supported
592: .     comm - communicator for parallel computing model, currently only MPI_Comm's are supported
593: -     name - name of class the factory constructs, for example "esi::petsc::Vector"

595:     Output Parameter:
596: .     f - the factory object

598:     Notes: The name of the class is the name of the class the factory CONSTRUCTS, not the name
599:            of the factory class

601:   Level: intermediate
602: @*/
603: int ESILoadFactory(char *commname,void *comm,char *classname,void *&f)
604: {
605:   int           ierr;
606:   void          *(*r)();
607:   PetscTruth    flag;

610:   PetscStrcmp(commname,"MPI",&flag);
611:   if (!flag) SETERRQ1(1,"Parallel computing model %s not supported",commname);
612:   PetscFListFind(*(MPI_Comm*)comm,CCAList,classname,(void(**)(void))&r);
613:   if (!r) SETERRQ1(1,"Unable to load constructor %s",classname);
614:   f    = (*r)();
615:   return(0);
616: }