Actual source code: vinv.c

  1: /*$Id: vinv.c,v 1.71 2001/09/11 16:31:37 bsmith Exp $*/
  2: /*
  3:      Some useful vector utility functions.
  4: */
 5:  #include src/vec/vecimpl.h

  7: #undef __FUNCT__  
  9: /*@C
 10:    VecStrideNorm - Computes the norm of subvector of a vector defined 
 11:    by a starting point and a stride.

 13:    Collective on Vec

 15:    Input Parameter:
 16: +  v - the vector 
 17: .  start - starting point of the subvector (defined by a stride)
 18: -  ntype - type of norm, one of NORM_1, NORM_2, NORM_INFINITY

 20:    Output Parameter:
 21: .  norm - the norm

 23:    Notes:
 24:    One must call VecSetBlockSize() before this routine to set the stride 
 25:    information, or use a vector created from a multicomponent DA.

 27:    If x is the array representing the vector x then this computes the norm 
 28:    of the array (x[start],x[start+stride],x[start+2*stride], ....)

 30:    This is useful for computing, say the norm of the pressure variable when
 31:    the pressure is stored (interlaced) with other variables, say density etc.

 33:    This will only work if the desire subvector is a stride subvector

 35:    Level: advanced

 37:    Concepts: norm^on stride of vector
 38:    Concepts: stride^norm

 40: .seealso: VecNorm(), VecStrideGather(), VecStrideScatter(), VecStrideMin(), VecStrideMax()
 41: @*/
 42: int VecStrideNorm(Vec v,int start,NormType ntype,PetscReal *nrm)
 43: {
 44:   int         i,n,ierr,bs;
 45:   PetscScalar *x;
 46:   PetscReal   tnorm;
 47:   MPI_Comm    comm;

 51:   VecGetLocalSize(v,&n);
 52:   VecGetArray(v,&x);
 53:   PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)v,&comm);

 55:   bs   = v->bs;
 56:   if (start >= bs) {
 57:     SETERRQ2(1,"Start of stride subvector (%d) is too large for striden
 58:             Have you set the vector blocksize (%d) correctly with VecSetBlockSize()?",start,bs);
 59:   }
 60:   x += start;

 62:   if (ntype == NORM_2) {
 63:     PetscScalar sum = 0.0;
 64:     for (i=0; i<n; i+=bs) {
 65:       sum += x[i]*(PetscConj(x[i]));
 66:     }
 67:     tnorm  = PetscRealPart(sum);
 68:     ierr   = MPI_Allreduce(&tnorm,nrm,1,MPIU_REAL,MPI_SUM,comm);
 69:     *nrm = sqrt(*nrm);
 70:   } else if (ntype == NORM_1) {
 71:     tnorm = 0.0;
 72:     for (i=0; i<n; i+=bs) {
 73:       tnorm += PetscAbsScalar(x[i]);
 74:     }
 75:     ierr   = MPI_Allreduce(&tnorm,nrm,1,MPIU_REAL,MPI_SUM,comm);
 76:   } else if (ntype == NORM_INFINITY) {
 77:     PetscReal tmp;
 78:     tnorm = 0.0;

 80:     for (i=0; i<n; i+=bs) {
 81:       if ((tmp = PetscAbsScalar(x[i])) > tnorm) tnorm = tmp;
 82:       /* check special case of tmp == NaN */
 83:       if (tmp != tmp) {tnorm = tmp; break;}
 84:     }
 85:     ierr   = MPI_Allreduce(&tnorm,nrm,1,MPIU_REAL,MPI_MAX,comm);
 86:   } else {
 87:     SETERRQ(1,"Unknown norm type");
 88:   }

 90:   VecRestoreArray(v,&x);
 91:   return(0);
 92: }

 94: #undef __FUNCT__  
 96: /*@C
 97:    VecStrideMax - Computes the maximum of subvector of a vector defined 
 98:    by a starting point and a stride and optionally its location.

100:    Collective on Vec

102:    Input Parameter:
103: +  v - the vector 
104: -  start - starting point of the subvector (defined by a stride)

106:    Output Parameter:
107: +  index - the location where the maximum occurred (not supported, pass PETSC_NULL,
108:            if you need this, send mail to to request it)
109: -  nrm - the max

111:    Notes:
112:    One must call VecSetBlockSize() before this routine to set the stride 
113:    information, or use a vector created from a multicomponent DA.

115:    If xa is the array representing the vector x, then this computes the max
116:    of the array (xa[start],xa[start+stride],xa[start+2*stride], ....)

118:    This is useful for computing, say the maximum of the pressure variable when
119:    the pressure is stored (interlaced) with other variables, e.g., density, etc.
120:    This will only work if the desire subvector is a stride subvector.

122:    Level: advanced

124:    Concepts: maximum^on stride of vector
125:    Concepts: stride^maximum

127: .seealso: VecMax(), VecStrideNorm(), VecStrideGather(), VecStrideScatter(), VecStrideMin()
128: @*/
129: int VecStrideMax(Vec v,int start,int *idex,PetscReal *nrm)
130: {
131:   int         i,n,ierr,bs;
132:   PetscScalar *x;
133:   PetscReal   max,tmp;
134:   MPI_Comm    comm;

138:   if (idex) {
139:     SETERRQ(1,"No support yet for returning index; send mail to asking for it");
140:   }
141:   VecGetLocalSize(v,&n);
142:   VecGetArray(v,&x);
143:   PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)v,&comm);

145:   bs   = v->bs;
146:   if (start >= bs) {
147:     SETERRQ2(1,"Start of stride subvector (%d) is too large for striden
148:             Have you set the vector blocksize (%d) correctly with VecSetBlockSize()?",start,bs);
149:   }
150:   x += start;

152:   if (!n) {
153:     max = PETSC_MIN;
154:   } else {
155: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
156:     max = PetscRealPart(x[0]);
157: #else
158:     max = x[0];
159: #endif
160:     for (i=bs; i<n; i+=bs) {
161: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
162:       if ((tmp = PetscRealPart(x[i])) > max) { max = tmp;}
163: #else
164:       if ((tmp = x[i]) > max) { max = tmp; }
165: #endif
166:     }
167:   }
168:   ierr   = MPI_Allreduce(&max,nrm,1,MPIU_REAL,MPI_MAX,comm);

170:   VecRestoreArray(v,&x);
171:   return(0);
172: }

174: #undef __FUNCT__  
176: /*@C
177:    VecStrideMin - Computes the minimum of subvector of a vector defined 
178:    by a starting point and a stride and optionally its location.

180:    Collective on Vec

182:    Input Parameter:
183: +  v - the vector 
184: -  start - starting point of the subvector (defined by a stride)

186:    Output Parameter:
187: +  idex - the location where the minimum occurred (not supported, pass PETSC_NULL,
188:            if you need this, send mail to to request it)
189: -  nrm - the min

191:    Level: advanced

193:    Notes:
194:    One must call VecSetBlockSize() before this routine to set the stride 
195:    information, or use a vector created from a multicomponent DA.

197:    If xa is the array representing the vector x, then this computes the min
198:    of the array (xa[start],xa[start+stride],xa[start+2*stride], ....)

200:    This is useful for computing, say the minimum of the pressure variable when
201:    the pressure is stored (interlaced) with other variables, e.g., density, etc.
202:    This will only work if the desire subvector is a stride subvector.

204:    Concepts: minimum^on stride of vector
205:    Concepts: stride^minimum

207: .seealso: VecMin(), VecStrideNorm(), VecStrideGather(), VecStrideScatter(), VecStrideMax()
208: @*/
209: int VecStrideMin(Vec v,int start,int *idex,PetscReal *nrm)
210: {
211:   int         i,n,ierr,bs;
212:   PetscScalar *x;
213:   PetscReal   min,tmp;
214:   MPI_Comm    comm;

218:   if (idex) {
219:     SETERRQ(1,"No support yet for returning index; send mail to asking for it");
220:   }
221:   VecGetLocalSize(v,&n);
222:   VecGetArray(v,&x);
223:   PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)v,&comm);

225:   bs   = v->bs;
226:   if (start >= bs) {
227:     SETERRQ2(1,"Start of stride subvector (%d) is too large for striden
228:             Have you set the vector blocksize (%d) correctly with VecSetBlockSize()?",start,bs);
229:   }
230:   x += start;

232:   if (!n) {
233:     min = PETSC_MAX;
234:   } else {
235: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
236:     min = PetscRealPart(x[0]);
237: #else
238:     min = x[0];
239: #endif
240:     for (i=bs; i<n; i+=bs) {
241: #if defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
242:       if ((tmp = PetscRealPart(x[i])) < min) { min = tmp;}
243: #else
244:       if ((tmp = x[i]) < min) { min = tmp; }
245: #endif
246:     }
247:   }
248:   ierr   = MPI_Allreduce(&min,nrm,1,MPIU_REAL,MPI_MIN,comm);

250:   VecRestoreArray(v,&x);
251:   return(0);
252: }

254: #undef __FUNCT__  
256: /*@
257:    VecStrideGatherAll - Gathers all the single components from a multi-component vector into
258:    seperate vectors.

260:    Collective on Vec

262:    Input Parameter:
263: +  v - the vector 
264: -  addv - one of ADD_VALUES,SET_VALUES,MAX_VALUES

266:    Output Parameter:
267: .  s - the location where the subvectors are stored

269:    Notes:
270:    One must call VecSetBlockSize() before this routine to set the stride 
271:    information, or use a vector created from a multicomponent DA.

273:    If x is the array representing the vector x then this gathers
274:    the arrays (x[start],x[start+stride],x[start+2*stride], ....)
275:    for start=0,1,2,

277:    The parallel layout of the vector and the subvector must be the same;
278:    i.e., nlocal of v = stride*(nlocal of s) 

280:    Level: advanced

282:    Concepts: gather^into strided vector

284: .seealso: VecStrideNorm(), VecStrideScatter(), VecStrideMin(), VecStrideMax(), VecStrideGather(),
285:           VecStrideScatterAll()
286: @*/
287: int VecStrideGatherAll(Vec v,Vec *s,InsertMode addv)
288: {
289:   int          i,n,ierr,bs,ns,j;
290:   PetscScalar  *x,**y;

295:   VecGetLocalSize(v,&n);
296:   VecGetLocalSize(*s,&ns);
297:   VecGetArray(v,&x);
298:   bs   = v->bs;

300:   PetscMalloc(bs*sizeof(PetscReal*),&y);
301:   for (i=0; i<bs; i++) {
302:     VecGetArray(s[i],&y[i]);
303:   }

305:   if (n != ns*bs) {
306:     SETERRQ2(1,"Subvector length * blocksize %d not correct for gather from original vector %d",ns*bs,n);
307:   }
308:   n =  n/bs;

310:   if (addv == INSERT_VALUES) {
311:     for (j=0; j<bs; j++) {
312:       for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
313:         y[j][i] = x[bs*i+j];
314:       }
315:     }
316:   } else if (addv == ADD_VALUES) {
317:     for (j=0; j<bs; j++) {
318:       for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
319:         y[j][i] += x[bs*i+j];
320:       }
321:     }
322: #if !defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
323:   } else if (addv == MAX_VALUES) {
324:     for (j=0; j<bs; j++) {
325:       for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
326:         y[j][i] = PetscMax(y[j][i],x[bs*i+j]);
327:       }
328:     }
329: #endif
330:   } else {
331:     SETERRQ(1,"Unknown insert type");
332:   }

334:   VecRestoreArray(v,&x);
335:   for (i=0; i<bs; i++) {
336:     VecRestoreArray(s[i],&y[i]);
337:   }
338:   PetscFree(y);
339:   return(0);
340: }
341: #undef __FUNCT__  
343: /*@
344:    VecStrideScatterAll - Scatters all the single components from seperate vectors into 
345:      a multi-component vector.

347:    Collective on Vec

349:    Input Parameter:
350: +  s - the location where the subvectors are stored
351: -  addv - one of ADD_VALUES,SET_VALUES,MAX_VALUES

353:    Output Parameter:
354: .  v - the multicomponent vector 

356:    Notes:
357:    One must call VecSetBlockSize() before this routine to set the stride 
358:    information, or use a vector created from a multicomponent DA.

360:    The parallel layout of the vector and the subvector must be the same;
361:    i.e., nlocal of v = stride*(nlocal of s) 

363:    Level: advanced

365:    Concepts:  scatter^into strided vector

367: .seealso: VecStrideNorm(), VecStrideScatter(), VecStrideMin(), VecStrideMax(), VecStrideGather(),
368:           VecStrideScatterAll()
369: @*/
370: int VecStrideScatterAll(Vec *s,Vec v,InsertMode addv)
371: {
372:   int          i,n,ierr,bs,ns,j;
373:   PetscScalar  *x,**y;

378:   VecGetLocalSize(v,&n);
379:   VecGetLocalSize(*s,&ns);
380:   VecGetArray(v,&x);
381:   bs   = v->bs;

383:   PetscMalloc(bs*sizeof(PetscReal*),&y);
384:   for (i=0; i<bs; i++) {
385:     VecGetArray(s[i],&y[i]);
386:   }

388:   if (n != ns*bs) {
389:     SETERRQ2(1,"Subvector length * blocksize %d not correct for gather from original vector %d",ns*bs,n);
390:   }
391:   n =  n/bs;

393:   if (addv == INSERT_VALUES) {
394:     for (j=0; j<bs; j++) {
395:       for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
396:         x[bs*i+j] = y[j][i];
397:       }
398:     }
399:   } else if (addv == ADD_VALUES) {
400:     for (j=0; j<bs; j++) {
401:       for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
402:         x[bs*i+j] += y[j][i];
403:       }
404:     }
405: #if !defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
406:   } else if (addv == MAX_VALUES) {
407:     for (j=0; j<bs; j++) {
408:       for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
409:         x[bs*i+j] = PetscMax(y[j][i],x[bs*i+j]);
410:       }
411:     }
412: #endif
413:   } else {
414:     SETERRQ(1,"Unknown insert type");
415:   }

417:   VecRestoreArray(v,&x);
418:   for (i=0; i<bs; i++) {
419:     VecRestoreArray(s[i],&y[i]);
420:   }
421:   PetscFree(y);
422:   return(0);
423: }

425: #undef __FUNCT__  
427: /*@
428:    VecStrideGather - Gathers a single component from a multi-component vector into
429:    another vector.

431:    Collective on Vec

433:    Input Parameter:
434: +  v - the vector 
435: .  start - starting point of the subvector (defined by a stride)
436: -  addv - one of ADD_VALUES,SET_VALUES,MAX_VALUES

438:    Output Parameter:
439: .  s - the location where the subvector is stored

441:    Notes:
442:    One must call VecSetBlockSize() before this routine to set the stride 
443:    information, or use a vector created from a multicomponent DA.

445:    If x is the array representing the vector x then this gathers
446:    the array (x[start],x[start+stride],x[start+2*stride], ....)

448:    The parallel layout of the vector and the subvector must be the same;
449:    i.e., nlocal of v = stride*(nlocal of s) 

451:    Level: advanced

453:    Concepts: gather^into strided vector

455: .seealso: VecStrideNorm(), VecStrideScatter(), VecStrideMin(), VecStrideMax(), VecStrideGatherAll(),
456:           VecStrideScatterAll()
457: @*/
458: int VecStrideGather(Vec v,int start,Vec s,InsertMode addv)
459: {
460:   int          i,n,ierr,bs,ns;
461:   PetscScalar  *x,*y;

466:   VecGetLocalSize(v,&n);
467:   VecGetLocalSize(s,&ns);
468:   VecGetArray(v,&x);
469:   VecGetArray(s,&y);

471:   bs   = v->bs;
472:   if (start >= bs) {
473:     SETERRQ2(1,"Start of stride subvector (%d) is too large for striden
474:             Have you set the vector blocksize (%d) correctly with VecSetBlockSize()?",start,bs);
475:   }
476:   if (n != ns*bs) {
477:     SETERRQ2(1,"Subvector length * blocksize %d not correct for gather from original vector %d",ns*bs,n);
478:   }
479:   x += start;
480:   n =  n/bs;

482:   if (addv == INSERT_VALUES) {
483:     for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
484:       y[i] = x[bs*i];
485:     }
486:   } else if (addv == ADD_VALUES) {
487:     for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
488:       y[i] += x[bs*i];
489:     }
490: #if !defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
491:   } else if (addv == MAX_VALUES) {
492:     for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
493:       y[i] = PetscMax(y[i],x[bs*i]);
494:     }
495: #endif
496:   } else {
497:     SETERRQ(1,"Unknown insert type");
498:   }

500:   VecRestoreArray(v,&x);
501:   VecRestoreArray(s,&y);
502:   return(0);
503: }

505: #undef __FUNCT__  
507: /*@
508:    VecStrideScatter - Scatters a single component from a vector into a multi-component vector.

510:    Collective on Vec

512:    Input Parameter:
513: +  s - the single-component vector 
514: .  start - starting point of the subvector (defined by a stride)
515: -  addv - one of ADD_VALUES,SET_VALUES,MAX_VALUES

517:    Output Parameter:
518: .  v - the location where the subvector is scattered (the multi-component vector)

520:    Notes:
521:    One must call VecSetBlockSize() on the multi-component vector before this
522:    routine to set the stride  information, or use a vector created from a multicomponent DA.

524:    The parallel layout of the vector and the subvector must be the same;
525:    i.e., nlocal of v = stride*(nlocal of s) 

527:    Level: advanced

529:    Concepts: scatter^into strided vector

531: .seealso: VecStrideNorm(), VecStrideGather(), VecStrideMin(), VecStrideMax(), VecStrideGatherAll(),
532:           VecStrideScatterAll()
533: @*/
534: int VecStrideScatter(Vec s,int start,Vec v,InsertMode addv)
535: {
536:   int          i,n,ierr,bs,ns;
537:   PetscScalar  *x,*y;

542:   VecGetLocalSize(v,&n);
543:   VecGetLocalSize(s,&ns);
544:   VecGetArray(v,&x);
545:   VecGetArray(s,&y);

547:   bs   = v->bs;
548:   if (start >= bs) {
549:     SETERRQ2(1,"Start of stride subvector (%d) is too large for striden
550:             Have you set the vector blocksize (%d) correctly with VecSetBlockSize()?",start,bs);
551:   }
552:   if (n != ns*bs) {
553:     SETERRQ2(1,"Subvector length * blocksize %d not correct for scatter to multicomponent vector %d",ns*bs,n);
554:   }
555:   x += start;
556:   n =  n/bs;

559:   if (addv == INSERT_VALUES) {
560:     for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
561:       x[bs*i] = y[i];
562:     }
563:   } else if (addv == ADD_VALUES) {
564:     for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
565:       x[bs*i] += y[i];
566:     }
567: #if !defined(PETSC_USE_COMPLEX)
568:   } else if (addv == MAX_VALUES) {
569:     for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
570:       x[bs*i] = PetscMax(y[i],x[bs*i]);
571:     }
572: #endif
573:   } else {
574:     SETERRQ(1,"Unknown insert type");
575:   }

578:   VecRestoreArray(v,&x);
579:   VecRestoreArray(s,&y);
580:   return(0);
581: }

583: #undef __FUNCT__  
585: int VecReciprocal_Default(Vec v)
586: {
587:   int         i,n,ierr;
588:   PetscScalar *x;

591:   VecGetLocalSize(v,&n);
592:   VecGetArrayFast(v,&x);
593:   for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
594:     if (x[i] != 0.0) x[i] = 1.0/x[i];
595:   }
596:   VecRestoreArrayFast(v,&x);
597:   return(0);
598: }

600: #undef __FUNCT__
602: /*@
603:   VecSqrt - Replaces each component of a vector by the square root of its magnitude.

605:   Not collective

607:   Input Parameter:
608: . v - The vector

610:   Output Parameter:
611: . v - The vector square root

613:   Level: beginner

615:   Note: The actual function is sqrt(|x_i|)

617: .keywords: vector, sqrt, square root
618: @*/
619: int VecSqrt(Vec v)
620: {
621:   PetscScalar *x;
622:   int         i, n;
623:   int         ierr;

627:   VecGetLocalSize(v, &n);
628:   VecGetArray(v, &x);
629:   for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
630:     x[i] = sqrt(PetscAbsScalar(x[i]));
631:   }
632:   VecRestoreArray(v, &x);
633:   return(0);
634: }

636: #undef __FUNCT__  
638: /*@
639:    VecSum - Computes the sum of all the components of a vector.

641:    Collective on Vec

643:    Input Parameter:
644: .  v - the vector 

646:    Output Parameter:
647: .  sum - the result

649:    Level: beginner

651:    Concepts: sum^of vector entries

653: .seealso: VecNorm()
654: @*/
655: int VecSum(Vec v,PetscScalar *sum)
656: {
657:   int         i,n,ierr;
658:   PetscScalar *x,lsum = 0.0;

662:   VecGetLocalSize(v,&n);
663:   VecGetArray(v,&x);
664:   for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
665:     lsum += x[i];
666:   }
667:   MPI_Allreduce(&lsum,sum,1,MPIU_SCALAR,PetscSum_Op,v->comm);
668:   VecRestoreArray(v,&x);
669:   return(0);
670: }

672: #undef __FUNCT__  
674: /*@
675:    VecShift - Shifts all of the components of a vector by computing
676:    x[i] = x[i] + shift.

678:    Collective on Vec

680:    Input Parameters:
681: +  v - the vector 
682: -  shift - the shift

684:    Output Parameter:
685: .  v - the shifted vector 

687:    Level: intermediate

689:    Concepts: vector^adding constant

691: @*/
692: int VecShift(const PetscScalar *shift,Vec v)
693: {
694:   int         i,n,ierr;
695:   PetscScalar *x,lsum = *shift;

699:   VecGetLocalSize(v,&n);
700:   VecGetArray(v,&x);
701:   for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
702:     x[i] += lsum;
703:   }
704:   VecRestoreArray(v,&x);
705:   return(0);
706: }

708: #undef __FUNCT__  
710: /*@
711:    VecAbs - Replaces every element in a vector with its absolute value.

713:    Collective on Vec

715:    Input Parameters:
716: .  v - the vector 

718:    Level: intermediate

720:    Concepts: vector^absolute value

722: @*/
723: int VecAbs(Vec v)
724: {
725:   int         i,n,ierr;
726:   PetscScalar *x;

730:   VecGetLocalSize(v,&n);
731:   VecGetArray(v,&x);
732:   for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
733:     x[i] = PetscAbsScalar(x[i]);
734:   }
735:   VecRestoreArray(v,&x);
736:   return(0);
737: }

739: #undef __FUNCT__
741: /*@
742:   VecPermute - Permutes a vector in place using the given ordering.

744:   Input Parameters:
745: + vec   - The vector
746: . order - The ordering
747: - inv   - The flag for inverting the permutation

749:   Level: beginner

751:   Note: This function does not yet support parallel Index Sets

753: .seealso: MatPermute()
754: .keywords: vec, permute
755: @*/
756: int VecPermute(Vec x, IS row, PetscTruth inv)
757: {
758:   PetscScalar *array, *newArray;
759:   int         *idx;
760:   int          i;
761:   int          ierr;

764:   ISGetIndices(row, &idx);
765:   VecGetArray(x, &array);
766:   PetscMalloc((x->n+1) * sizeof(PetscScalar), &newArray);
767: #ifdef PETSC_USE_BOPT_g
768:   for(i = 0; i < x->n; i++) {
769:     if ((idx[i] < 0) || (idx[i] >= x->n)) {
770:       SETERRQ2(PETSC_ERR_ARG_CORRUPT, "Permutation index %d is out of bounds: %d", i, idx[i]);
771:     }
772:   }
773: #endif
774:   if (inv == PETSC_FALSE) {
775:     for(i = 0; i < x->n; i++) newArray[i]      = array[idx[i]];
776:   } else {
777:     for(i = 0; i < x->n; i++) newArray[idx[i]] = array[i];
778:   }
779:   VecRestoreArray(x, &array);
780:   ISRestoreIndices(row, &idx);
781:   VecReplaceArray(x, newArray);
782:   return(0);
783: }

785: #undef __FUNCT__  
787: /*@
788:    VecEqual - Compares two vectors.

790:    Collective on Vec

792:    Input Parameters:
793: +  vec1 - the first matrix
794: -  vec2 - the second matrix

796:    Output Parameter:
797: .  flg - PETSC_TRUE if the vectors are equal; PETSC_FALSE otherwise.

799:    Level: intermediate

801:    Concepts: equal^two vectors
802:    Concepts: vector^equality

804: @*/
805: int VecEqual(Vec vec1,Vec vec2,PetscTruth *flg)
806: {
807:   PetscScalar  *v1,*v2;
808:   int          n1,n2,ierr;
809:   PetscTruth   flg1;

812:   VecGetSize(vec1,&n1);
813:   VecGetSize(vec2,&n2);
814:   if (vec1 == vec2) {
815:     flg1 = PETSC_TRUE;
816:   } else if (n1 != n2) {
817:     flg1 = PETSC_FALSE;
818:   } else {
819:     VecGetArray(vec1,&v1);
820:     VecGetArray(vec2,&v2);
821:     PetscMemcmp(v1,v2,n1*sizeof(PetscScalar),&flg1);
822:     VecRestoreArray(vec1,&v1);
823:     VecRestoreArray(vec2,&v2);
824:   }

826:   /* combine results from all processors */
827:   MPI_Allreduce(&flg1,flg,1,MPI_INT,MPI_MIN,vec1->comm);

830:   return(0);
831: }