4-Umayyad Desert Palaces: Architecture and Decoration: (Click on images to enlarge)
Roman Distant Precedents:
- Hadrian Villa's, Tivoli, Italy (124)
- Diocletian's Palace, Split, Yugoslavia (300-4)
The Palaces of Hisham (724-43):
Qasr al-Hayr al-Gharbi (West), Syria (724-27):
- Square courtyard enclosure with half-round towers
- Adjacent to a pre-Islamic complex (caravanserai or barracks and tower)
- Lavish Sasanian carved stucco decoration with Byzantine motifs
- Figural representations in floor mosaics, murals and sculpture
Qasr al-Hayr al-Gharbi Plan of Palace after Schlumberger
Qasr al-Hayr al-Gharbi Floor Plan of small enclosure
Qasr al-Hayr al-Sharqi (East), Syria (728-29):
- Two enclosures at the head of a valley walled to serve as game park (hayr)
- Large enclosure with mosque, probably barracks
- Small enclosure identified as caravanserai, probably royal residence
Qasr al-Hayr al-Sharqi plan how hydraulic works
Qasr al-Hayr al-Sharqi distant view of major enclosures
The Palaces of al-Walid II (743):
Khirbet al-Mafjar, Palestine:
- Site contains a palatial complex, a reservoir fed by an aqueduct, and a hayr
- Complex comprises a square palace enclosure, a mosque, and a large bath
- Irregularly planned and unified by a forecourt with a fountain structure
- Palace is a two-storeyed square castrum enclosure with a mosque and a sirdab (basement)
- Mosque is a small rectangular hypostyle structure with a courtyard
- Bath is a square with three exedrae to a side that formed the Frigidarium and the apodyterium, a private diwan, the tepidarium and the caldarium on its south side
- Profusely decorated bath hall and diwan
- Representation of caliph above entrance
- Different statues of attendants and dancers
- Human and animal statues in the transitional zones under domes as pendentives
- Human faces in stucco decoration
- Geometric and Symbolic mosaic panels in bath hall
Khirbat al-Mafjar Plan of Hammam
Khirbat al-Mafjar Axonometric of Hammam
Khirbat al-Mafjar Audience Hall reconstructionl
Khirbat al-Majfar Mosaic Floor in Diwan
Khirbat al-Majfar Perspective reconstruction of hammam and fountain
Khirbat al-Mafjar Axonometric of fountain
Mshatta, Jordan:
- A large square enclosure which was never completed
- Divided into three longitudinal zones
- Central section contains the gateway block and the throne hall block
- Throne hall is triple apsed
- South façade decorated with geometric, tracery-like carved band of triangles and rosettes
- Conscious change in treatment of the external façade of the mosque
Mshatta: Aerial View
Mshatta: Axonometric reconstruction of audience hall
Mshatta: South Facade at Berlin Museum
Mshatta: Facade Relief Detail
The personal character of the palaces attributed to al-Walid II:
- Structures of pleasance and entertainment.
- Allegorical and symbolic uses of representations akin to his poetry's symbolism.
- Inflated sense of sovereignty.