Berry Pseudorotation Exercises
As an aid you may wish to use the dos program
You can run the program on an Athena machine using the dos emulator "dosemu".
Just unzip the REDUCE directory, cd into it, and then type "dosemu REDUCE.EXE" at the command prompt.
- Determine the number and symmetry types of the normal modes for the C4v transition state structure for BPR involving SF4.
- The energies have been computed for the SF4 normal modes in the C4v BPR transition-state structure.
Examine the drop-down menu (click here)
and identify which are the energies that belong to modes having E symmetry.
- With reference to the same drop-down menu, determine the symmetry species (Mulliken symbol) of the 490 cm-1 vibration.
To do this by inspection, it will be helpful to note the position and magnitude of the normal mode displacement vectors.
- Identify the energies of the A1 vibrations by noting that these are infrared active and so will involve a dipole moment change
during vibration.
- Identify the energy of the B2 vibration by noting that its displacement vectors have the same phase characteristics as a dxy orbital.
- How many A2 vibrations are found among the normal modes of the C4v transition state structure for BPR involving SF4?
- In the case of the C2v equilibrium geometry structure of SF4, how many of the normal modes are IR active?