In all graphs, pressing and holding the left mouse button gives, at the top left of the graph, the position of the cursor in the coordinate system defined by the scales of the graph. Using this feature is both easier and more accurate than estimating values from the graph scales.
To zoom in to a region, press and hold the RIGHT* mouse button at one corner of the region you want. As you move the mouse, a rectangular box will appear. When you release the mouse button, the region within the rectangle is expanded to fill the graph window. To zoom back to full scale, single click with the RIGHT* button without moving the mouse.
To zoom a single axis, drag the cursor below (or to the left of) the axis, using the RIGHT* mouse button.
If the graph appears empty, or doesn't display the range you think it should: the graph may have been left zoomed from when you last used it. Try a click with the RIGHT* mouse button.
If there's room on your screen, increase the SSS window size: at least some of the extra space will be given to the graph.
For a much larger graph, use copy graph: see below.
The autoscaling of the graphs can obscure systematic variations. You vary a system parameter, and are then puzzled why the graph doesn't respond. Then you notice that the scales are changing, not the plotted curve. In some programs there is an autoscaling toggle to defeat the autoscaling. On any graph, the scaling may be defeated by zooming the whole graph: the scales will remain fixed until the graph is un-zoomed.
Programs with graphical displays will have a button labeled copy graph or copy xyz where xyz refers to a specific graph. A click on the button creates a new window with a copy of the graph which can be manipulated in a variety of ways.
You can't find the RIGHT mouse button? Hold down the Control key while you use the mouse button. (If you need a MIDDLE mouse button, use the shift key with the mouse.)