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12.1.1* In Sec. 10.1, the electric field in an MQS system was divided into a particular part Ep satisfying Faraday's law, and an irrotational part Eh. The latter was adjusted to make the sum satisfy appropriate boundary conditions. Show that in terms of and A, as defined in this section, Ep = - A/ t and Eh = -, where these potentials satisfy (12.1.8) and (12.1.10) with the time derivatives neglected.
12.1.2In Sec. 3.3, dimensional arguments were used to show that the quasistatic limits were valid in a system having a typical length L and time if L/c . Use similar arguments to show that the second term on the right in either (12.1.8) or (12.1.10) is negligible when this condition prevails. Note that the resulting equations are those for MQS (8.1.5) and EQS (4.2.2) systems.


Electrodynamic Fields of Source Singularities

12.2.1An electric dipole has q(t) = 0 for t < 0 and t > T. When 0 < t < T, q(t) = Q[1 - cos (2 t/T)]/2. Use sketches similar to those of Figs. 12.2.5 and 12.2.6 to show the field distributions when t < T and T < t.
12.2.2*Use the "interchange of variables" property of Maxwell's equations to show that the sinusoidal steady state far fields of a magnetic dipole, (12.2.35) and (12.2.36), follow directly from (12.2.23), (12.2.24), and (12.2.32).

12.2.3*A magnetic dipole has a moment m(t) having the time dependence shown in Fig. 12.2.5a where dq(t) m(t). Show that the fields are then much as shown in Fig. 12.2.6 with E H, H -E, and .

Antenna Radiation Fields in the Sinusoidal Steady State

12.4.1An "end-fed" antenna consists of a wire stretching between z = 0, where it is driven by the current Io cos ( t - o), and z = l. At z = l, it is terminated in such a resistance that the current distribution over its length is a wave traveling with the velocity of light in the z direction; i(z, t) = Re [Io exp [j( t - kz + o)]] where k /c.

(a) Determine the radiation pattern, ( ).
(b) For a one-wavelength antenna (kl = 2 ), use a plot of | ( )| to show that the lobes of the radiation pattern tend to be in the direction of the traveling wave.

12.4.2*An antenna is modeled by a distribution of incremental magnetic dipoles, as shown in Fig. P12.4.2. Define (z) as a dipole moment per unit length so that for an incremental dipole located at z' , (z' )dz'. Given , show that
equation GIF #12.146
equation GIF #12.147
figure GIF #p12.4.2
Figure P12.4.2
12.4.3A linear distribution of magnetic dipoles, described in general in Prob. 12.4.2, is excited so that (z' ) = - o exp (jo) sin (z - l)/sin l, 0 z l where is a given parameter (not necessarily /c). Determine o( ).

12.4.4*For the three-element array shown in Fig. P12.4.4, the spacing is /4.

equation GIF #12.148
(a) Show that the array factor is
(b) Show that for an array of in-phase short dipoles, the "broadside" radiation intensity pattern is
equation GIF #12.149
(c) Show that for an array of short dipoles differing progressively by 90 degrees so that 1 - o = /2 and 2 - o = , the end-fire radiation pattern is
equation GIF #12.150
figure GIF #P12.4.4
Figure P12.4.4
12.4.5Collinear elements have the half-wave spacing and configuration shown in Fig. P12.5.5.
(a) Determine the array factor a ( ).
(b) What is the radiation pattern if the elements are "short" dipoles driven in phase?

(c) What is the gain G( ) for the array of part (b)?
floating figure GIF #P12.5.5
Figure P12.5.5

Complex Poynting's Theorem and Radiation Resistance

12.5.1*A center-fed wire antenna has a length of 3 /2. Show that its radiation resistance in free space is 104 . (The definite integral can be evaluated numerically.)
12.5.2The spherical coil of Example 8.5.1 is used as a magnetic dipole antenna. Its diameter is much less than a wavelength, and its equivalent circuit is an inductance L in parallel with a radiation resistance Rrad. In terms of the radius R, number of turns N, and frequency , what are L and Rrad?
12.6.1*In the plane y = 0, Kz = 0 and the surface charge density is given as the traveling wave s = Re o exp [j( t - kx x)] = Re [o exp (-jkx x) exp (j t)], where o, , and kx are given real numbers.

equation GIF #12.151
(a) Show that the current density is
(b) Show that the fields are
equation GIF #12.152
equation GIF #12.153
where upper and lower signs, respectively, refer to the regions where 0 < y and 0 > y.
(c) Sketch the field distributions at a given instant in time for imaginary and real.

12.6.2In the plane y = 0, the surface current density is a standing wave, K = Re [iz Ko sin (kx x) exp (j t)], and there is no surface charge density.
(a) Determine E and H.
(b) Sketch these fields at a given instant in time for real and imaginary.

(c) Show that these fields can be decomposed into waves traveling in the x directions with the phase velocities /kx.

12.6.3*In the planes y = d/2, shown in Fig. P12.6.3, there are surface current densities Kz = Re exp [j( t - kx x)], where = a at y = d/2 and = b at y = -d/2. The surface charge density is zero in each plane.
(a) Show that
equation GIF #P12.154
(b) Show that if b = -a exp (-j d), the fields cancel in region (b) where (y < -d/2), so that the combined radiation is unidirectional.
(c) Show that under this condition, the field in the region y > d/2 is
equation GIF #12.155
(d) With the structure used to impose the surface currents such that kx is fixed, show that to maximize the wave radiated in region (a), the frequency should be
equation GIF #12.156
and that under this condition, the direction of the radiated wave is k = kx ix + [(2n + 1) /2d]iy where n = 0, 1, 2, .

12.6.4Surface charges in the planes y = d/2 shown in Fig. P12.7.3 have the densities s = Re exp [j( t - kx x)] where = a at y = d/2 and = b at y = -d/2.

related to produce field cancellation in region (b)?
(a) How should a and b be
(b) Under this condition, what is Hz in region (a)?
(c) What frequencies give a maximum Hz in region (a), and what is the direction of propagation under this condition?

floating figure GIF #P12.7.3
Figure P12.7.3
12.7.1*An antenna consists of a ground plane with a 3 /4 vertical element in which a "quarter-wave stub" is used to make the current in the top half-wavelength in phase with that in the bottom quarter-wavelength. In each section, the current has the sinusoidal distribution shown in Fig. P12.7.1. Show that the radiation intensity factor is
equation GIF #12.157
touching GIF #P12.7.1
Figure P12.7.1
touching GIF #P12.7.2
Figure P12.7.2
12.7.2A vertical half-wave antenna with a horizontal perfectly conducting ground plane is shown in Fig. P12.7.2. What is its radiation resistance?
12.7.3Plane parallel perfectly conducting plates in the planes x = a/2 form the walls of a waveguide, as shown in Fig. 12.7.3. Waves in the free-space region between are excited by a sheet of surface charge density s = Re o cos ( x/a) exp (j t) and Kz = 0.

solutions that meet both the continuity conditions at the sheet and the boundary conditions on the perfectly conducting plates.) Are they TE or TM?
(a) Find the fields in regions 0 < y and 0 > y. (Guess
(b) What are the distributions of s and K on the perfectly conducting plates?
(c) What is the "dispersion equation" relating to ?
(d) Sketch E and H for imaginary and real.

floating figure GIF #P12.7.3
12.7.4Consider the configuration of Prob. 12.7.3, but with s = 0 and Kz = Re o cos ( x/a) exp (j t) in the plane y = 0. Complete parts (a)-(d) of Prob. 12.7.3.

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