Conduction Constitutive Laws | |||||||||||||
7.1.1 | In a metal such as copper, where each atom contributes approximately one conduction electron, typical current densities are the result of electrons moving at a surprisingly low velocity. To estimate this velocity, assume that each atom contributes one conduction electron and that the material is copper, where the molecular weight Mo = 63.5 and the mass density is = 8.9 x 103 kg/m3. Thus, the density of electrons is approximately (Ao/Mo), where Ao = 6.023 x 1026 molecules/kg-mole is Avogadro's number. Given from Table 7.1.1, what is the mobility of the electrons in copper? What electric field intensity is required to drive a current density of l amp/cm2? What is the electron velocity? | ||||||||||||
Steady Ohmic Conduction | |||||||||||||
7.2.1* | The circular disk of uniformly conducting material shown in Fig.
P7.2.1 has a dc voltage v applied to its surfaces at r = a and r
= b by
means of perfectly conducting electrodes. The other boundaries are
interfaces with free space. Show that the resistance
R = ln(a/b)/2 d.
| ||||||||||||
7.2.2 | In a spherical version of the resistor shown in Fig. P7.2.1, a uniformly conducting material is connected to a voltage source v through spherical perfectly conducting electrodes at r = a and r = b. What is the resistance? | ||||||||||||
7.2.3* |
By replacing , resistors are made to have the same
geometry as shown in Fig. P6.5.1. In general, the region between the
plane parallel perfectly conducting electrodes is filled by a material
of conductivity = (x). The boundaries of the
conductor that
interface with the surrounding free space have normals that are either
in the x or the z direction.
| ||||||||||||
7.2.4 | A pair of uniform conductors form a resistor having the shape of
a circular cylindrical half-shell, as shown in Fig. P7.2.4. The
boundaries at r = a and r = b, and in planes parallel to the paper,
interface with free space. Show that for steady conduction, all
boundary conditions are satisfied by a simple piece-wise continuous
potential that is an exact solution to Laplace's equation. Determine
the resistance.
| ||||||||||||
7.2.5* | The region between the planar electrodes of Fig. 7.2.4 is filled
with a material having conductivity = o/(1 + y/a),
where o and a are constants. The permittivity is
| ||||||||||||
7.2.6 | The region between the planar electrodes of Fig. 7.2.4 is filled
with a uniformly conducting material having permittivity = a/(1
+ y/a).
| ||||||||||||
7.2.7* | A section of a spherical shell of conducting material with inner
radius b and outer radius a is shown in Fig. P7.2.7. Show
that if = o (r/a)2, the conductance G =
6 (1 - cos /2 ) ab3 o/(a3 - b3).
| ||||||||||||
7.2.8 | In a cylindrical version of the geometry shown in Fig. P7.2.7,
the material between circular cylindrical outer and inner electrodes
of radii a and b, respectively, has conductivity = o
(a/r). The boundaries parallel to the page interface free space and
are a distance d apart. Determine the conductance G.
| ||||||||||||
Distributed Current Sources and Associated Fields | |||||||||||||
7.3.1* | An infinite half-space of uniformly conducting material in the
region y > 0 has an interface with free space in the plane y = 0.
There is a point current source of I amps located at (x, y, z) =
(0, h, 0) on the
y axis. Using an approach analogous to that used in Prob. 6.6.5, show
that the potential inside the conductor is
| ||||||||||||
7.3.2 | The half-space y > 0 is of uniform conductivity while the remaining
space is insulating. A uniform line current source of density Kl
(A/m) runs parallel to the plane y = 0 along the line x = 0,
y = h.
| ||||||||||||
7.3.3* | A two-dimensional dipole current source consists of uniform line
current sources Kl have the spacing d. The
cross-sectional view is as shown in Fig. 7.3.4, with
. Show that the associated potential is
| ||||||||||||
Superposition and Uniqueness of Steady Conduction Solutions | |||||||||||||
7.4.1* | A material of uniform conductivity has a spherical insulating
cavity of radius b at its center. It is surrounded by segmented
electrodes that are driven by current sources in such a way that at
the spherical outer surface r = a, the radial current density is
Jr = - Jo cos , where Jo is a given constant.
| ||||||||||||
7.4.2 | A uniformly conducting material has a spherical interface at r = a,
with a surrounding insulating material and a spherical boundary at r =
b (b < a), where the radial current density is Jr = Jo cos
, essentially independent of time.
| ||||||||||||
7.4.3 | In a system that stretches to infinity in the x and z
directions, there is a layer of uniformly conducting material having
boundaries in the planes y = 0 and y = -a. The region y > 0
is free space, while a potential = V cos x is imposed on
the boundary at y = -a.
| ||||||||||||
7.4.4* | The uniformly conducting material shown in cross-section in Fig.
P7.4.4 extends to infinity in the z directions and has the shape
of a 90-degree section from a circular cylindrical annulus. At
= 0 and = /2, it is in contact with grounded electrodes.
The boundary at r = a interfaces free space, while at r = b, an
electrode constrains the potential to be v. Show that the
potential in the conductor is
| ||||||||||||
7.4.5 | The cross-section of a uniformly conducting material that extends
to infinity in the z directions is shown in Fig. P7.4.5. The
boundaries at r = b, at = 0, and at = interface
insulating material. At r = a, voltage sources constrain =
-v/2 over the range 0 < < /2, and = v/2 over the
range /2 < < .
| ||||||||||||
7.4.6 | The system of Fig. P7.4.4 is altered so that there is an
electrode on the boundary at r = a. Determine the mutual conductance
between this electrode and the one at r = b.
| ||||||||||||
Steady Currents in Piece-Wise Uniform Conductors | |||||||||||||
7.5.1* | A sphere having uniform conductivity b is surrounded by
material having the uniform conductivity a. As shown in Fig.
P7.5.1, electrodes at "infinity" to the right and left impose a
uniform current density Jo at infinity. Steady conduction
prevails. Show that
| ||||||||||||
7.5.2 | Assume at the outset that the sphere of Prob. 7.5.1 is much more
highly conducting than its surroundings.
| ||||||||||||
7.5.3* | A rectangular box having depth b, length l and width much
larger than b has an insulating bottom and metallic ends which serve
as electrodes. In Fig. P7.5.3a, the right electrode is extended upward
and then back over the box. The box is filled to a depth b with a
liquid having uniform conductivity. The region above is air. The
voltage source can be regarded as imposing a potential in the plane
z = -l between the left and top electrodes that is linear.
| ||||||||||||
7.5.4 | The structure shown in Fig. P7.5.4 is infinite in the z
directions. Each leg has the same uniform conductivity, and conduction
is stationary. The walls in the x and in the y planes are perfectly
| ||||||||||||
7.5.5 | The system shown in cross-section by Fig. P7.5.6a extends to
infinity in the x and z directions. The material of uniform
conductivity a to the right is bounded at y = 0 and y = a
by electrodes at zero potential. The material of uniform conductivity
b to the left is bounded in these planes by electrodes each
at the potential v. The approach to finding the fields is similar to
that used in Example 6.6.3.
| ||||||||||||
Conduction Analogs | |||||||||||||
7.6.1* | In deducing (4) relating the capacitance of electrodes in an
insulating material to the conductance of electrodes having the same
shape in a conducting material, it is assumed that not only are the
ratios of all dimensions in one situation the same as in the other
(the systems are geometrically similar), but that the actual size of
the two physical situations is the same. Show that if the systems are
again geometrically similar but the length scale of the capacitor is
l while that of the conduction cell is l , RC = (
/ )(l /l ).
| ||||||||||||
Charge Relaxation in Uniform Conductors | |||||||||||||
7.7.1* | In the two-dimensional configuration of Prob. 4.1.4,
consider the field transient that results if the region within the
cylinder of rectangular cross-section is filled by a material having
uniform conductivity and permittivity .
| ||||||||||||
7.7.2 | When t = 0, the only net charge in a material having uniform
and is the line charge of Prob. 4.5.4. As a function
of time for t > 0, determine the
| ||||||||||||
7.7.3* | When t = 0, the charged particle of Example 7.7.2 has a charge
q = qo < -qc.
| ||||||||||||
7.7.4 | Relative to the potential at infinity on a plane passing through the equator of the particle in Example 7.7.2, what is the potential of the particle when its charge reaches q = qc? | ||||||||||||
Electroquasistatic Conduction Laws for Inhomogeneous Materials | |||||||||||||
7.8.1* | Use an approach similar to that illustrated in this section to show uniqueness of the solution to Poisson's equation for a given initial distribution of and a given potential = on the surface S', and a given current density -( + / t) n = J on S" where S' + S" encloses the volume of interest V. | ||||||||||||
Charge Relaxation in Uniform and Piece-Wise Uniform Systems | |||||||||||||
7.9.1* | We return to the coaxial circular cylindrical electrode
configurations of Prob. 6.5.5. Now the material in region (2) of
each has not only a uniform permittivity but a uniform
conductivity as well. Given that V(t) = Re exp
(j t),
| ||||||||||||
7.9.2 | Interpret the configurations shown in Fig. P6.5.5 as spherical.
An outer spherically shaped electrode has inside radius a, while an
inner electrode positioned on the same center has radius b. Region
(1) is free space while (2) has uniform and .
| ||||||||||||
7.9.3* | Show that the hemispherical electrode of Fig. 7.3.3 is equivalent
to a circuit having a conductance G = 2 a in parallel with a
capacitance C = 2 a.
| ||||||||||||
7.9.4 | The circular cylinder of Fig. P7.9.4a has b and b and is
surrounded by material having a and a. The electric
field E(t)ix is applied at x = .
| ||||||||||||
7.9.5* | The half-cylinder of Fig. P7.9.4b has a relaxation time that is
short compared to times characterizing the applied field E(t). The
surrounding region is free space (a = 0).
| ||||||||||||
7.9.6 | An electric dipole having a z-directed moment p(t) is situated at
the origin and at the center of a spherical cavity of free space
having a radius a in a material having uniform and .
When t < 0, p = 0 and there is no charge anywhere. The dipole
is a step
function of time, instantaneously assuming a moment po when t =
| ||||||||||||
7.9.7* | A planar layer of semi-insulating material has thickness d,
uniform permittivity , and uniform conductivity , as shown in
Fig. P7.9.7. From below it is bounded by contacting electrode
segments that impose the potential = V cos x. The
system extends to infinity in the x and z directions.
| ||||||||||||
7.9.8* | Region (b), where y < 0, has uniform permittivity and
conductivity , while region (a), where 0 < y, is free space.
Before t = 0 there are no charges. When t = 0, a point charge
Q is suddenly "turned on" at the location (x, y, z) = (0, h, 0).
| ||||||||||||
7.9.9* | The cross-section of a two-dimensional system is shown in Fig.
P7.9.9. The parallel plate capacitor to the left of the plane x = 0
extends to x = -, with the lower electrode at potential v(t) and
the upper one grounded. This upper electrode extends to the right to
the plane x = b, where it is bent downward to y = 0 and inward to the
plane x = 0 along the surface y = 0. Region (a) is free space while
region (b) to the left of the plane x = 0 has uniform permittivity
and conductivity . The applied voltage v(t) is a step
function of magnitude Vo.