import numpy,wave,os,sys,time

###            System Block Boxes (fast and slow)

def black_box(input, num, den, pad):
    def f(n): # Assumes input is zero before n = 0 and after zero ends
        if n >= 0 and n < len(input):
            return input[n]
            return 0.0
    output_de = diff_eq(num,den,f)
    output = numpy.array([output_de(n) for n in range(len(input)+pad)])
    return output

# Solves difference equation:
# yCoeffs[0]*y(n) + .. + yCoeffs[K]*y(n-K) =
#                 xCoeffs[0]*x(n) + + xCoeffs[L]*x(n-L)
# Uses initial conditions for y, y[n] = 0, n < 0, and assumes x[n] = 0, n < 0
def black_boxf(xin, yCoeffs, xCoeffs, pad=0):
    assert(len(yCoeffs) == len(xCoeffs))
    assert(yCoeffs[0] != 0.0)
    scale = 1.0/float(yCoeffs[0])
    yCoeffs = numpy.array(yCoeffs[1:])
    xCoeffs = numpy.array(xCoeffs)
    k = len(xCoeffs)
    x = numpy.zeros(k+1+len(xin))
    x[k+1:] = xin[:]
    y = numpy.zeros(len(x))
    for i in xrange(k+1,len(y)):
        xpast = numpy.inner(xCoeffs,x[i:i-k:-1])
        ypast = numpy.inner(yCoeffs,y[i-1:i-k:-1])
        y[i] = scale*(xpast - ypast)
    output = y[k+1:]
    return output

## usrp interface

import threading

# transmit to tx channel using a separate thread
class tx_helper(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self,tx,samples,repeat=False):
        self.tx = tx
        self.samples = samples
        self.nxmit = samples.size
        self.repeat = repeat

    def run(self):
        # start transmitter
        assert self.tx.start(),"usrp transmitter failed to start"

        offset = 0   # where we are in transmitting data
        while offset < self.nxmit:
            end = min(offset+131072,self.nxmit)
            data = self.samples[offset:end].tostring()
            bytes_sent,underrun = self.tx.write(data)
            if underrun: print 'usrp transmit: underrun...'
            offset += bytes_sent/2
            if self.repeat and offset >= self.nxmit:
                print '1'
                offset = 0

    import usrp_602 as usrp

    def tx_setup(sample_rate,chan,tx_pga_gain_db,frequency):

        # interp rate updated below once we know dac rate
        tx = usrp.usrp_tx(32)

        # We are only using one active channel!!! (jkw)
        assert tx.set_nchannels(1), \
               "usrp_ir_channel: set_tx_nchannel failed with value 1" 

        # configure which DACs to use
        tx.set_mux(0x0098 if chan == 0 else 0x9800)

        # set correct interpolation rate
        interp = int(tx.dac_rate/sample_rate)

        assert interp <= 512,\
               "usrp_ir_channel: sorry, sample rate must be at least %g" % tx.dac_rate/512
        interp_rate = tx.interp_rate

        # set PGA gain
        assert tx_pga_gain_db >= tx.pga_min and tx_pga_gain_db <= tx.pga_max,\
               "usrp_ir_channel: tx_pga_gain_db must be in the range %g to %g" % (tx.pga_min,tx.pga_max)

        # DACs 0 and 1 share a gain setting, as do DACs 2 and 3

        # set frequency of DUC
        assert tx.set_tx_freq(chan,frequency),\
               "usrp_ir_channel: set_tx_freq failed with value %g" % frequency

        return tx

    def tx_data(preamble, samples, repeats, tx_gain):
        # adjust number of transmitted samples to be a multiple of 128 
        # since we have to transmit a multiple of 512 bytes and there are 
        # 4 bytes xmitted per sample
        nsamples = len(samples)
        nxmit = (1 + repeats)*nsamples + preamble
        adjust = nxmit % 128
        if adjust != 0:
            nxmit += 128 - adjust

	# Make preample longer to align the packet of data on 128
	preamble = nxmit - (1 + repeats) * nsamples

        # Create 16 bit data for transmitter (2x for I and Q)
        tx_samples = numpy.zeros(2*nxmit,dtype=numpy.int16)

        # Set initial values to most negative value, so preamble sends a "zero"
        tx_samples[:] = - tx_gain*32767.0

        # Scale so 0->1 maps to -tx_gain*(2^15-1)-> tx_gain*(2^15-1)
        scaled_samples = (samples * 2.0 - 1.0) * tx_gain * 32767.0

	# Interleave preamble + samples to transmit on I and Q
        # Note: Must replicate data on I and Q, as transmitter modulator
        # initial phase is uncertain (may move I to Q).
        for i in range(repeats+1):
            offset = 2*preamble + i*2*nsamples
            tx_samples[offset:offset + 2*nsamples:2] = scaled_samples
            tx_samples[offset+1:offset+1+2*nsamples:2] = scaled_samples
        return (tx_samples,nxmit)

    def rcvr_setup(sample_rate,chan,rx_pga_gain_db,frequency,rx_adc_offset):

        # decimation rate updated below once we know adc rate
        rx = usrp.usrp_rx(250)

        # set correct decimation rate
        decim = int((rx.adc_rate/sample_rate))
        assert decim <= 256,\
               "usrp_ir_receive: sorry, sample rate must be at least %g" % rx.adc_rate/256
        decim_rate = rx.decim_rate

        # configure which ADCs to use
        rx.set_mux(0x10101010 if chan == 0 else 0x32323232)

        # set adc offset, disable input buffer since we're dc coupled
        if chan == 0:
        elif chan == 1:

        # disable DC offset removal control loop
	rx.set_dc_offset_cl_enable(0x0,0x3 if chan == 0 else 0xC)

        # set PGA gain
        assert rx_pga_gain_db >= rx.pga_min and rx_pga_gain_db <= rx.pga_max,\
               "usrp_receive: rx_pga_gain_db must be in the range %g to %g" % (rx.pga_min,rx.pga_max)

        # DACs 0 and 1 share a gain setting, as doD ACs 2 and 3
        rx.set_pga(2*chan,rx_pga_gain_db)    # set it for both ADCs

        # set frequency of DUC
        assert rx.set_rx_freq(chan,frequency),\
               "usrp_receive: set_rx_freq failed with value %g" % frequency

        # Make sure the number of active channels is one!!!!!
        assert rx.set_nchannels(1),\
               "usrp_receive: set_nchannel failed with value 1" 
        return rx

    # Send, receive, or transceive a waveform through the IR channel.
    def usrp_ir_xcv(rx_nsamples,     # Number samples to receive
                    samples,        # Samples to be xmited, [] if just rcv
                    sample_rate=4e6,# Sample rate
                    tx_gain=1.0,    # transmit scaling factor
                    tx_pga_gain_db=0, # usrp transmit gain
                    rx_gain=1.0,    # receive scaling factor
                    rx_pga_gain_db=0, # usrp receive gain
                    rx_adc_offset=0,  # receive adc offset
                    frequency=0,    # usrp up-convert/down-convert frequency
                    chan=1,         # assume IR in "B" side of USR
                    preamble=128*10,  # Zero samples to transmit before data
                    rx_extra=128*40, # Rcv more than requested in loopback
                    t_repeat = False  # Repeat transmitting forever if true

        # make sure we have a USRP plugged in
        if not usrp.usrp_find_device(0):
            assert False,"usrp_ir_channel: can't find USRP board %s" % board

        # tx setup
        if samples != []:
            tx = tx_setup(sample_rate,chan,tx_pga_gain_db,frequency)
            tx_samples,nxmit = tx_data(preamble, samples, t_repeats, tx_gain)

        # Setup the transmitter thread
            tx_thread = tx_helper(tx,tx_samples,repeat=t_repeat)

        # The MIT IR circuit uses Q channel's ADC 
        q_samples = []

        # If just transmitting, start transmitter
        if rx_nsamples == 0:

        # Otherwise, setup receiver and run
            rx = rcvr_setup(sample_rate,chan,rx_pga_gain_db,frequency,rx_adc_offset)
            # Add the preamble to number of received samples if transceiving
            nrcv_total = rx_nsamples*(1 + r_repeats)

            if samples != []:  # Must be transceiving
                nrcv_total += preamble + rx_extra

            # Align on 512 byte boundaries
            adjust = nrcv_total % 128
            if adjust != 0:
                nrcv_total += 128 - adjust

            q_samples = numpy.zeros(nrcv_total,dtype=numpy.float32)

            # Start the receiver
            assert rx.start(),"usrp receiver failed to start"

            # Start the transmitter thread if transmitting
            if samples != []:

            count = 0
            while count < nrcv_total:
                # compute how many samples to read on this call
                want = min((nrcv_total-count)<<2,131072)
                # read 'em
                buffer,overrun =

                if overrun == True:
                    print "Buffer Overrun!!!"

                # deinterleave samples into I and Q buffers
                data = numpy.frombuffer(buffer,dtype=numpy.int16)
                got = data.size/2

                if got > 0:
                    end = count + got
                    q_samples[count:end] = data[1::2]
                    count = end

            # done, stop receiver

            # Scale and offset digital number to get a value between 0 and 1.0
            q_samples *= rx_gain/32768.0
            q_samples += 0.5

            # Strip of a number of samples equal to the preamble, if used
            if samples != []:
                q_samples = q_samples[preamble:]

        # wait for transmitter thread to complete, then stop transmitter
        # unless the transmitter is repeating forever.
        if samples != [] and t_repeat == False:

        # Return received samples if any
        return q_samples

except ImportError:
    def usrp_ir_xcv(rx_nsamples, samples,**keywords):
        raise NotImplementedError,"sorry, no usrp library is available"

# Channel callable object.  The parameters of the channel are:
# channelid = '0' (fast channel),
#             '2' (medium channel with ringing)
#             '1' (very slow channel)
#             'ir' (Infrared hardware channel, requires usrp ir hardware)
# noise = float > 0 is the amplitude of added channel noise
#         For virtual channels only, error is generated if used with ir.
# random_tails = integer > 0 is an upper bound on the random length of
#                preappended and postappended zeros.
# When a channel instance is called with an input (a numpy array of floating
# point values), a numpy array is returned of length
# len(preappended)+len(input)+ len(postappended)
class channel:
    def __init__(self,channelid='0',noise=0.0,random_tails=0,use_normal=False): = channelid
        self.noise = noise
        self.tails = random_tails
        self.use_normal = use_normal
        if == 'ir':
            assert self.noise == 0.0, "No fake noise on real channel!"
            assert self.tails == 0, "No fake extra samples on a real channel!"
        elif == '0':
            self.den = [1,-0.4]
            self.num = [0.42, 0.0]
        elif == '1':
            self.den = [1,-2.7,2.43,-0.729]
            self.num = [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.001]
        elif == '2':
            self.den = [1, -2.0/3.0, 13/16.0]
            self.num = [5.0/16.0,0,0]
            assert False, "unknown channel %s in transmit function" %

    def __call__(self,input):
        if type(input) != type(numpy.zeros(1)):
            input = numpy.array(input)
        if != 'ir':
            out = black_boxf(input,self.den, self.num,0)
            if self.tails > 0:
                delay = numpy.zeros(numpy.random.randint(self.tails))
                pad = numpy.zeros(numpy.random.randint(self.tails))
                out = numpy.append(delay,out)
                out = numpy.append(out,pad)
            if self.noise > 0:
                s = len(out)
                if self.use_normal:
                    noisevals = numpy.random.normal(scale=self.noise,size=s)
                    noisevals = numpy.random.triangular(-1,0,1,size=s)
                    noisevals *= self.noise
                out = out + noisevals
            out = usrp_ir_xcv(len(input),input)
        return out

def ir_tran(input,repeat=False):

def ir_rcv(num_samples):
    return usrp_ir_xcv(num_samples,[])