import numpy import channel reload(channel) import matplotlib.pyplot as p import lab1 reload(lab1) import lab2 reload(lab2) p.ion() def all_bit_patterns(n): # generate all possible n-bit bit sequences and merge into a single array message = [0] * (n * 2**n) for i in xrange(2**n): for j in xrange(n): message[i*n + j] = 1 if (i & (2**j)) else 0 return numpy.array(message, def plot_eye_diagram_fast(channel,plot_label, samples_per_bit): """ Plot eye diagram for given channel using all possible 6-bit patterns merged together as message. plot_label is the label used in the eye diagram, Samples_per_bit determines how many samples are sent for each message bit. """ # build message message = all_bit_patterns(6) # send it through the channel result = channel(lab1.bits_to_samples(message,samples_per_bit)) # Truncate the result so length is divisible by 3*samples_per_bit result = result[0:len(result)-(len(result) % (3*samples_per_bit))] # Turn the result in to a n by 3*samples_per_bit matrix, and plot each row mat_samples = numpy.reshape(result,(-1,3*samples_per_bit)) p.figure() p.plot(mat_samples.T) p.title('Eye diagram for channel %s' % plot_label) def plot_eye_diagram(channel,plot_label, samples_per_bit): """ Your, more educational, version of plot_eye_diagram. For given channel, you should generate a bit sequence made of all possible 3 bit messages (you can use the all_bit_patterns function above), and then plot the received samples by overlaying sets of 3*samples_per_bit. So that you can watch the eye diagram form, have the program stop for a press of enter after every 3*samples_per_bit plot The python function raw_input('Press enter to continue') will help. """ pass # Your code here. if __name__ == '__main__': # Create the channels (noise free with no random delays or padding) channel0 ='0') channel1 ='1') channel2 ='2') # plot the eye diagram for the three virtual channels plot_eye_diagram(channel0,'0',samples_per_bit=50) plot_eye_diagram(channel1,'1',samples_per_bit=50) plot_eye_diagram(channel2,'2',samples_per_bit=50) # Create the channels with noise channel0 ='0', noise=0.05) channel1 ='1', noise=0.05) channel2 ='2', noise=0.05) # plot the eye diagram for the three virtual channels plot_eye_diagram(channel0,'0n',samples_per_bit=50) plot_eye_diagram(channel1,'1n',samples_per_bit=50) plot_eye_diagram(channel2,'2n',samples_per_bit=50)