import numpy import matplotlib.pyplot as p import channel reload(channel) import lab1 reload(lab1) import lab2 reload(lab2) import lab2_2 reload(lab2_2) import lab2_3 reload(lab2_3) p.ion() def plot_with_title(data,title): """ Create a new figure and plot data using blue, square markers. """ p.plot(data) # line plot p.title(title) p.xlabel('Sample data') p.ylabel('Voltage') p.grid() class scale_ir: def __init__(self, mark_size=800): # Get the ir channel #self.irchannel ='2',random_tails=100) self.irchannel ='ir') # Create a 0s, 1s, 0s mark to prepend data self.mark = numpy.zeros(3*mark_size) # Create 0s 0s 0s + pad self.mark[mark_size:2*mark_size] = 1 # Set to 0s 1s 0s + 0 pad # arguments: # input -- numpy.array of voltage samples to be transmitted # return value: # numpy.array of received voltages from ir channel, scaled # and offset so that the values range from 0 to 1 def __call__(self,input): # Should prepend "mark" to the "input", send the result # through the ir channel (hardware is needed), and then # process the received data. The mark samples should be # used to determine shifting and scaling for the channel, # so that the returned signal is between zero and one, # regardless of the ir hardware reflector position. The # mark should then be removed, along with any leading # zeros. You can use the find_start function to help you with # this, but you will need to calibrate offset! return input # Your code here def find_start(self, scaled_data): # Make sure the data is scaled correctly mind = numpy.min(scaled_data) maxd = numpy.max(scaled_data) assert max([abs(mind), abs(maxd - 1.0)]) < 0.05, "Unscaled data!" # Compute a version of the mark that has zero average value. zero_avg_mark = self.mark - numpy.average(self.mark) # Convolve the zero-averaged mark with the scaled_data # What happens if you convolve the original mark with a sample # sequence whose sample values are all one? How does the result of # this convolution change if you replace "mark" with "zero_avg mark? convolved_with_data = numpy.convolve(zero_avg_mark, scaled_data) # These two lines return the index of the first sample # in convolved_with_data that is equal to convolved_with data's # maximum value. What is import about the sample index where # convolved_with_data achieves its maximum? max_conv = numpy.max(convolved_with_data) start_index = numpy.nonzero(convolved_with_data == max_conv)[0][0] """ p.figure p.plot(convolved_with_data[0:len(scaled_data)]) p.plot(scaled_data*max_conv) p.axvline(x=start_index) """ # Start index is consistently to large by a particular amount (Why?) # Determine the offset by experiment. offset = 0 assert offset != 0, "Offset is zero! You must calibrate it." start_index += offset #print "start index", start_index return start_index if __name__ == '__main__': # Create scaled_ir channel myir = scale_ir() my_un_ir ='ir') # Compare the scale_ir channel to the non-scaled ir channel bits = [1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0] samples_per_bit = 500 test_samples = lab1.bits_to_samples(bits,samples_per_bit,npostamble=100) out_samples = myir(test_samples) out_un_samples = my_un_ir(test_samples) # Plot the comparison for testing p.figure() p.subplots_adjust(hspace = 0.6) p.subplot(311) plot_with_title(test_samples,"Input") p.subplot(312) plot_with_title(out_un_samples,"Unscaled and Shifted") p.subplot(313) plot_with_title(out_samples,"Scaled") #Uncomment when ready to test """ # Compute the usr and average ausr = lab2_2.unit_sample_response(myir,max_length=400,tol=0.0) for i in range(9): ausr += lab2_2.unit_sample_response(myir,max_length=400,tol=0.0) ausr /= 10.0 # Plot the unit_sample response lab2.plot_unit_sample_response(ausr, "scale_ir") # Demonstrate the ability to predict lab2_3.compare_usr_chan(ausr, myir, "scale_ir",samples_per_bit=100) # when ready for checkoff, enable the following line # BUT BE SURE You still connected to the IR system you tested. #lab2.checkoff(scale_ir,'L2_4') """