import random, sys, wx, math, time ################################################################################ # # Node -- a network node # # Node.reset() -- reset node's state at start of simulation # Node.add_packet(p) -- add packet to node's transmit queue # Node.receive(p) -- called to process packet sent to this node # Node.transmit(time) -- allow node to send packets at current time # Node.forward(p) -- lookup route for pkt p and send it on appropriate link # Node.arrived_on(p) -- returns link that packet p just arrived on # ################################################################################ class Node: def __init__(self,location,address=None): self.location = location if address is None: self.address = location else: self.address = address self.links = [] # links that connect to this node self.packets = [] # packets to be processed this timestep self.transmit_queue = [] # packets to be transmitted from this node self.receive_queue = [] # packets received by this node = {} = None # will be filled in later self.nsize = 0 # filled in by draw method def __repr__(self): return 'Node<%s>' % str(self.address) def address(self): return self.address # reset to initial state def reset(self): for l in self.links: l.reset() self.transmit_queue = [] # nothing to transmit self.receive_queue = [] # nothing received self.queue_length_sum = 0 # reset queue statistics self.queue_length_max = 0 # self.neighbors.clear() # self.routes.clear() self.routes[self.address] = 'Self' # keep track of links that connect to this node def add_link(self,l): self.links.append(l) # add a packet to be transmitted from this node. Transmit queue # is kept ordered by packet start time. def add_packet(self,p): index = 0 for pp in self.transmit_queue: if p.start < pp.start: self.transmit_queue.insert(index,p) break else: index += 1 else: self.transmit_queue.append(p) # first phase of simulation timestep: collect one packet from # each incoming link def phase1(self): self.packets = [link.receive(self) for link in self.links] # second phase of simulation timestep: process arriving packets def phase2(self,time): # process each arriving packet for link_p in self.packets: if link_p is not None: self.process(link_p[1],link_p[0],time) self.packets = [] # give this node a chance to transmit some packets self.transmit(time) # compute number of packets this node has queued up on its # outgoing links. So we can compute queue length stats, keep # track of max and sum. pending = 0 for link in self.links: pending += link.queue_length(self) self.queue_length_sum += pending self.queue_length_max = max(self.queue_length_max,pending) # report total number of packets that need processing return pending + len(self.transmit_queue) # default processing for packets addressed to this node -- just # keep a list of them def receive(self,p,link,time): self.receive_queue.append(p) # called each simulation cycle to give this node a chance to send # some packets. Default behavior: source packets from a transmit # queue based on packets' specified start time. def transmit(self,time): # look for packets on this node's transmit queue whose time has come while len(self.transmit_queue) > 0: if self.transmit_queue[0].start <= time: self.process(self.transmit_queue.pop(0),None,time) else: break # OVERRIDE: forward packet onto proper outgoing link. Default behavior # is to pick a link at random! def forward(self,p): link = random.choice(self.links) link.send(self,p) # deal with each packet arriving at or sent from this node def process(self,p,link,time): if p.destination == self.address: # it's for us! Just note time of arrival and pass it receive p.finish = time self.receive(p,link,time) else: p.add_hop(self,time) self.forward(p) ######################################################### # support for graphical simulation interface ######################################################### # convert our location to screen coordinates def net2screen(self,transform): return net2screen(self.location,transform) # draw ourselves on the screen as a colored square with black border def draw(self,dc,transform): self.nsize = transform[0]/16 loc = self.net2screen(transform) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('black',1,wx.SOLID)) dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush('color','black'))) dc.DrawRectangle(loc[0]-self.nsize,loc[1]-self.nsize, 2*self.nsize+1,2*self.nsize+1) label = str(self.address) dc.SetTextForeground('light grey') dc.SetFont(wx.Font(max(4,self.nsize*2),wx.SWISS,wx.NORMAL,wx.NORMAL)) dc.DrawText(label,loc[0]+self.nsize+2,loc[1]+self.nsize+2) if len(self.transmit_queue) > 0: self.transmit_queue[0].draw(dc,transform, loc[0]-2*self.nsize,loc[1]-2*self.nsize) # if pos is near us, return status string def nearby(self,pos): dx = self.location[0] - pos[0] dy = self.location[1] - pos[1] if abs(dx) < .1 and abs(dy) < .1: return self.status() elif len(self.transmit_queue) > 0: if (dx > .1 and dx < .2) and (dy > .1 and dy < .2): return 'Unsent '+self.transmit_queue[0].status() else: return None def click(self,pos,which): dx = self.location[0] - pos[0] dy = self.location[1] - pos[1] if abs(dx) < .1 and abs(dy) < .1: self.OnClick(which) return True else: return False def OnClick(self,which): pass # status report to appear in status bar when pointer is nearby def status(self): return self.__repr__() ################################################################################ # # Link -- a communication link between two network nodes # # Link.queue_length(n) -- count undelivered packets sent by specified node # Link.other_end(n) -- return node at other end of link # Link.receive(n) -- return one packet destined for specified node (or None) # Link.send(n,p) -- send packet to other end of link # ################################################################################ class Link: def __init__(self,n1,n2): self.end1 = n1 # node at one end of the link self.end2 = n2 # node at the other end self.q12 = [] # queue of packets to be delivered to end2 self.q21 = [] # queue of packets to be delivered to end1 self.cost = 1 # by default, cost is 1 self.costrepr = str(self.cost) # representing cost in GUI = None # will be filled in later n1.add_link(self) n2.add_link(self) self.broken = False def __repr__(self): return 'link(%s<-->%s) (%.1f)' % (self.end1,self.end2, self.cost) def reset(self): self.q12 = [] # reset packet queues self.q21 = [] # return count of undelivered packets sent by specified node def queue_length(self,n): if n == self.end1: return len(self.q12) elif n == self.end2: return len(self.q21) else: raise Exception,'bad node in Link.queue_length' # return (link, packet) destined for specified node (or None) def receive(self,n): if n == self.end1: if len(self.q21) > 0: return (self, self.q21.pop(0)) else: return None elif n == self.end2: if len(self.q12): return (self, self.q12.pop(0)) else: return None else: raise Exception,'bad node in Link.receive' # send one packet from specified node def send(self,n,p): if self.broken: return if n == self.end1: self.q12.append(p) elif n == self.end2: self.q21.append(p) else: raise Exception,'bad node in Link.send' ######################################################### # support for graphical simulation interface ######################################################### def draw(self,dc,transform): self.nsize = transform[0]/16 n1 = self.end1.net2screen(transform) n2 = self.end2.net2screen(transform) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('black',1,wx.SOLID)) dc.SetBrush(wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH) dc.DrawLine(n1[0],n1[1],n2[0],n2[1]) # show link's cost near it dc.SetTextForeground('light grey') dc.SetFont(wx.Font(max(4,self.nsize*2),wx.SWISS,wx.NORMAL,wx.NORMAL)) dc.DrawText(self.costrepr,(n1[0]+n2[0])/2,(n1[1]+n2[1])/2) if self.broken: dc.SetPen(wx.Pen('red',3,wx.SOLID)) midx = (n1[0]+n2[0])/2 midy = (n1[1]+n2[1])/2 offset = 0.1 * transform[0] dc.DrawLine(midx-offset,midy-offset,midx+offset,midy+offset) dc.DrawLine(midx+offset,midy-offset,midx-offset,midy+offset) # draw first packet in each queue if len(self.q21) > 0: self.q21[0].draw_on_link(dc,transform,n1,n2) if len(self.q12) > 0: self.q12[0].draw_on_link(dc,transform,n2,n1) def nearby(self,pos): # check for packet icons msg = None if len(self.q21) > 0: msg = self.q21[0].nearby(pos,self.end1.location,self.end2.location) if msg is None and len(self.q12) > 0: msg = self.q12[0].nearby(pos,self.end2.location,self.end1.location) return msg def click(self,pos,which): if nearby(pos,self.end1.location,self.end2.location,.1): self.broken = not self.broken if self.broken: self.reset() return True return False ###################################################################### """A link with cost (higher cost means worse link) """ ###################################################################### class CostLink(Link): def __init__(self,n1,n2): Link.__init__(self,n1,n2) self.nsize = 0 # filled in by draw method loc1 = n1.location loc2 = n2.location dx2 = (loc1[0] - loc2[0])*(loc1[0] - loc2[0]) dy2 = (loc1[1] - loc2[1])*(loc1[1] - loc2[1]) self.cost = math.sqrt(dx2 + dy2) if (int(self.cost) == self.cost): self.costrepr = str(self.cost) else: self.costrepr = "sqrt(" + str(dx2+dy2) + ")" ################################################################################ # # Packet -- data to be sent from one network node to another # # Packet.arrived_from() -- return node this packet just arrived from # ################################################################################ class Packet: def __init__(self,src,dest,type,start,**props): self.source = src # address of node that originated packet self.destination = dest # address of node that should receive packet self.type = type self.start = start # simulation time at which packet was transmitted self.finish = None # simulation time at which packet was received self.route = [] # list of nodes this packet has visited = None # will be filled in later = props.copy() def __repr__(self): return 'Packet<%s to %s> type %s' % (self.source,self.destination,self.type) # keep track of where we've been def add_hop(self,n,time): self.route.append((n,time)) ######################################################### # support for graphical simulation interface ######################################################### def draw(self,dc,transform,px,py): c ='color','blue') dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(c,1,wx.SOLID)) dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(c)) radius = transform[0]/16 dc.DrawCircle(px,py,radius) def draw_on_link(self,dc,transform,n1,n2): px = n1[0] + int(0.2*(n2[0] - n1[0])) py = n1[1] + int(0.2*(n2[1] - n1[1])) self.draw(dc,transform,px,py) def nearby(self,pos,n1,n2): px = n1[0] + 0.2*(n2[0] - n1[0]) py = n1[1] + 0.2*(n2[1] - n1[1]) dx = px - pos[0] dy = py - pos[1] if abs(dx) < .1 and abs(dy) < .1: return self.status() else: return None def status(self): return self.__repr__() ################################################################################ # # Network -- a collection of network nodes, links and packets # # Network.make_node(loc,address=None) -- make a new network node # Network.add_node(x,y,address=None) -- add a new node at specified location # Network.find_node(x,y) -- return node at given location # Network.map_node(f,default=0) -- see below # Network.make_link(n1,n2) -- make a new link between n1 and n2 # Network.add_link(x1,y2,x2,y2) -- add link between specified nodes # # Network.make_packet(src,dst,type,start,**props) -- make a new packet # Network.duplicate_packet(p) -- duplicate a packet # # Network.reset() -- initialize network state # Network.step(count=1) -- simulate count timesteps # ################################################################################ class Network: def __init__(self,simtime): self.nodes = {} self.addresses = {} self.nlist = [] self.links = [] self.time = 0 self.pending = 0 self.packets = [] self.npackets = 0 self.max_x = 0 self.max_y = 0 self.simtime = simtime self.playstep = 1.0 # 1 second play step by default self.numnodes = 0 # TBD # override to make your own type of node def make_node(self,loc,address=None): return Node(loc,address=address) # add a node to the network def add_node(self,x,y,address=None): n = self.find_node(x,y) if n is None: n = self.make_node((x,y),address=address) = self if address is not None: self.addresses[address] = n self.nlist.append(n) ynodes = self.nodes.get(x,{}) ynodes[y] = n self.nodes[x] = ynodes self.max_x = max(self.max_x,x) self.max_y = max(self.max_y,y) return n def set_nodes(self,n): self.numnodes = n # locate a node given its location def find_node(self,x,y): ynodes = self.nodes.get(x,None) if ynodes is not None: return ynodes.get(y,None) return None # apply f to each network node in top-to-bottom, left-to-right # order. Returns list of return values (default value is used # if a particular grid point doesn't contain a node). Useful # for gathering statistical data that can be processed by Matlab. def map_node(self,f,default=0): result = [] for row in xrange(self.max_y+1): for col in xrange(self.max_x+1): node = self.find_node(row,col) if node: result.append(f(node)) else: result.append(default) return result # override to make your own type of link def make_link(self,n1,n2): return Link(n1,n2) # add a link between nodes at the specified locations def add_link(self,x1,y1,x2,y2): n1 = self.find_node(x1,y1) n2 = self.find_node(x2,y2) if n1 is not None and n2 is not None: link = self.make_link(n1,n2) = self self.links.append(link) # override to make your own type of packet def make_packet(self,src,dest,type,start,**props): p = Packet(src,dest,type,start,**props) = self self.packets.append(p) self.npackets += 1 return p # duplicate existing packet def duplicate_packet(self,old): return self.make_packet(old.source,old.destination,old.type,self.time, ** # compute manhattan distance between two nodes def manhattan_distance(self,n1,n2): dx = n1[0] - n2[0] dy = n1[1] - n2[1] return abs(dx) + abs(dy) # return network to initial state def reset(self): for n in self.nlist: n.reset() self.time = 0 self.pending = 0 self.packets = [] self.npackets = 0 self.pending = 1 # ensure at least simulation step # simulate network one timestep at a time. At each timestep # each node processes one packet from each of its incoming links def step(self,count=1): stop_time = self.time + count while self.time < stop_time and self.pending > 0: # phase 1: nodes collect one packet from each link for n in self.nlist: n.phase1() # phase 2: nodes process collected packets, perhaps sending # some to outgoing links. Also nodes can originate packets # of their own. self.pending = 0 for n in self.nlist: self.pending += n.phase2(self.time) # increment time self.time += 1 return self.pending ######################################################### # support for graphical simulation interface ######################################################### def draw(self,dc,transform): # draw links for link in self.links: link.draw(dc,transform) # draw nodes for node in self.nlist: node.draw(dc,transform) def click(self,pos,which): for node in self.nlist: if,which): return True else: for link in self.links: if,which): return True return False def status(self,statusbar,pos): for node in self.nlist: msg = node.nearby(pos) if msg: break else: for link in self.links: msg = link.nearby(pos) if msg: break else: msg = '' statusbar.SetFieldsCount(4) statusbar.SetStatusWidths([80,80,80,-1]) statusbar.SetStatusText('Time: %d' % self.time, 0) statusbar.SetStatusText('Pending: %s' % self.pending, 1) statusbar.SetStatusText('Total: %s' % self.npackets, 2) statusbar.SetStatusText('Status: %s' % msg, 3) grid_node_names = ['alpha', 'bravo', 'charlie', 'delta', 'echo', 'foxtrot', 'golf', 'hotel', 'india', 'juliet', 'kilo', 'lima', 'mike', 'november', 'oscar', 'papa', 'quebec', 'romeo', 'sierra', 'tango', 'uniform', 'victor', 'whiskey', 'xray', 'yankee', 'zulu'] class GridNetwork(Network): # make a grid network of specified size def __init__(self,nrows,ncols): Network.__init__(self) # make a manhattan grid of nodes for r in xrange(nrows): for c in xrange(ncols): index = r*ncols + c addr = grid_node_names[index % len(grid_node_names)] if index >= len(grid_node_names): addr += str(index / len(grid_node_names)) self.add_node(r,c,address=addr) for r in xrange(nrows): # horizontal links first for c in xrange(ncols): if c > 0: self.add_link(r,c,r,c-1) # then vertical links for c in xrange(ncols): if r > 0: self.add_link(r,c,r-1,c) ################################################################################ # # NetSim -- a graphical front end for network simulations # ################################################################################ # convert from network to screen coords # transform = (scale,(xoffset,yoffset)) def net2screen(loc,transform): return (transform[1][0]+loc[0]*transform[0], transform[1][1]+loc[1]*transform[0]) # convert from screen to network coords # transform = (scale,(xoffset,yoffset)) def screen2net(loc,transform): return (float(loc[0]-transform[1][0])/transform[0], float(loc[1]-transform[1][1])/transform[0]) # is pt within distance of line between end1 and end2? def nearby(pt,end1,end2,distance): if end1[0] == end2[0]: # vertical wire if abs(pt[0] - end1[0]) > distance: return False y1 = min(end1[1],end2[1]) y2 = max(end1[1],end2[1]) return pt[1] >= y1 - distance and pt[1] <= y2 + distance elif end1[1] == end2[1]: # horizontal wire if abs(pt[1] - end1[1]) > distance: return False x1 = min(end1[0],end2[0]) x2 = max(end1[0],end2[0]) return pt[0] >= x1 - distance and pt[0] <= x2 + distance else: # non-manhattan wire # slope and intercept for line between end1 and end2 slope1 = float(end1[1] - end2[1])/(end1[0] - end2[0]) intercept1 = float(end1[1]) - slope1*end1[0] # slope and intercept for perpendicular line passing through pt slope2 = -1/slope1 intercept2 = float(pt[1]) - slope2*pt[0] # x coordinate of intersection of those two lines xi = (intercept2 - intercept1)/(slope1 - slope2) if xi < min(end1[0],end2[0]) or xi > max(end1[0],end2[0]): return False dx = pt[0] - xi; dy = pt[1] - (slope2*xi + intercept2) return (dx*dx) + (dy*dy) <= distance*distance # A panel that displays a network class NetPanel(wx.Panel): def __init__(self,parent,statusbar): wx.Panel.__init__(self,parent,-1,wx.DefaultPosition,(10,10)) self.SetBackgroundColour('white') self.SetMinSize((100,100)) self.statusbar = statusbar = None self.setupBuffer = False self.redraw = False self.playmode = False self.lastplaytime = 0 self.transform = (2,(0,0)) self.SetupBuffer() self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT,self.OnPaint) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE,self.OnSize) self.Bind(wx.EVT_IDLE,self.OnIdle) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION,self.OnMotion) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN,self.OnLeftClick) def SetupBuffer(self): # use an off-screen drawing buffer to reduce flicker size = self.GetClientSize() self.buffer = wx.EmptyBitmap(size.width,size.height) self.setupBuffer = False self.redraw = True # fill up new buffer def OnSize(self,event): # wait until IDLE to actually do refresh just in case there # are multiple SIZE events in a row that we can roll into one self.setupBuffer = True def OnClick(self,event,which): pos = screen2net(event.GetPositionTuple(),self.transform) if,which): self.redraw = True def OnLeftClick(self,event): self.OnClick(event,'left') def OnMotion(self,event): pos = screen2net(event.GetPositionTuple(),self.transform),pos) def OnIdle(self,event): if self.setupBuffer: # create a new drawing buffer self.SetupBuffer() if self.redraw: self.DrawNetwork() self.Refresh(False) self.redraw = False,(-10,-10)) if self.playmode == True: self.redraw = True curtime = time.clock() delta = curtime - self.lastplaytime if delta > if > self.lastplaytime = curtime else: self.playmode = False event.RequestMore() def OnPaint(self,event): # just refresh the screen from our buffer dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self,self.buffer) def OnReset(self,event):,(-10,-10)) self.redraw = True def OnStep(self,event): button = event.GetEventObject().GetLabel() arg = button[button.find(' '):] if arg == ' all': count = else: count = int(arg),(-10,-10)) self.redraw = True def OnPlay(self,event): self.playmode = True def OnPause(self,event): self.playmode = False def OnNNodes(self,event): nnodes = event.GetEventObject().GetValue() self.redraw = True def OnExit(self,event):,(-10,-10)) self.redraw = True sys.exit(1) def DrawNetwork(self): # erase buffer dc = wx.BufferedDC(None,self.buffer) dc.SetBackground(wx.Brush(self.GetBackgroundColour())) dc.Clear() # compute grid size for network size = self.GetClientSize() netsize = (, grid = min(size[0]/netsize[0],size[1]/netsize[1]) xoffset = (size[0] - (netsize[0]-1)*grid)/2 yoffset = (size[1] - (netsize[1]-1)*grid)/2 self.transform = (grid, (xoffset,yoffset)),self.transform) def SetNetwork(self,network): = network self.redraw = True class NetFrame(wx.Frame): def __init__(self,parent=None,id=-1,size=(1000,500), pos=wx.DefaultPosition,title='NetSim'): wx.Frame.__init__(self,parent,id,title,pos,size) self.SetBackgroundColour('white') statusbar = self.CreateStatusBar() = None self.netpanel = NetPanel(self,statusbar) # panel for displaying the network # sizer for parameters # parameters = wx.Panel(self,-1) # simulation parameters # parameters.SetBackgroundColour('light gray') # psizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=2,hgap=5,vgap=5) # parameters.SetSizer(psizer) # number of nodes # psizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parameters,-1,'Num nodes:'), # 0,wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) # self.nNodes = wx.SpinCtrl(parameters,-1,min=1,max=800) # self.Bind(wx.EVT_SPINCTRL,self.netpanel.OnNNodes,self.nNodes) # psizer.Add(self.nNodes,0) # holds netpanel and simulation controls vsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vsizer.Add(self.netpanel,1,flag=wx.EXPAND) # expand V and H # controls = wx.Panel(self,-1) # control panel # controls.SetBackgroundColour('white') # sizer for controls hsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # controls.SetSizer(hsizer) vsizer.Add(hsizer,0,flag=wx.EXPAND) # reset button -- calls netpanel's OnReset button = wx.Button(self,-1,'Reset') self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.netpanel.OnReset, button) hsizer.Add(button,1) # step buttons -- calls netpanel's OnStep button = wx.Button(self,-1,'Step 1') self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.netpanel.OnStep, button) hsizer.Add(button,1) button = wx.Button(self,-1,'Step 10') self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.netpanel.OnStep, button) hsizer.Add(button,1) button = wx.Button(self,-1,'Step 100') self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.netpanel.OnStep, button) hsizer.Add(button,1) button = wx.Button(self,-1,'Step all') self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.netpanel.OnStep, button) hsizer.Add(button,1) button = wx.Button(self,-1,'Play') self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.netpanel.OnPlay, button) hsizer.Add(button,1) button = wx.Button(self,-1,'Pause') self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.netpanel.OnPause, button) hsizer.Add(button,1) # exit button button = wx.Button(self,-1,'Exit') self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.netpanel.OnExit, button) hsizer.Add(button,1) # self.SetSizer(vsizer) # layout window mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # mainSizer.Add(parameters,0,flag=wx.EXPAND) mainSizer.Add(vsizer,1,flag=wx.EXPAND) self.SetSizer(mainSizer) # layout window def SetNetwork(self,network): self.netpanel.SetNetwork(network) class NetSim(wx.App): def OnInit(self): self.frame = NetFrame() self.frame.Show() self.SetTopWindow(self.frame) return True def SetNetwork(self,network): self.frame.SetNetwork(network)