import numpy import matplotlib.pyplot as p import lab6 from lab2_3 import unit_sample_response from lab6_1 import freq_res_usr # compute coefficients for a difference equation with # a pair of complex conjugate poles at the specified # frequency and with a scale factor of r. def pole_to_coeffs(pole_freq,r): pass # your code here # use the differential equation solver to convert # diffeq coefficients into a unit-sample response def pole_to_usr(pole_freq,r): ycoeffs = pole_to_coeffs(pole_freq,r) xcoeffs = [1.0] + [0.0]*(len(ycoeffs) - 1) channel = lab6.de_solver(ycoeffs,xcoeffs) return unit_sample_response(channel) if __name__ == '__main__': # get unit-sample response for filter with a pole at pi/2 pole_freq = numpy.pi/2 r = 0.98 usr_pole = pole_to_usr(pole_freq,r) # plot the frequency response omega_pole, mag_hejw_pole = freq_res_usr(usr_pole) lab6.plot_freq_response(omega_pole,mag_hejw_pole, 'pole filter @ $\Omega=%3.2g$, r=%3.2g' % (pole_freq,r))