import random, sys, wx, math, time from lab8_wnode import * from lab8_util import * # Channel access simulator. Network instance repeatedly calls step method # of node instances to determine which transmissions should take place in # each time slot. Default behaviors: # - packets whose transmissions overlap have their collision flags set # - nodes transmit packets whose start time has arrived (or past) if the # channel isn't busy # # NOTE: In the simulator, time is slotted and increments 1 step at a time. # Packet lengths are expressed in units of time slots. # #defines NO_COLLISION = 0 # packet experienced no collision COLLISION = 1 # packet experienced collision NO_RETRY = 0 # config option: no retries RETRY = 1 # retry on SOURCE_NOSKEW = 0 # all nodes contribute roughly equal load SOURCE_SKEW = 1 # nodes contribute geometrically-spaced loads ################################################################################ # # WirelessNetConfig -- setting various configuration parameters # ################################################################################ class WirelessNetConfig: def __init__(self,n,chantype,ptime,dist,load,retry,backoff, skew=SOURCE_NOSKEW,qmax=0,simtime=10000): self.numnodes = n # number of nodes sharing channel (integer) self.chantype = chantype # channel type: stabaloha, CSMA, TDMA (string) self.ptime = ptime # packet length in time-slot units (integer) self.dist = dist # distribution to generate pkts (string) self.load = load # total offered load (integer percentage) self.retry = retry # does a node retry or not? (RETRY or NO_RETRY) self.maxbackoff = 16 # constant specifying max number of backoffs self.backoff = backoff # "None", "binexpo" or "Mine" self.skew = skew # NOSKEW for uniform load; else geom-spaced self.qmax = qmax # max per-node queue size (0 for NO LIMIT) self.playstep = 1.0 # 1 second playstep by default self.simtime = simtime # total simulation time (integer) self.downlink = 'FIFO' # called when user sets number of network nodes def set_nodes(self,n): print 'set_nodes', n self.numnodes = n # called when user sets packet time def set_packet_time(self,ptime): print 'set_packet_time', ptime self.ptime = ptime # called when user sets total channel load def set_load(self,load): print 'set_load', load self.load = load # called when user sets total simulation time (number of time slots) def set_sim_time(self,t): self.simtime = t print 'set_simtime', t # called when user sets channel type def set_channel_type(self,t): if t == '': t = "stabaloha" print 'set_protocol', t self.chantype = t # called when user sets whether nodes should retry on collision or not def set_retry(self,r): if r == 'Yes': print 'set_retry', RETRY self.retry = RETRY else: # no retry by default print 'set_retry', NO_RETRY self.retry = NO_RETRY # what kind of backoff protocol do we want? def set_backoff(self,b): if b == '': b = 'binexpo' print 'set_backoff ', b self.backoff = b # called when user sets whether nodes should send at skewed or equal rates def set_skew(self,s): if s == 'Yes': print 'set_src_skew SOURCE_SKEW' self.skew = SOURCE_SKEW else: # default is NOSKEW print 'set_src_skew SOURCE_NOSKEW' self.skew = SOURCE_NOSKEW def set_qmax(self,qmax): if qmax == 0: print 'set_qmax NO LIMIT' else: print 'set_qmax ', qmax self.qmax = qmax # 0 if NO LIMIT on queue size def set_downlink(self,dl): print 'set_downlink ', dl self.downlink = dl ################################################################################ # # WirelessNetwork -- a collection of network nodes sharing a channel # Provides the following methods, among others that may be less important # step() -- the "main body" of this class, which orchestrates what happens # in each time step, including calling each node's step() method # collide() -- internal function used to determine if two or more packets # are concurrently on the channel. If so, the packet's # coll_flag field is set to COLLISION, if not, NO_COLLISION # channel_busy() -- Returns True if channel is currently busy, else False # print_stats() -- prints useful stats about the network and each node ################################################################################ class WirelessNetwork: def __init__(self,n,chantype,ptime,dist,load,retry,backoff, skew=SOURCE_NOSKEW,qmax=0,simtime=10000): self.config = WirelessNetConfig(n,chantype,ptime,dist,load,retry, backoff,skew,qmax,simtime) self.stats = Stats(simtime) self.ap = None self.reset() # return network to initial state def reset(self): numnodes = self.config.numnodes self.nodes = {} # indexed by location tuple (x,y) self.nlist = [] # equivalent to self.nodes.values() self.max_x = 0 self.max_y = 0 for i in xrange(0,numnodes): loc = (math.cos(2*math.pi*i/numnodes)+.3, math.sin(2*math.pi*i/numnodes)+1) n = self.add_node(loc) for n in self.nlist: n.reset() # Attach a source traffic distribution w/ the specified rate. # By default, each node has uniform rate; override for skewed dists load = self.config.load/100.0 # XXX because we're inputting a % load load = load/self.config.ptime # load was in pkts/tslot dist = self.config.dist skew = self.config.skew nextrate = load/2.0 # only relevant when skew == SOURCE_SKEW for n in self.nlist: if (skew != SOURCE_SKEW): # print 'attaching ', 1.0*load/numnodes, ' to node ', n.get_id() n.attach_distribution(dist,load/numnodes) n.rate = load/numnodes else: # geometrically-spaced rates if n == self.nlist[len(self.nlist)-1]: nextrate = 2.0*nextrate print 'attaching ', nextrate, ' to node ', n.get_id() n.rate = nextrate n.attach_distribution(dist,nextrate) nextrate = nextrate/2.0; self.time = 0 = [] self.stats.reset(self.config.simtime) # clears all statistics if self.ap is not None: self.ap.reset() # add an access point to the wireless network def add_ap(self,ap): print 'adding ap' self.ap = ap def make_node(self,loc,retry): return WirelessNode(loc,self,retry) # add a node to the network, loc should be (x,y) tuple def add_node(self,loc): n = self.find_node(loc) if n is None: n = self.make_node(loc,self.config.retry) self.max_x = max(self.max_x,loc[0]) self.max_y = max(self.max_y,loc[1]) self.nodes[loc] = n self.nlist.append(n) return n # return node instance given its location def find_node(self,loc): return self.nodes.get(loc,None) # given an id, return the node def get_node_by_id(self,id): return self.nlist[id] # apply f to each network node, return list of results def map_node(self,f): return [f(node) for node in self.nlist] # Simulate wireless network one time slot at a time. # The ordering of steps here is important; we need to check for # collisions first to avoid edge case problems. If you reorder things # below, you'd better know what you're doing! def step(self,count=1): stop_time = self.time + count while self.time < stop_time: # determine what's happening on channel self.collide() # wrap up any transmissions that just ended while len( > 0 and[0].end <= self.time: p = # invoke node's callback when packet finishes transmitting p.sender.transmit_done(p) if p.coll_flag == NO_COLLISION: self.stats.success += 1 # see who wants to start transmitting in the next time slot self.new_transmissions = [] self.stats.pending = 0 for n in self.nlist: self.stats.pending += n.step(self.time) # node may call network's transmit method # Step for the access point if self.ap != None: self.ap.step(1) ##### end of time slot ###### # end simulation if we reach ending time (simtime) if self.time == self.config.simtime: break self.time += 1 ##### beginning of time slot ##### # start up new transmissions if self.time >= self.config.simtime: self.print_stats() # called in "middle" of each time slot to determine what's # happening in the channel, ie, are there collisions? def collide(self): # simple, "perfect" RF channel # if there's more than one active transmission, set collision flags # for any packets now being transmitted if len( > 1: for p in self.stats.collisions += 1 p.coll_flag = COLLISION # called by nodes when they start transmitting a packet; # packets are identified by their original start time. # Nodes will expect a callback to their transmit_done method # after transmission completes. # channel is list of lists where each sublist has the form # [end_time,node,packet_id,collision_flag] # channel is a list of packets def transmit(self,node,packet): packet.end = self.time+self.config.ptime packet.coll_flag = NO_COLLISION self.new_transmissions.append(packet) # Return True if channel is busy (ie, some node is currently transmitting), # used by the channel_access method of WirelessNode. def channel_busy(self): return len( != 0 # print out useful stats about the WirelessNetwork and each WirelessNode def print_stats(self): for n in self.nlist: n.stats._print(self.time, self.config.ptime, n.get_id()) self.stats._print(self.time, self.config.ptime, 'net') print "Inter-node fairness: %.2f" % self.fairness(0) print "Inter-node weighted fairness: %.2f" % self.fairness(1) def fairness(self, rate_normalized): succ_sum = succ_sumsq = 0 for n in self.nlist: if rate_normalized == 0: x = n.stats.success else: x = 1.0*n.stats.success/n.rate succ_sum += x succ_sumsq += x*x if succ_sumsq > 0: return 1.0*succ_sum*succ_sum / (len(self.nlist) * succ_sumsq) else: return 0 ######################################################### # support for graphical simulation interface ######################################################### def draw(self,dc,transform): # busy or collision? indicate with different background if len( > 0: if len( > 1: color = 'salmon' else: color = 'pale green' dc.SetBackground(wx.Brush(color)) dc.Clear() # draw nodes for node in self.nlist: node.draw(dc,transform) if self.ap is not None: self.ap.draw(dc,transform) def click(self,pos,which): for node in self.nlist: if,which): return True return False def status(self,statusbar,pos): for node in self.nlist: msg = node.nearby(pos) if msg: break else: msg = '' statusbar.SetFieldsCount(5) statusbar.SetStatusWidths([100,100,100,100,-1]) statusbar.SetStatusText('Time: %d' % int(self.time), 0) statusbar.SetStatusText('Attempts: %d' % self.stats.attempts, 1) statusbar.SetStatusText('Success: %d' % self.stats.success, 2) # statusbar.SetStatusText('Collisions: %d' % self.stats.collisions, 3) if self.time > 0: u = 1.0*self.stats.success*self.config.ptime/self.time else: u = 0.00 statusbar.SetStatusText('Utilization: %.2f' % u, 3) statusbar.SetStatusText('Status: %s' % msg, 4) ################################################################################ # # NetSim -- a graphical front end for network simulations # ################################################################################ # convert from network to screen coords # transform = (scale,(xoffset,yoffset)) def net2screen(loc,transform): return (transform[1][0]+loc[0]*transform[0], transform[1][1]+loc[1]*transform[0]) # convert from screen to network coords # transform = (scale,(xoffset,yoffset)) def screen2net(loc,transform): return (float(loc[0]-transform[1][0])/transform[0], float(loc[1]-transform[1][1])/transform[0]) # is pt within distance of line between end1 and end2? def nearby(pt,end1,end2,distance): if end1[0] == end2[0]: # vertical wire if abs(pt[0] - end1[0]) > distance: return False y1 = min(end1[1],end2[1]) y2 = max(end1[1],end2[1]) return pt[1] >= y1 - distance and pt[1] <= y2 + distance elif end1[1] == end2[1]: # horizontal wire if abs(pt[1] - end1[1]) > distance: return False x1 = min(end1[0],end2[0]) x2 = max(end1[0],end2[0]) return pt[0] >= x1 - distance and pt[0] <= x2 + distance else: # non-manhattan wire # slope and intercept for line between end1 and end2 slope1 = float(end1[1] - end2[1])/(end1[0] - end2[0]) intercept1 = float(end1[1]) - slope1*end1[0] # slope and intercept for perpendicular line passing through pt slope2 = -1/slope1 intercept2 = float(pt[1]) - slope2*pt[0] # x coordinate of intersection of those two lines xi = (intercept2 - intercept1)/(slope1 - slope2) if xi < min(end1[0],end2[0]) or xi > max(end1[0],end2[0]): return False dx = pt[0] - xi; dy = pt[1] - (slope2*xi + intercept2) return (dx*dx) + (dy*dy) <= distance*distance # A panel that displays a network class NetPanel(wx.Panel): def __init__(self,parent,statusbar): wx.Panel.__init__(self,parent,-1,wx.DefaultPosition,(10,10)) self.SetBackgroundColour('white') self.SetMinSize((100,100)) self.statusbar = statusbar = None self.setupBuffer = False self.redraw = False self.playmode = False self.lastplaytime = 0 self.transform = (2,(0,0)) self.SetupBuffer() self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT,self.OnPaint) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE,self.OnSize) self.Bind(wx.EVT_IDLE,self.OnIdle) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION,self.OnMotion) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN,self.OnLeftClick) def SetupBuffer(self): # use an off-screen drawing buffer to reduce flicker size = self.GetClientSize() self.buffer = wx.EmptyBitmap(size.width,size.height) self.setupBuffer = False self.redraw = True # fill up new buffer def OnSize(self,event): # wait until IDLE to actually do refresh just in case there # are multiple SIZE events in a row that we can roll into one self.setupBuffer = True def OnClick(self,event,which): pos = screen2net(event.GetPositionTuple(),self.transform) if,which): self.redraw = True def OnLeftClick(self,event): self.OnClick(event,'left') def OnMotion(self,event): pos = screen2net(event.GetPositionTuple(),self.transform),pos) def OnIdle(self,event): if self.setupBuffer: # create a new drawing buffer self.SetupBuffer() if self.redraw: self.DrawNetwork() self.Refresh(False) self.redraw = False,(-10,-10)) if self.playmode == True: self.redraw = True curtime = time.clock() delta = curtime - self.lastplaytime if delta > if > self.lastplaytime = curtime else: self.playmode = False event.RequestMore() def OnPaint(self,event): # just refresh the screen from our buffer dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self,self.buffer) def OnReset(self,event): self.playmode = False,(-10,-10)) self.redraw = True def OnStats(self,event):,(-10,-10)) self.redraw = True def OnStep(self,event): button = event.GetEventObject().GetLabel() arg = button[button.find(' '):] if arg == ' all': count = else: count = int(arg),(-10,-10)) self.redraw = True def OnPlay(self,event): self.playmode = True def OnPause(self,event): self.playmode = False def OnNNodes(self,event): nnodes = event.GetEventObject().GetValue() self.redraw = True def OnPTime(self,event): packetTime = event.GetEventObject().GetValue() self.redraw = True def OnLoad(self,event): load = event.GetEventObject().GetValue() self.redraw = True def OnSimTime(self,event): simTime = event.GetEventObject().GetValue() self.redraw = True def OnCType(self,event): cType = event.GetEventObject().GetStringSelection() self.redraw = True def OnRetry(self,event): retry = event.GetEventObject().GetStringSelection() self.redraw = True def OnBackoff(self,event): backoff = event.GetEventObject().GetStringSelection() self.redraw = True def OnSkew(self,event): skew = event.GetEventObject().GetStringSelection() self.redraw = True def OnQMax(self,event): qmax = event.GetEventObject().GetValue() self.redraw = True def OnDownlink(self,event): downlink = event.GetEventObject().GetStringSelection() self.redraw = True def OnExit(self,event):,(-10,-10)) self.redraw = True sys.exit(1) def DrawNetwork(self): # erase buffer dc = wx.BufferedDC(None,self.buffer) dc.SetBackground(wx.Brush(self.GetBackgroundColour())) dc.Clear() # compute grid size for network size = self.GetClientSize() netsize = (, grid = min(size[0]/netsize[0],size[1]/netsize[1]) xoffset = (size[0] - (netsize[0]-1)*grid)/2 yoffset = (size[1] - (netsize[1]-1)*grid)/2 self.transform = (grid, (xoffset,yoffset)),self.transform) def SetNetwork(self,network): = network self.redraw = True class NetFrame(wx.Frame): def __init__(self,parent=None,id=-1,size=(1000,500), pos=wx.DefaultPosition,title='WSim'): wx.Frame.__init__(self,parent,id,title,pos,size) self.SetBackgroundColour('white') statusbar = self.CreateStatusBar() = None self.netpanel = NetPanel(self,statusbar) # panel for showing network # sizer for parameters parameters = wx.Panel(self,-1) # simulation parameters parameters.SetBackgroundColour('light gray') psizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=2,hgap=5,vgap=5) parameters.SetSizer(psizer) # number of nodes psizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parameters,-1,'Num nodes:'), 0,wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) self.nNodes = wx.SpinCtrl(parameters,-1,min=1,max=800) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SPINCTRL,self.netpanel.OnNNodes,self.nNodes) psizer.Add(self.nNodes,0) # offered load psizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parameters,-1,'Load % (pkts/slot):'), 0,wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) self.load = wx.SpinCtrl(parameters,-1,min=0,max=1000,initial=100) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SPINCTRL,self.netpanel.OnLoad,self.load) psizer.Add(self.load,0) # packet time psizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parameters,-1,'Pkt time (slots):'), 0,wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) self.packetTime = wx.SpinCtrl(parameters,-1,min=1,max=100,initial=1) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SPINCTRL,self.netpanel.OnPTime,self.packetTime) psizer.Add(self.packetTime,0) # simulation time psizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parameters,-1,'Sim time (slots):'), 0,wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) self.simTime = wx.SpinCtrl(parameters,-1,min=1,max=100000,initial=10000) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SPINCTRL,self.netpanel.OnSimTime,self.simTime) psizer.Add(self.simTime,0) # channel type psizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parameters,-1,'MAC protocol:'), 0,wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) channelTypes = ['Aloha','CSMA','TDMA'] self.cType = wx.Choice(parameters,-1,choices=channelTypes) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE,self.netpanel.OnCType,self.cType) psizer.Add(self.cType,0) # retry or not psizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parameters,-1,'Retry?'), 0,wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) retry_choices = ['No','Yes'] self.retry = wx.Choice(parameters,-1,choices=retry_choices) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE,self.netpanel.OnRetry,self.retry) psizer.Add(self.retry,0) # type of backoff on collision and retry psizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parameters,-1,'Backoff'), 0,wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) backoff_choices = ['None','Binexpo'] self.backoff = wx.Choice(parameters,-1,choices=backoff_choices) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE,self.netpanel.OnBackoff,self.backoff) psizer.Add(self.backoff,0) # source skew psizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parameters,-1,'Src skew?'), 0,wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) skew_choices = ['No','Yes'] self.skew = wx.Choice(parameters,-1,choices=skew_choices) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE,self.netpanel.OnSkew,self.skew) psizer.Add(self.skew,0) # No downlink in lab8 ''' # maximum per-node queue size psizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parameters,-1,'Max Q (-1 for no limit):'), 0,wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) self.qmax = wx.SpinCtrl(parameters,-1,min=0,max=10000,initial=0) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SPINCTRL,self.netpanel.OnQMax,self.qmax) psizer.Add(self.qmax,0) # downlink parameters start here # Scheduling method: FIFO, RoundRobin variants psizer.Add(wx.StaticText(parameters,-1,'Downlink scheduler'), 0,wx.ALIGN_RIGHT|wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) downlink_choices = ['FIFO','RoundRobin','StickyRR'] self.downlink = wx.Choice(parameters,-1,choices=downlink_choices) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE,self.netpanel.OnDownlink,self.downlink) psizer.Add(self.downlink,0) ''' # holds netpanel and simulation controls vsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vsizer.Add(self.netpanel,1,flag=wx.EXPAND) # expand V and H # sizer for controls hsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) vsizer.Add(hsizer,0,flag=wx.EXPAND) # reset button -- calls netpanel's OnReset button = wx.Button(self,-1,'Reset') self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.netpanel.OnReset, button) hsizer.Add(button,1) # stats button -- calls netpanel's OnStats button = wx.Button(self,-1,'Stats') self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.netpanel.OnStats, button) hsizer.Add(button,1) # step buttons -- calls netpanel's OnStep button = wx.Button(self,-1,'Step 1') self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.netpanel.OnStep, button) hsizer.Add(button,1) button = wx.Button(self,-1,'Step 10') self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.netpanel.OnStep, button) hsizer.Add(button,1) button = wx.Button(self,-1,'Step 100') self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.netpanel.OnStep, button) hsizer.Add(button,1) button = wx.Button(self,-1,'Step all') self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.netpanel.OnStep, button) hsizer.Add(button,1) button = wx.Button(self,-1,'Play') self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.netpanel.OnPlay, button) hsizer.Add(button,1) button = wx.Button(self,-1,'Pause') self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.netpanel.OnPause, button) hsizer.Add(button,1) # exit button button = wx.Button(self,-1,'Exit') self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.netpanel.OnExit, button) hsizer.Add(button,1) mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) mainSizer.Add(parameters,0,flag=wx.EXPAND) mainSizer.Add(vsizer,1,flag=wx.EXPAND) self.SetSizer(mainSizer) # layout window def SetNetwork(self,network): self.netpanel.SetNetwork(network) # network.config.set_nodes(self.nNodes.GetValue()) # network.config.set_packet_time(self.packetTime.GetValue()) # network.config.set_load(self.load.GetValue()) # network.config.set_sim_time(self.simTime.GetValue()) # network.config.set_channel_type(self.cType.GetStringSelection()) # network.config.set_retry(self.retry.GetStringSelection()) # network.config.set_backoff(self.backoff.GetStringSelection()) # network.config.set_skew(self.skew.GetStringSelection()) # network.config.set_qmax(self.qmax.GetValue()) # network.config.set_downlink(self.downlink.GetStringSelection()) class NetSim(wx.App): def OnInit(self): self.frame = NetFrame() self.frame.Show() self.SetTopWindow(self.frame) return True def SetNetwork(self,network): self.frame.SetNetwork(network)