import random,sys,math from optparse import OptionParser from lab9_net import * from lab9_router import * from lab9_random_graph import * """Skeleton for link-state routing lab in 6.02 """ class LSRouter(Router): INFINITY = sys.maxint def __init__(self,location,address=None): Router.__init__(self, location, address=address) self.LSA = {} # address -> (seqnum,(nbr1,cost1),(nbr2,cost2),(nbr3,cost3), ...) self.LSA_seqnum = 0 # uniquely identify each LSA broadcast def make_ls_advertisement(self): # Make a list of all neighbors to send out in an LSA ## Your code here return def send_lsa(self, time): self.LSA_seqnum += 1 lsa_info = self.make_ls_advertisement() for link in self.links: p =, self.peer(link), 'ADVERT', time, color='red', seqnum=self.LSA_seqnum, neighbors=lsa_info) link.send(self, p) return def send_advertisement(self, time): self.send_lsa(time) self.clear_stale_lsa(time) def clear_stale_lsa(self, time): # After sending out LSA packets, clear out older LSA entries for key,value in self.LSA.items(): if value[0] < self.LSA_seqnum-1: del self.LSA[key] return def process_advertisement(self, p, link, time): # Process incoming LSA advertisement. # First get sequence number from packet, then see if we have a # previous entry in LSA from the same node seq =['seqnum'] saved = self.LSA.get(p.source, (-1,)) if seq > saved[0]: # update only if incoming seqnum is larger than saved seqnum self.LSA[p.source] = [seq] +['neighbors'] # Rebroadcast packet to our neighbors. We don't _have_ to # rebroadcast to the neighbor we just got the LSA from, # but we're going to do it anyway... for link in self.links: link.send(self, # get_all_nodes scans each node's LSA to visit all the other # non-neighbor nodes emulating a breadth first search (BFS). The # reason we do a BFS traversal rather than simply use self.LSA is # because we want to have a route to every node that is currently # reachable from us. def get_all_nodes(self): nodes = [self.address] for u in nodes: if self.LSA.get(u) != None: lsa_info = self.LSA[u][1:] for i in range(len(lsa_info)): v = lsa_info[i][0] if not v in nodes: nodes.append(v) return nodes def run_dijkstra(self, nodes): ## Your code here return # Let's clear the current routing table and rebuild it. The hard work # is done by run_dijkstra(). def integrate(self, time): self.routes.clear() self.routes[self.address] = 'Self' #initialize our own LSA self.LSA[self.address] = [self.LSA_seqnum] + self.make_ls_advertisement() nodes = self.get_all_nodes() self.spcost = {} for u in nodes: self.spcost[u] = self.INFINITY self.spcost[self.address] = 0 # path cost to myself is 0 (duh) self.run_dijkstra(nodes) return def transmit(self, time): Router.transmit(self, time) if (time % self.ADVERT_INTERVAL) == self.ADVERT_INTERVAL/2: self.integrate(time) return def OnClick(self,which): if which == 'left': print self print ' LSA:' for (key,value) in self.LSA.items(): print ' ',key,': ',value Router.OnClick(self,which) # A network with nodes of type LSRouter class LSRouterNetwork(RouterNetwork): def make_node(self,loc,address=None): return LSRouter(loc,address=address) ######################################################################## if __name__ == '__main__': parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-n", "--numnodes", type="int", dest="numnodes", default=12, help="number of nodes") parser.add_option("-t", "--simtime", type="int", dest="simtime", default=4000, help="simulation time") parser.add_option("-r", "--rand", action="store_true", dest="rand", default=False, help="use randomly generated topology") # parser.add_option("-f", "--mttf", type="int", dest="mttf", # default=10000, help="mean time between failures") (opt, args) = parser.parse_args() if opt.rand == True: rg = RandomGraph(opt.numnodes) (NODES, LINKS) = rg.genGraph() else: # build the deterministic test network # A---B C---D # | | / | / | # E F---G---H # format: (name of node, x coord, y coord) NODES =(('A',0,0), ('B',1,0), ('C',2,0), ('D',3,0), ('E',0,1), ('F',1,1), ('G',2,1), ('H',3,1)) # format: (link start, link end) LINKS = (('A','B'),('A','E'),('B','F'),('E','F'), ('C','D'),('C','F'),('C','G'), ('D','G'),('D','H'),('F','G'),('G','H')) print 'NODES: ', NODES print 'LINKS:', LINKS # make a network net = LSRouterNetwork(opt.simtime, NODES, LINKS) # setup graphical simulation interface sim = NetSim() sim.SetNetwork(net) sim.MainLoop() ########################################################################