import random,sys,math from lab9_net import * """Skeleton for link-state routing lab in 6.082 """ # use our own node class derived from the node class of # so we can override routing behavior class Router(Node): HELLO_INTERVAL = 10 # time between HELLO packets ADVERT_INTERVAL = 50 # time between route advertisements def __init__(self,location,address=None): Node.__init__(self, location, address=address) # additional instance variables self.neighbors = {} # Link -> (timestamp, address, linkcost) self.routes = {} # address -> Link self.routes[self.address] = 'Self' self.spcost = {} # address -> shortest path cost to node self.spcost[self.address] = 0 def reset(self): Node.reset(self) self.spcost[self.address] = 0 # return the link corresponding to a given neighbor, nbhr def getlink(self, nbhr): if self.address == nbhr: return None for l in self.links: if l.end2.address == nbhr or l.end1.address == nbhr: return l return None def peer(self, link): if link.end1.address == self.address: return link.end2.address if link.end2.address == self.address: return link.end1.address # use routing table to forward packet along appropriate outgoing link def forward(self,p): link = self.routes.get(p.destination, None) if link is None: print 'No route for ',p,' at node ',self else: link.send(self, p) def process(self,p,link,time): if p.type == 'HELLO': # remember addresses of our neighbors and time of latest update self.neighbors[link] = (time, p.source, link.cost) elif p.type == 'ADVERT': self.process_advertisement(p,link,time) else: Node.process(self, p, link, time) def process_advertisement(self,p,link,time): # will be filled in by the specific routing protocol return def sendHello(self, time): # STEP 1(a): send HELLO packets along all my links to neighbors # These periodic HELLOs tell our neighbors I'm still alive # The neighbors will get my address from the source address field for link in self.links: p =, self.peer(link), 'HELLO', time,color='green') link.send(self,p) return def clearStaleHello(self, time): # STEP 1(b) : Look through neighbors table and eliminate # out-of-date entries. old = time - 2*self.HELLO_INTERVAL for link in self.neighbors.keys(): if self.neighbors[link][0] <= old: del self.neighbors[link] self.link_failed(link) return def link_failed(self,link): return def clear_routes(self,link): clear_list = [] for dest in self.routes: if self.routes[dest] == link: clear_list.append(dest) for dest in clear_list: print self.address, ' clearing route to ', dest del self.routes[dest] del self.spcost[dest] def transmit(self, time): if (time % self.HELLO_INTERVAL) == 0: self.sendHello(time) self.clearStaleHello(time) if (time % self.ADVERT_INTERVAL) == 0: self.send_advertisement(time) return def OnClick(self,which): if which == 'left': #print whatever debugging information you want to print print self print ' neighbors:',self.neighbors.values() print ' routes:' for (key,value) in self.routes.items(): print ' ',key,': ',value, 'pathcost %.2f' % self.spcost[key] # Network with link costs. By default, the cost of a link is the # Euclidean distance between the nodes at the ends of the link class RouterNetwork(Network): def __init__(self,SIMTIME,NODES,LINKS): Network.__init__(self,SIMTIME) for n,r,c in NODES: self.add_node(r,c,address=n) for a1,a2 in LINKS: n1 = self.addresses[a1] n2 = self.addresses[a2] self.add_link(n1.location[0],n1.location[1], n2.location[0],n2.location[1]) # nodes should be an instance of LSNode (defined above) def make_node(self,loc,address=None): return Router(loc,address=address) def make_link(self,n1,n2): return CostLink(n1,n2) def add_cost_link(self,x1,y1,x2,y2): n1 = self.find_node(x1,y1) n2 = self.find_node(x2,y2) if n1 is not None and n2 is not None: link = self.make_cost_link(n1,n2) = self self.links.append(link) # reset network to its initial state def reset(self): # parent class handles the details Network.reset(self) # insert a single packet into the network with randomly # chosen source and destination. Since we don't have code # to deliver the packet this just keeps the simulation alive... src = random.choice(self.nlist) dest = random.choice(self.nlist) src.add_packet(self.make_packet(src.location,dest.location,'DATA',1))