6.031 — Software Construction
Fall 2021

Project Testing

Automated Testing

Starting with Problem Set 0, you have been using the Didit system for automated building and testing: every time you push your commits to GitHub, the Didit build server pulls a copy of your code, attempts to compile it, and runs tests.

This kind of automation is very common in the world of professional software development, and is very useful for coordinating a team of developers. There is no ambiguity about whether the code compiles or not: if it doesn’t compile on the build server, it doesn’t compile. And there is no ambiguity about whether the tests pass: if they don’t pass on the build server, they don’t pass.


You may not use packages other than those included in the provided package.json.

Your tests must not use unreasonable amounts of space (e.g. large images) or time (e.g. slow concurrency tests).

Your code should use localhost ports 8700—8799 to communicate between servers and clients.

As always, do not attempt to run anything other than your project tests.

Excluding tests

You may have some tests that Didit cannot run. Don’t let Didit’s restrictions stop you from writing such tests.

Instead, any tests that mention “Didit” anywhere in their name will be excluded from running on Didit.

Unfortunately, these tests will not be listed at all on the build results page. Make sure you and your teammates are running the skipped tests manually!

How to test: canvas drawing

In the browser, HTMLCanvasElement objects refer to <canvas> HTML elements on the page.

To test drawing code that is designed primarily to draw on <canvas> elements in the browser, you may want to write Mocha tests that run in Node.js, as you did on Problem Set 3.

Here is one way to manage that. In the code that runs in the browser, define helper types:

// import only the types from 'canvas', not the implementations
import type { Canvas, NodeCanvasRenderingContext2D } from 'canvas';

 * Either: a CanvasRenderingContext2D in the web browser,
 *      or a NodeCanvasRenderingContext2D in Node (for testing)
type WebOrNodeCanvasRenderingContext2D = CanvasRenderingContext2D | NodeCanvasRenderingContext2D;

 * Either: a HTMLCanvasElement representing a `<canvas>` on the web page,
 *      or a Canvas representing a canvas in Node (for testing)
type WebOrNodeCanvas = Omit<HTMLCanvasElement | Canvas, 'getContext'> & {
    getContext(contextId: '2d'): WebOrNodeCanvasRenderingContext2D | null;

The WebOrNodeCanvas type definition above works around an issue with getContext(..) that prevents us from using a simple union type.

If you have functions (or methods, constructors, etc.) that take in a HTMLCanvasElement to draw on, change them to take in a WebOrNodeCanvas instead. After that change, your code should continue to compile, bundle, and run in the web browser.

In your Mocha test code, import createCanvas(..) from the canvas package and use it to create Canvas instances. Then you can subsequently examine the image data of those Canvas objects as you did in PS3.

If your functions (or methods, constructors, etc.) take a rendering context instead, you can use the WebOrNodeCanvas­Rendering­Context2D union type above.