Reading 15: Equality
Java Tutor exercises
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- Understand equality defined in terms of the abstraction function, an equivalence relation, and observations.
- Differentiate between reference equality and object equality.
- Differentiate between strict observational and behavioral equality for mutable types.
- Understand the Object contract and be able to implement equality correctly for mutable and immutable types.
In the previous readings we’ve developed a rigorous notion of data abstraction by creating types that are characterized by their operations, not by their representation. For an abstract data type, the abstraction function explains how to interpret a concrete representation value as a value of the abstract type, and we saw how the choice of abstraction function determines how to write the code implementing each of the ADT’s operations.
In this reading we turn to how we define the notion of equality of values in a data type: the abstraction function will give us a way to cleanly define the equality operation on an ADT.
In the physical world, every object is distinct – at some level, even two snowflakes are different, even if the distinction is just the position they occupy in space. (This isn’t strictly true of all subatomic particles, but true enough of large objects like snowflakes and baseballs and people.) So two physical objects are never truly “equal” to each other; they only have degrees of similarity.
In the world of human language, however, and in the world of mathematical concepts, you can have multiple names for the same thing. So it’s natural to ask when two expressions represent the same thing: 1+2, √9, and 3 are alternative expressions for the same ideal mathematical value.
Three Ways to Regard Equality
Formally, we can regard equality in several ways.
Using an abstraction function. Recall that an abstraction function AF: R → A maps concrete instances of a data type to their corresponding abstract values. To use AF as a definition for equality, we would say that a equals b if and only if AF(a)=AF(b).
Using a relation. An equivalence is a relation E ⊆ T x T that is:
To use E as a definition for equality, we would say that a equals b if and only if E(a,b).
These two notions are equivalent. An equivalence relation induces an abstraction function (the relation partitions T, so AF maps each element to its partition class). The relation induced by an abstraction function is an equivalence relation (check for yourself that the three properties hold).
A third way we can talk about the equality between abstract values is in terms of what an outsider (a client) can observe about them:
Using observation. We can say that two objects are equal when they cannot be distinguished by observation – every operation we can apply produces the same result for both objects. Consider the set expressions {1,2} and {2,1}. Using the observer operations available for sets, cardinality |…| and membership ∈, these expressions are indistinguishable:
- |{1,2}| = 2 and |{2,1}| = 2
- 1 ∈ {1,2} is true, and 1 ∈ {2,1} is true
- 2 ∈ {1,2} is true, and 2 ∈ {2,1} is true
- 3 ∈ {1,2} is false, and 3 ∈ {2,1} is false
- … and so on
In terms of abstract data types, “observation” means calling operations on the objects. So two objects are equal if and only if they cannot be distinguished by calling any operations of the abstract data type.
Note that “operations of the abstract data type” means the operations that are part of the spec of the ADT.
Java has language features that allow a client to break the abstraction barrier and observe differences between objects that are irrelevant to their abstract values.
For example, ==
can detect that two objects representing identical sets are actually stored at different places in memory.
computes a hash code based on an object’s memory address, so it could observe the same distinction.
But neither of these operations would be part of the spec of the set ADT, so the distinctions they make are not considered when deciding if two set objects are equal by observation.
Example: Duration
Here’s a simple example of an immutable ADT.
public class Duration {
private final int mins;
private final int secs;
// Rep invariant:
// mins >= 0, secs >= 0
// Abstraction function:
// AF(min, secs) = the span of time of mins minutes and secs seconds
/** Make a duration lasting for m minutes and s seconds. */
public Duration(int m, int s) {
mins = m; secs = s;
/** @return length of this duration in seconds */
public long getLength() {
return mins*60 + secs;
Now which of the following values should be considered equal?
Duration d1 = new Duration (1, 2);
Duration d2 = new Duration (1, 3);
Duration d3 = new Duration (0, 62);
Duration d4 = new Duration (1, 2);
Think in terms of both the abstraction-function definition of equality, and the observational equality definition.
reading exercises
== vs. equals()
Like many languages, Java has two different operations for testing equality, with different semantics.
- The
operator compares references. More precisely, it tests referential equality. Two references are == if they point to the same storage in memory. In terms of the snapshot diagrams we’ve been drawing, two references are==
if their arrows point to the same object bubble. - The
operation compares object contents – in other words, object equality, in the sense that we’ve been talking about in this reading. The equals operation has to be defined appropriately for every abstract data type.
For comparison, here are the equality operators in several languages:
Java |
| ||
| |
| |
Note that ==
unfortunately flips its meaning between Java and Python. Don’t let that confuse you: ==
in Java just tests reference identity, it doesn’t compare object contents.
As programmers in any of these languages, we can’t change the meaning of the referential equality operator. In Java, ==
always means referential equality. But when we define a new data type, it’s our responsibility to decide what object equality means for values of the data type, and implement the equals()
operation appropriately.
Equality of Immutable Types
The equals()
method is defined by Object
, and its default implementation looks like this:
public class Object {
public boolean equals(Object that) {
return this == that;
In other words, the default meaning of equals()
is the same as referential equality. For immutable data types, this is almost always wrong. So you have to override the equals()
method, replacing it with your own implementation.
Here’s our first try for Duration
public class Duration {
// Problematic definition of equals()
public boolean equals(Duration that) {
return this.getLength() == that.getLength();
There’s a subtle problem here. Why doesn’t this work? Let’s try this code:
Duration d1 = new Duration (1, 2);
Duration d2 = new Duration (1, 2);
Object o2 = d2;
d1.equals(d2) → true
d1.equals(o2) → false
It produces the snapshot diagram on the right, and you can see this code in action. You’ll see that even though d2
and o2
end up referring to the very same object in memory, you still get different results for them from equals()
What’s going on? It turns out that Duration
has overloaded the equals()
method, because the method signature was not identical to Object
’s. We actually have two equals()
methods in Duration
: an implicit equals(Object)
inherited from Object
, and the new equals(Duration)
public class Duration extends Object {
// explicit method that we declared:
public boolean equals(Duration that) {
return this.getLength() == that.getLength();
// implicit method inherited from Object:
public boolean equals(Object that) {
return this == that;
We’ve seen overloading since the very beginning of the course in static checking. Recall from the Java Tutorials that the compiler selects between overloaded operations using the compile-time type of the parameters. For example, when you use the /
operator, the compiler chooses either integer division or float division based on whether the arguments are ints or floats. The same compile-time selection happens here. If we pass an Object
reference, as in d1.equals(o2)
, we end up calling the equals(Object)
implementation. If we pass a Duration
reference, as in d1.equals(d2)
, we end up calling the equals(Duration)
version. This happens even though o2
and d2
both point to the same object at runtime! Equality has become inconsistent.
It’s easy to make a mistake in the method signature, and overload a method when you meant to override it. This is such a common error that Java has a language feature, the annotation @Override
, which you should use whenever your intention is to override a method in your superclass. With this annotation, the Java compiler will check that a method with the same signature actually exists in the superclass, and give you a compiler error if you’ve made a mistake in the signature.
Here’s a better way to implement Duration
’s equals()
public boolean equals(Object that) {
return that instanceof Duration && this.sameValue((Duration)that);
// returns true iff this and that represent the same abstract value
private boolean sameValue(Duration that) {
return this.getLength() == that.getLength();
The first method overrides and replaces the equals(Object)
method inherited from Object
It tests the type of the that
object passed to it to make sure it’s a Duration
, and then calls a private helper method sameValue()
to test equality.
The expression (Duration)that
is a typecast expression, which asserts to the Java compiler that you are confident that that
points to a Duration
Duration d1 = new Duration(1, 2);
Duration d2 = new Duration(1, 2);
Object o2 = d2;
d1.equals(d2) → true
d1.equals(o2) → true
You can see this code in action.
The instanceof
operator tests whether an object is an instance of a particular type.
Using instanceof
is dynamic type checking, not the static type checking we vastly prefer.
In general, using instanceof
in object-oriented programming is a bad smell.
In 6.031 — and this is another of our rules that holds true in most good Java programming — instanceof
is disallowed anywhere except for implementing equals
This prohibition also includes other ways of inspecting objects’ runtime types.
For example, getClass
is also disallowed.
We’ll see examples of when you might be tempted to use instanceof
, and how to write alternatives that are safer from bugs and more ready for change, in a future reading.
The Object Contract
The specification of the Object
class is so important that it is often referred to as the Object
Contract. The contract can be found in the method specifications for the Object
class. Here we will focus on the contract for equals
. When you override the equals
method, you must adhere to its general contract. It states that:
must define an equivalence relation – that is, a relation that is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive;equals
must be consistent: repeated calls to the method must yield the same result provided no information used inequals
comparisons on the object is modified;- for a non-null reference
should return false; hashCode
must produce the same result for two objects that are deemed equal by theequals
Breaking the Equivalence Relation
Let’s start with the equivalence relation. We have to make sure that the definition of equality implemented by equals()
is actually an equivalence relation as defined earlier: reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. If it isn’t, then operations that depend on equality (like sets, searching) will behave erratically and unpredictably. You don’t want to program with a data type in which sometimes a
equals b
, but b
doesn’t equal a
. Subtle and painful bugs will result.
Here’s an example of how an innocent attempt to make equality more flexible can go wrong. Suppose we wanted to allow for a tolerance in comparing Duration
objects, because different computers may have slightly unsynchronized clocks:
public boolean equals(Object that) {
return that instanceof Duration && this.sameValue((Duration)that);
private static final int CLOCK_SKEW = 5; // seconds
// returns true iff this and that represent the same abstract value within a clock-skew tolerance
private boolean sameValue(Duration that) {
return Math.abs(this.getLength() - that.getLength()) <= CLOCK_SKEW;
Which property of the equivalence relation is violated?
reading exercises
Consider the latest implementation of Duration
in the reading, reprinted here for convenience:
public class Duration {
private final int mins;
private final int secs;
// Rep invariant:
// mins >= 0, secs >= 0
// Abstraction function:
// AF(min, secs) = the span of time of mins minutes and secs seconds
/** Make a duration lasting for m minutes and s seconds. */
public Duration(int m, int s) {
mins = m; secs = s;
/** @return length of this duration in seconds */
public long getLength() {
return mins*60 + secs;
public boolean equals(Object that) {
return that instanceof Duration && this.sameValue((Duration)that);
private static final int CLOCK_SKEW = 5; // seconds
// returns true iff this and that represent the same abstract value within a clock-skew tolerance
private boolean sameValue(Duration that) {
return Math.abs(this.getLength() - that.getLength()) <= CLOCK_SKEW;
Suppose these Duration
objects are created:
Duration d_0_60 = new Duration(0, 60);
Duration d_1_00 = new Duration(1, 0);
Duration d_0_57 = new Duration(0, 57);
Duration d_1_03 = new Duration(1, 3);
(missing explanation)
Contrary to our usual implicit 6.031 precondition forbidding null
, this clause of the Object
contract explicitly allows it and specifies the postcondition:
What properties of an equivalence relation would be violated if x.equals(null)
ever returned true?
(missing explanation)
Which line of code below causes equals()
to return false when that
is null?
1 @Override
2 public boolean equals(Object that) {
3 return that instanceof Duration
4 && this.sameValue((Duration)that);
// returns true iff this and that represent the same abstract value
5 private boolean sameValue(Duration that) {
6 return this.getLength() == that.getLength();
(missing explanation)
Breaking Hash Tables
To understand the part of the contract relating to the hashCode
method, you’ll need to have some idea of how hash tables work. Two very common collection implementations, HashSet
and HashMap
, use a hash table data structure, and depend on the hashCode
method to be implemented correctly for the objects stored in the set and used as keys in the map.
A hash table is a representation for a mapping: an abstract data type that maps keys to values. Hash tables offer constant time lookup, so they tend to perform better than trees or lists. Keys don’t have to be ordered, or have any particular property, except for offering equals
and hashCode
Here’s how a hash table works. It contains an array that is initialized to a size corresponding to the number of elements that we expect to be inserted. When a key and a value are presented for insertion, we compute the hashcode of the key, and convert it into an index in the array’s range (e.g., by a modulo division). The value is then inserted at that index.
The rep invariant of a hash table includes the fundamental constraint that keys are in the slots determined by their hash codes.
Hashcodes are designed so that the keys will be spread evenly over the indices. But occasionally a conflict occurs, and two keys are placed at the same index. So rather than holding a single value at an index, a hash table actually holds a list of key/value pairs, usually called a hash bucket. A key/value pair is implemented in Java simply as an object with two fields. On insertion, you add a pair to the list in the array slot determined by the hash code. For lookup, you hash the key, find the right slot, and then examine each of the pairs until one is found whose key equals the query key.
Now it should be clear why the Object
contract requires equal objects to have the same hashcode. If two equal objects had distinct hashcodes, they might be placed in different slots. So if you attempt to lookup a value using a key equal to the one with which it was inserted, the lookup may fail.
’s default hashCode()
implementation is consistent with its default equals()
public class Object {
public boolean equals(Object that) { return this == that; }
public int hashCode() { return /* the memory address of this */; }
For references a
and b
, if a == b
, then the address of a ==
the address of b. So the Object
contract is satisfied.
But immutable objects need a different implementation of hashCode()
. For Duration
, since we haven’t overridden the default hashCode()
yet, we’re currently breaking the Object
Duration d1 = new Duration(1, 2);
Duration d2 = new Duration(1, 2);
d1.equals(d2) → true
d1.hashCode() → 2392
d2.hashCode() → 4823
and d2
are equals()
, but they have different hash codes. So we need to fix that.
A simple and drastic way to ensure that the contract is met is for hashCode
to always return some constant value, so every object’s hash code is the same. This satisfies the Object
contract, but it would have a disastrous performance effect, since every key will be stored in the same slot, and every lookup will degenerate to a linear search along a long list.
The standard way to construct a more reasonable hash code that still satisfies the contract is to compute a hash code for each component of the object that is used in the determination of equality (usually by calling the hashCode
method of each component), and then combining these, throwing in a few arithmetic operations. For Duration
, this is easy, because the abstract value of the class is already an integer value:
public int hashCode() {
return (int) getLength();
Josh Bloch’s fantastic book, Effective Java, explains this issue in more detail, and gives some strategies for writing decent hash code functions. The advice is summarized in a good StackOverflow post. Recent versions of Java now have a utility method Objects.hash()
that makes it easier to implement a hash code involving multiple fields.
Note, however, that as long as you satisfy the requirement that equal objects have the same hash code value, then the particular hashing technique you use doesn’t make a difference to the correctness of your code. It may affect its performance, by creating unnecessary collisions between different objects, but even a poorly-performing hash function is better than one that breaks the contract.
Most crucially, note that if you don’t override hashCode
at all, you’ll get the one from Object
, which is based on the address of the object. If you have overridden equals
, this will mean that you will have almost certainly violated the contract. So as a general rule:
Many years ago in (a precursor to 6.031 confusingly numbered) 6.170, a student spent hours tracking down a bug in a project that amounted to nothing more than misspelling hashCode
as hashcode
. This created a new method that didn’t override the hashCode
method of Object
at all, and strange things happened. Use @Override
reading exercises
Consider the following ADT class:
class Person {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
public boolean equals(Object that) {
return that instanceof Person && this.sameValue(that);
// returns true iff this and that represent the same abstract value
private boolean sameValue(Person that) {
return this.lastName.toUpperCase().equals(that.lastName.toUpperCase());
public int hashCode() {
(missing explanation)
Equality of Mutable Types
We’ve been focusing on equality of immutable objects so far in this reading. What about mutable objects?
Recall our definition: two objects are equal when they cannot be distinguished by observation. With mutable objects, there is a new possibility: by calling a mutator on one of the objects before doing the observation, we can change its state and thus create an observable difference between the two objects.
So let’s refine our definition and allow for two notions of equality:
- observational equality means that two references cannot be distinguished by code that doesn’t change the state of either object, i.e., by calling only observer, producer, and creator methods. This tests whether the two references “look” the same in the current state of the program.
- behavioral equality means that two references cannot be distinguished by any code, even if a mutator is called on one but not the other. This tests whether the two references will “behave” the same, in this and all future states.
For immutable objects, observational and behavioral equality are identical, because there aren’t any mutator methods that can change the state of one object but not the other.
For mutable objects, it’s tempting to use observational equality. Java uses observational equality for most of its mutable data types, in fact. If two distinct List
objects contain the same sequence of elements, then equals()
reports that they are equal.
But using observational equality leads to subtle bugs, and in fact allows us to easily break the rep invariants of other collection data structures. Suppose we make a List
, and then drop it into a Set
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
Set<List<String>> set = new HashSet<List<String>>();
We can check that the set contains the list we put in it, and it does:
set.contains(list) → true
And it no longer appears in the set!
set.contains(list) → false!
It’s worse than that, in fact: when we iterate over the members of the set, we still find the list in there, but contains()
says it’s not there!
for (List<String> l : set) {
set.contains(l) → false!
If the set’s own iterator and its own contains()
method disagree about whether an element is in the set, then the set clearly is broken. You can see this code in action.
What’s going on? List<String>
is a mutable object. In the standard Java implementation of collection classes like List
, mutations affect the result of equals()
and hashCode()
. When the list is first put into the HashSet
, it is stored in the hash bucket corresponding to its hashCode()
result at that time. When the list is subsequently mutated, its hashCode()
changes, but HashSet
doesn’t realize it should be moved to a different bucket. So it can never be found again.
When equals()
and hashCode()
can be affected by mutation, we can break the rep invariant of a hash table that uses that object as a key.
Here’s a telling quote from the specification of java.util.Set
Note: Great care must be exercised if mutable objects are used as set elements. The behavior of a set is not specified if the value of an object is changed in a manner that affects equals comparisons while the object is an element in the set.
The Java library is unfortunately inconsistent about its interpretation of equals()
for mutable classes. Collections use observational equality, but other mutable classes (like StringBuilder
) use behavioral equality.
The lesson we should draw from this example is that equals()
should implement behavioral equality.
That generally means that two references should be equals()
if and only if they are aliases for the same object.
So mutable types should just inherit equals()
and hashCode()
from Object
For a mutable type that needs a notion of observational equality (whether two mutable objects “look” the same in the current state), it’s better to define a completely new operation, which might be called similar()
or sameValue()
Its implementation would be similar to the private sameValue()
helper method we have been writing for immutable types, but it would be a public operation available to clients.
Unfortunately the Java library did not make that design decision.
The Final Rule for equals() and hashCode()
should compare abstract values. This is the same as sayingequals()
should provide behavioral equality.hashCode()
should map the abstract value to an integer.
So immutable types must override both equals()
and hashCode()
should compare references, just like==
. Again, this is the same as sayingequals()
should provide behavioral equality.hashCode()
should map the reference into an integer.
So mutable types should not override equals()
and hashCode()
at all, and should simply use the default implementations provided by Object
. Java doesn’t follow this rule for its collections, unfortunately, leading to the pitfalls that we saw above.
reading exercises
Suppose Bag<E>
is a mutable ADT representing what is often called a multiset, an unordered collection of objects where an object can occur more than once. It has the following operations:
/** make an empty bag */
public Bag<E>()
/** modify this bag by adding an occurrence of e, and return this bag */
public Bag<E> add(E e)
/** modify this bag by removing an occurrence of e (if any), and return this bag */
public Bag<E> remove(E e)
/** return number of times e occurs in this bag */
public int count(E e)
Bag<String> b1 = new Bag<>().add("a").add("b");
Bag<String> b2 = new Bag<>().add("a").add("b");
Bag<String> b3 = b1.remove("b");
Bag<String> b4 = new Bag<>().add("b").add("a"); // swap!
(missing explanation)
Autoboxing and Equality
One more instructive pitfall in Java. We’ve talked about primitive types and their object type equivalents – for example, int
and Integer
. The object type implements equals()
in the correct way, so that if you create two Integer
objects with the same value, they’ll be equals()
to each other:
Integer x = new Integer(3);
Integer y = new Integer(3);
x.equals(y) → true
But there’s a subtle problem here; ==
is overloaded. For reference types like Integer
, it implements referential equality:
x == y // returns false
But for primitive types like int
, ==
implements behavioral equality:
(int)x == (int)y // returns true
So you can’t really use Integer
interchangeably with int
. The fact that Java automatically converts between int
and Integer
(this is called autoboxing and autounboxing) can lead to subtle bugs! You have to be aware what the compile-time types of your expressions are. Consider this:
Map<String, Integer> a = new HashMap(), b = new HashMap();
a.put("c", 130); // put ints into the map
b.put("c", 130);
a.get("c") == b.get("c") → ?? // what do we get out of the map?
You can see this code in action.
reading exercises
In the last code example above…
What is the compile-time type of the expression 130
(missing explanation)
After executing a.put("c", 130)
, what is the runtime type that is used to represent the value 130 in the map?
(missing explanation)
What is the compile-time type of a.get("c")
(missing explanation)
Map<String, Integer> a = new HashMap<>(), b = new HashMap<>();
a.put("c", 130); // put ints into the map
b.put("c", 130);
Draw a snapshot diagram after the code above has executed.
How many HashMap
objects are in your snapshot diagram?
(missing explanation)
How many Integer
objects are in your snapshot diagram?
(missing explanation)
- Equality should be an equivalence relation (reflexive, symmetric, transitive).
- Equality and hash code must be consistent with each other, so that data structures that use hash tables (like
) work properly. - The abstraction function is the basis for equality in immutable data types.
- Reference equality is the basis for equality in mutable data types; this is the only way to ensure consistency over time and avoid breaking rep invariants of hash tables.
Equality is one part of implementing an abstract data type, and we’ve already seen how important ADTs are to achieving our three primary objectives. Let’s look at equality in particular:
Safe from bugs. Correct implementation of equality and hash codes is necessary for use with collection data types like sets and maps. It’s also highly desirable for writing tests. Since every object in Java inherits the
implementations, immutable types must override them.Easy to understand. Clients and other programmers who read our specs will expect our types to implement an appropriate equality operation, and will be surprised and confused if we do not.
Ready for change. Correctly-implemented equality for immutable types separates equality of reference from equality of abstract value, hiding from clients our decisions about whether values are shared. Choosing behavioral rather than observational equality for mutable types helps avoid unexpected aliasing bugs.