6.031 — Software Construction
Spring 2020

Course Staff

Have a question? Don’t email the staff. Ask on Piazza.

See the course calendar for office hours and lab hours.

Max Goldman maxg
Rob Miller rcm
Kenny Derek kderek
Jenna Himawan himawan
Julia Lee cmjlee
Diana Molodan molodan
Sophie Mori ksmori
Micah Smith micahs
Daniel Whatley dwhatley
Mary Zhong mzhong
Emily Caragay caragay
Erica Chiu ejchiu
Robert Durfee rbdurfee
Shuli Jones jonsh
Lenna Kanehara lennak
Lydia Li orthrus
Kevin Lyons kalyons
Jessica Shi jwshi
Megan Su megansu
Elizabeth Weeks eweeks
Benton Wilson benton
Matt Woicik mwoicik
Priscilla Wu pjwu