
General Information

Catalog description // Class meetings // Staff // TA office hours


MIT catalog description

Prereq.: 6.004
U (2)

Topics on the engineering of computer software and hardware systems: techniques for controlling complexity; networks and distributed systems; atomicity and coordination of parallel activities; recovery and reliability; privacy of information; impact of computer systems on society. Case studies of working systems and outside reading in the current literature provide comparisons and contrasts. 4 Engineering Design Points.


Class meetings

Lecture MW2 34-101
Special lectures F2 34-101
Recitations (#1) TR10 34-303   Shrira   Litt
    (#7) TR11 34-302   Corbató   Fu
    (#5) TR11 26-310   Ganger   Yerushalmi
    (#12)  TR11  13-1143    Shrira   Kohler
    (#2) TR11 34-303   Wetherall   Legedza
    (#6) TR12 34-303   Wetherall   Yerushalmi
    (#3) TR1 26-302   Agarwal   Legedza
    (#11) TR1 36-153   Corbató   Litt
    (#9) TR1 34-302   Ganger   Fu
    (#8) TR1 34-303   Saltzer   Engler
    (#4) TR2 26-302   Agarwal   Kohler
    (#10) TR2 34-303   Saltzer   Yerushalmi

The numbers in parentheses are recitation section numbers.
Alternate presentation without tables



Frans Kaashoek   NE43-522   3-7149   kaashoek@mit.edu
Anant Agarwal   NE43-624b   3-1448   agarwal@lcs.mit.edu
Fernando J. Corbató   NE43-524   3-6001   corbato@lcs.mit.edu
Greg Ganger   NE43-520   8-6277   ganger@lcs.mit.edu
Jerry Saltzer   NE43-513   3-6016   Saltzer@mit.edu
Liuba Shrira   NE43-537   3-6101   liuba@lcs.mit.edu
David Wetherall   NE43-504   3-6042   djw@lcs.mit.edu
Teaching assistants
Dawson Engler   NE43-520   3-7436   engler@lcs.mit.edu
Jack Fu   24-321   8-5698   brainiac@mit.edu
Eddie Kohler   NE43-521a   3-5261   eddietwo@lcs.mit.edu
Ulana Legedza   NE43-536   3-2376   ulana@lcs.mit.edu
Jonathan Litt   24-321   8-5698   littlitt@mit.edu
Yoav Yerushalmi   24-321   8-5698   yoav@mit.edu
Course secretary
Neena Lyall   NE43-523   3-6019   lyall@lcs.mit.edu

Course staff mailing list: 6.033-staff@mit.edu
Use this mailing list to contact all the 6.033 staff members, or to ask general questions.

Alternate presentation without tables


TA office hours

Dawson Engler   R11-1   NE43-520  
Jack Fu   M1-2, R12-1   24-321  
Eddie Kohler   M12-1, R3-4   NE43-521a  
Ulana Legedza   F3-4, M4-5   NE43-536  
Jonathan Litt   M4-5, R4-5   24-321  
Yoav Yerushalmi   M4-5:30   24-321  

Alternate presentation without tables


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