6.033 - Computer System Engineering Handout 20 - April 14, 1998

Solutions to Quiz 2 Practice Quizzes

Here are the solutions for the practice quizzes handed out last week. These are the answers that were considered appropriate when the quizzes were originally given (1997, 1996, 1995, and 1994).

Quiz 2 will be in Walker and 34-101 during normal class hours, 2-3pm, on April 17. Go to:

Due to the flooding of 34-101, the room assignments may be changed. Please check on the Web for any last-minute room changes!

If you have a conflict because you are taking a class in this time slot, e-mail kaashoek@mit.edu as soon as possible.

Quiz 2 covers all the material from Recitation 8 (March 3) through Recitation 16 (April 7), specifically networking, naming, and protection and security. This includes Lectures 9 through 16. (You may want to refer to the 6.033-At-A-Glance handout for a high-level topic review, or look over the lecture notes.) But this being 6.033, there is no way we can avoid asking questions that touch on earlier ideas, so don't forget everything you know about complexity and infrastructure. Just as before, the quiz is open book and open notes.