6.033 - Computer System Engineering | Handout 22 - April 3, 2000 |
Today's lecture will be on Certification. Please read chapter 6 (2000 version) part F in preperation for today's lecture.
To prepare for the recitation, read Appendix 6-A (2000 version) of the notes.
For the one-pager assignment:
SSL supports multiple different ciphers for message encryption and message authentication. For example, a client and server can agree to use either RC4 or DES for encryption. Give one reason why this option is a good design idea and one reason why this is a bad idea.
Today's Lecture will be on Fault Tolerant Computing. Please read chapter 7 of the chapter notes to prepare for this lecture.
No Hands-on this week. Study for Quiz 2. Work on Design Project 2.
Quiz 2 will be held from 2-3pm on Friday, April 14, 2000. The quiz will officially cover all the material from lecture 9 up to and including the April 11th recitation (R18). Some of this material is cumulative and understanding it requires understanding of material from earlier in the course. The quiz will be open book and open notes meaning that you can use any course materials from this year. The quiz will be held in 4-270, 2-190, and 34-101. See the chart below to determine which location you should go to for the quiz.
Last Name Location A-D 4-270 E-R 34-101 S-Z 2-190
There will be a quiz review from 7-9pm, Wednesday, April 12th. Room 2-190. During this time we will go over an outline of the covered subjects and explain a few questions from the practice quizzes.
If you have a problem regarding the scheduling of the quiz, email Professor Kaashoek at kaashoek@mit.edu.
KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid.
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