6.033 Hands-on 7 Solution. 11 April 2000

Netscape Certificates

1. got certificate

2. The certificate verifies that a given name (Douglas S. J. De
   Couto) and a given email address (decouto@mit.edu) is bound to
   a given public key.

   What's shown there:
     * My name and email: they verify my identity
     * Version information: so we view the certificate properly
     * Issuing authority: who issued this certificate about me
     * Serial number: a nonce that makes it easier to manage
     certificates and uniquely identifies them
     * Expiration date; when the certificate is no longer valid, so
     that false certificates eventually become invalid
     * Fingerprint: an MD5 hash of the certificate, which is essentially
     unique for each certificate.  According to the OpenSSL documentation 
     (www.openssl.org), Internet Explorer uses SHA1.

   What's not shown:
     * My public key: I probably wouldn't do much with the text of the
     public key anyway, except validate it.  But I can use the hash to
     do that also.  The public key is of course the whole point of
     this certificate business.
     * The signature of the certificate authority, that authenticates
     the certificate.  Without the signature, the certificate has no 
     meaning, anyone could have issued one.

     * My private key: The private key is not part of the certificate,
     even though we generate the private key at the same time we
     generate the public key that goes with the certificate.  We stash
     the private key separately from the certificate, where no-one can
     see it.

   Some of you also use passwords in netscape to protect your
   certificate further, but again, there are not actually part of the
   certificate; they are just to keep your certificate out of the
   wrong hands.

   To see some more interesting certificate information, try:

   athena% add gnu crypto
   athena% cd /tmp; wget http://bs.mit.edu/mitca.ca
   athena% openssl x509 -text -inform DER < mitca.ca

   This will show you the MIT certificate authority's certificate.

3. The MIT certificate server is willing to give me a certificate with
   my name because I have proven to it that I possess the right student
   ID number and kerberos password.  In the process, the certificate
   server trusts kerberos to correctly authenticate me based on my

   WebSIS ``safely'' allows access to my grades and financial
   information because the certificate indicates that whoever has the
   corresponding kerberos id and password and is using the web browser
   that presents WebSIS with the certificate is the only person with
   the private key coresponding to that certificate.  WebSIS can
   encrypt the relevant grade and financial information so that only
   the student can decrypt and read the information.

   Although this system is not bullet-proof, due to known
   vulnerabilities in Kerberos, AFS, other technical security
   problems, and some students' lax password security, it is at least
   secure as sending grades and bills and other official letters to
   students' mailboxes, e.g. in a fraternity house or dormitory, where
   any number of students can steal the mail, or read documents 
   left on a desk, etc.  Of course, you might not be happy with that
   level of security either!

4. How do I know I connected to a secure site?  When I connected,
   netscape allowed me to examine the certificate offered up by the
   site.  I could have verified that certificate manually, with a
   phone call, to see that the public key did indeed match the
   intended site.  Or I could rely on the fact that the certificate is
   signed by a trusted third party whose public key i already know
   (e.g. verisign).  How do I know to trust the MIT ceritificate
   authority?  If you look closely, you will see that the MIT CA signs
   its own certificates.  Look at http://bs.mit.edu/mitca/sig.asc to
   see a signature of that certificate with Jeff Schiller's private
   key (jis@mit.edu).  He is MIT's network manager.  How do I trust
   the network to show me the right signature of the certificate?  At
   some level I don't -- I need to again verify Schiller's signature.
   Maybe I call him on the phone, or get someone else who I trust to
   authenticate him electronically.

   If I don't actually verify the certificate somehow, all bets are
   off, due to numerous network insecurities ranging from the ethernet
   and IP network layer up to the DNS layer.