6.033 - Computer System Engineering Handout 35 - Issued April 27, 1999

Assignment 11: 8 May to 12 May 2000

Lecture, Monday, May 8 (L25: Wrap up)

Lecture 25 will be a lecture by Prof. Saltzer on complexity.

Recitation, Tuesday, May 9 (R25: Press, Lampson)

For this recitation, read Larry Press's "Before the Altair: The history of personal computing" (reading #30) and re-read Lampson's "Hints for computer system design". Try to think about good examples (from 6.033 or elsewhere) for some of the slogans in Lampson's paper. Try to establish connections between this paper and what we have discussed so far in 6.033. Think about the failed systems that we studied in the class and identify the main reason they failed. Did they violate any of Lampson's hints?

Quiz 3, Wednesday, May 10 (covers L19 through L25)

Quiz 3 will be from 2-3pm on Wednesday, May 10, 2000. The quiz will be held in the following rooms, by last names:

            Last Name      Location
              A-D            4-270
              E-R           34-101
              S-Z            2-190
The quiz will cover all material from L19 up to and including the May 8 lecture. The quiz is open-book, open-notes.

There WILL be a review on Monday, May 8, 7-9pm in 26-310, 26-314, and 26-322. Format of the review session will be announced by email. Quiz 3's from the last five years are available as Handout 34 (available at Neena's office), solutions as Handout 36 (to be handed out at a later time).

Recitation, Thursday, May 11 (R26: Wrap up)

After wrapping up the discussion, we will hand back quizzes and remaining design projects. We will also hand out our record of quiz, design project, and one-pager grades. Bring your original assignment if you need to correct a mistake in our records.

No final! Check WebSIS for grades in late May/early June.

System aphorism of the week

An aphorism is not an aphorism unless you know what it means.
                                          Winston Churchill

Go to 6.033 Home Page Questions or Comments: 6.033-tas@mit.edu