Successful completion of the 6.033 lab will earn you 6 credits and 6 Engineering Design Points. Your lab grade will be determined as follows:
The lab grades will reflect the correctness and creativity of the design as well as the correctness of the implementation. The clarity of your design documents will help us greatly in understanding your design. In addition, if you choose to substitute the system project papers for the design papers in 6.033, they will partially determine your 6.033 grade.
The first two projects must be done individually; the third project can be done in teams of two or three students. For the first two projects you are allowed to discuss the problem with other students, but we expect you to work out the project on your own (i.e., you should do the coding and writing of design documents on your own). Similarly, for the last system project, each team is responsible for its own code and documentation. Borrowing code from previous students of the 6.033 lab is forbidden. Talk to the lab TAs if you have any questions or concerns.
Questions or comments regarding the 6.033 lab? Send e-mail to the lab TAs
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