6.033 - Computer System Engineering Handout 4 - February 16, 2001

Assignment 2: February 16 through February 28

For Lecture: Tuesday, February 20

Read Chapter 3, section B of the 6.033 class notes. Since Monday was a holiday and today is a virtual Monday, there will be a lecture today on virtual memory.

For Lecture: Wednesday, February 21

Read Chapter 3, section C of the 6.033 class notes. Today's lecture will be on storage hierarchy (the different levels of memory systems).

For Recitation: Thursday, February 22

Today's recitation is on Kaehler's ``Virtual Memory for an Object-Oriented Language'' (reading #8).

To give you something to think about when you read this paper, here is a previous year's writing assignment based on this paper:

Kaehler's "Virtual Memory for an Object-Oriented Language" talks about how an object-oriented virtual memory design can improve performance of a system when compared to a page-based virtual memory design. But an object-oriented memory system has its disadvantages too.

Can you think of two significant disadvantages of using an object-oriented virtual memory system as opposed to a page-based virtual memory system?

Complete the following hands-on assignment and turn it in at the beginning of recitation.

The purpose of this hands-on assignment is to explore the characteristics of the memory hierarchy on a few real computers. You'll do this based on some simple statistics that you'll collect from machines you have access to. You may find your knowledge of 6.004 material helpful.

Statistics Collection Methodology

We supply you with a program called latency that allocates a specified amount of memory, loops repeatedly over the memory loading every 32nd byte into the CPU, and finally prints out how long the average load took to complete. latency runs this test for a range of total sizes and prints, for each size, the average time to load for that size.

Here is the a simplified version of latency's algorithm:

char *array = malloc(size);
  for(i = 0; i < size; i = i + 32)
    junk = array[i];
print the total running time divided by the number of loads from array[].

The reason for loading every 32nd byte, rather than every byte, is that the CPU cache line size for most machines is 32 bytes. That is, when a load from location L results in the CPU loading data into a cache, the CPU also loads the 32-byte-aligned block of bytes around L. latency uses a stride of 32 bytes so that each load will touch a different cache block.

How To Run latency

You can find a copy of the source for latency at this link. Compile it with gcc:
athena% add gnu
athena% gcc -O -o latency latency.c
Run latency like this:
athena% ./latency 1024 1572864 32 > latency.out

The first argument is the minimum amount of memory (in bytes) to test; the second is the maximum; the third should be 32 unless you have a better guess at your machine's cache block size. You may need to use a larger maximum value on some machines; your maximum is probably large enough when quadrupling it doesn't increase the access times reported by latency. However, don't use maximum values that are anywhere near the total amount of memory on your machine, since that will cause paging; if in doubt, don't exceed 8 million. We've tested latency on SPARC and x86 CPUs; it may not work well on other machines.

You'll want to use a graphing program such as gnuplot to view the results. For example,

athena% add gnu
athena% gnuplot
gnuplot> set data style linespoints
gnuplot> set xlabel "Memory Size (bytes)"
gnuplot> set ylabel "Access Time (nanoseconds)"
gnuplot> plot "latency.out"
To zoom in on just small memory sizes:
gnuplot> plot [0:64000] "latency.out"

You can direct gnuplot's output to a laser printer thus:

gnuplot> set term postscript monochrome
gnuplot> set output "| lpr"
gnuplot> set xlabel "Memory Size (bytes)"
gnuplot> set ylabel "Access Time (nanoseconds)"
gnuplot> plot ...
gnuplot> set output
gnuplot> set term x11

Sample Statistics

To help you understand what you're looking for, here is sample latency output from three real machines, called M1, M2, and M3. The three machines use different microprocessors; they are of three successive generations from the same manufacturer.

Below are two graphs of the resulting data. Each point on each graph represents one run of latency. The X value is the amount of memory allocated by the program, in bytes. The Y value is the average amount of time it took a load to complete, in nanoseconds.

Graph 1 plots all the data for all three machines:

Graph 2 zooms in on memory sizes from 1024 to 30,000 bytes:

As an example, the plot for M1 has a point at X=21,504 and Y=215. This means that when latency looped over an array of 21,504 bytes, the completion time for loads from the array averaged 215 nanoseconds.

Collecting Your Own Data

Find two UNIX or Linux or SunOS/Solaris machines with different architectures, or at least different generations of CPU. If you're in doubt, make sure the strings printed by uname -i are different. If that doesn't work, use uname -m. Choose unloaded or very lightly loaded machines; ordinary Athena workstations are fine, but dial-up Athena machines are not. You can use the uptime command to see if a machine is loaded; if the last three numbers are all less than about 0.02, the machine is lightly loaded. latency will produce nonsense if the machine is loaded.

Run latency on these two different machines, print the resulting graphs, and answer the following questions.

Questions to answer

1. For each of the two machines, how many levels of memory hierarchy can you spot from the graphs?

2. What is the approximate size (in bytes) of each level?

3. Roughly how long does it take to load memory from each level, in nanoseconds?

4. Which one of your two machines seems to have the better memory system -- or is there no clear winner?

5. How much time did you spend on this assignment?

What to turn in

Print out the answers to these questions, the graphs of your latency data, and hand them in to your TA by February 22th.

For Lecture: Monday, February 26

Read Chapter 3, section D of the 6.033 class notes, and begin reading "The UNIX Time-Sharing System" by Ritchie and Thompson (reading #9). Today's lecture will be on threads.

For Recitation: Tuesday, February 27

Today you should turn in your second written assignment. Your one page report should address the following question, which is based on Ritchie and Thompson's ``The UNIX time-sharing system'' (reading #9):

A useful feature of the UNIX system that the "UNIX Time-Sharing System" paper highlighted was the ability to create filters and pipelines of filters (see pg. 1920), through the manipulation of standard I/O, that allowed programs to interact in a meaningful fashion. However, this is not a feature that really exists outside of the UNIX world. When the Mac and Windows were designed, the notions of filter programs, pipelines, and even standard input/output were not put into the system in any significant way. Subsequently, early versions of the Mac and Windows did not allow for any useful interaction between different programs. Why do you think the designers of the Mac and of Windows ignored what was considered to be an important feature or lesson of UNIX? Do you think one or the other set of designers made a bad choice? (Hint: Consider the goals and uses of each of the systems)

Remember that you can check out the 2000 6.033 web pages for examples of good one-page reading reports. Also, please apply the guidelines you learned in the special lecture offered by the Writing Program; check the 6.033 FAQ for formatting instructions.

For Lecture: Wednesday, February 28

Read Chapter 3, Section E of the 6.033 class notes. Today's lecture will be on coordination.

System aphorism of the week

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. (A. Einstein)
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