Errata, 6.033 class notes

Here are corrections for some typographical errors and other minor problems in chapters of the 6.033 notes, release 1.12. Most of these errors were reported by industrious readers. If you spot others, please send an e-mail message describing them to <> and <>.

Errata posted 2 May 2001:

page    line         change
8-48    figure 8-25  Add the following instruction to the end of the program:
                        reset the log to empty;
8-55    2            "Apple" -> Banana"

Errata posted 20 April 2001:

6-44    last -3      Sk_ac should be Ck_ac.
6-45    12           Sk_ab should be Ck_ab.
        14           Sk_ab should be Ck_ab.
        15           "no one but Alice and Charles" should be
                     "no one else but Alice and Charles"
        16           Sk_ab should be Ck_ab.

Errata posted 13 March 2001:

3-27   figure 3-11   Add these three lines at end of program:

                            resident = false;

3-29   figure 3-12   Add these five lines at end of program:

                        public void increaseRefCounter( int ppn ) {
                             pm[ppn].lastref = refcounter;

Errata posted 7 March 2001:

3-31    last-9       (e.g, referencing -> (e.g., referencing
3-36      1          in multiple -> in multiples
         10          second.  main memory -> second.  Main memory
         16          cases.  main memory -> cases.  Main memory
         23          is infinite large -> is infinitely large
3-37    last-2       100.099 microseconds -> 100.0099 microseconds
        last-1       100.099 microseconds -> 100.0099 microseconds
3-38    last-7       in primary device -> in the primary storage device
3-39      2          the notion of -> the notions of
3-43      5          64KByte track -> 64 Kilobyte track
         5-8         ignore the time calculation--it has several errors!
3-51      12         the tread manager -> the thread manager
3-52    last-13      detail in the section E -> detail in section E.
        last-9       of key board input -> of keyboard input
        last-8       one would draw -> one were to draw
3-66    last-6       and hard to do -> and it is hard to do
4-1      E.7         End-to-end erformance -> End-to-end performance
4-6   congestion     delete (there is a better definition on page 4-12.1)
4-21      6          stop -> is told to stop
4-21      7          into form -> into a form
4-41    last-1       signal needs -> signal, needs
4-44   footnote      link-receive -> link_receive
4-51 figure caption  4-42-> 4-30
4-61      27         not problem; -> not a problem;
4-75 subsection title  End-to-end erformance -> End-to-end performance
4-76    last-1       only worthwhile -> worthwhile only
4-77      13         Thus the sender -> The sender
10-3    prob 1.3     Modularity controls -> Modularity helps control
10-4      10         questions 1.10 through -> questions 1.6 through
10-6    prob 3.10    acquire lock_a                acquire lock_a
                        acquire lock_b                acquire lock_b
                        ...               ->          ...
                        release lock_b                release lock_b
                     release lock_b                release lock_a
10-8    prob 4.5     1987-1-2a -> 1987-1-2b