Errata, 6.033 class notes

Here are corrections for some typographical errors and other minor problems in chapters of the 6.033 notes, release 1.15. Most of these errors have been reported by industrious readers. (Special thanks to Dylan Hirsch-Shell for spotting several of these.) If you find others, please send an e-mail message describing them to:
<> and <>

Posted 10 May 2002:

Chapter 4, section C, figure 4-29: In link_receive, the line reading

should read

Chapter 7, section C., page 7-37: Change the last word in line 2 from "little" to "much".

Chapter 8, appendix 8-B, figure 8-29: both for-loops should read

for (i = 1, i++, i < NTRIES)

Posted 30 April 2002:

Chapter 8, Appendix 8-B, page 8-78: In the third paragraph, change "opinion" to "the returned status"

Posted 17 April 2002:

Chapter 4, section C.4, page 4-55: Insert the following line at the end of the page:

current pair of layers. In the interest of simplicity, network designers don't bother with

Posted 16 April 2002Chapter 6, section E.4, page 6-7: The words "public" and "private" are interchanged in the description of sealing with RSA.

in line 2 of the first paragraph, change "private" to "public".
in line 3 change the first word from "public" to "private".
in line 3 change the 15th word from private to public.
Posted 21 March 2002:

Chapter 5, page 5-18. At the end of the paragraph immediately under Figure 5-7, the words "Path names and naming networks" should be a subsection title numbered 3, and the remaining subsections (3 through 6) of Section A should be renumbered 4 through 7.

Posted 7 March 2002:

Problems and Solutions, section C, page 10-140. Following solution 2.3, add "For solutions 2.4 and 2.5, see page 10-142."

Posted 6 March 2002:

Chapter 3, Section D, subsection 1 (page 32). The algebraic formula for speedup should read:

        speedup  =   _____________
                     (1 - F) + F/S
Chapter 4, glossary, page 4-10. The definition for frame (v.) should read:

frame (v.)--To find the beginning and end of a bit, byte, frame (n.), packet, or message within a stream.

Chapter 4, glossary, page 4-12. In the definition of packet the word "forwarded" should be "forward".

Chapter 4, Section A, page 4-17. In the third line of the paragraph numbered "1", change "14 milliseconds" to "20 milliseconds".