6.033 - Computer System Engineering Handout 21 - April 7, 2003

Assignment 8: April 14 through April 24

For Lecture: Monday, April 14th

Today's lecture is on advanced authentication. Read section G of Chapter 6.

For Recitation: Tuesday, April 15th

We are going to discuss how distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks work. Read Jerry Saltzer's paper, Slammer: An urgent wake-up call and Moore et. al. The Spread of the Sapphire/Slammer Worm . These papers are only available online.

After reading the Slammer worm paper, write a one-pager report on the following question:

The Slammer worm is the fastest propagating Internet worm in history. It infected 90% of the vulerable machines within 10 minutes. At this fast a propagation rate, no human-mediated response can stop the worm before it reaches saturation.

You are a system administrator at a big corporation or work at the Center for Internet Worm Control (This center does not exist. We hope it will.) How can you prevent the next generation of the Slammer worm (Slammer II) from infecting most of the vulnerable targets? Slammer II can exploit other vulnerable services on UDP ports, not necessarily Microsoft SQL Servers.

For Lecture: Wednesday, April 16th

Today's lecture will be on Fault Tolerant Computing. Please read Sections A, B and C of Chapter 7 in the course notes.

For Recitation: Thursday, April 17th

The topic of this recitation will be fault-tolerant computing. Please read Appendix 7-A and 7-B from the course notes.

A quiz review will be held by the TA's in 34-101 from 7.30-9.30pm.

The official Design Project 2 specifications will be released today. Check the news section of the web page!

For Quiz 2: Friday, April 18th

Quiz 2 will be held from 2-3pm on Friday, April 18, 2003. This quiz will cover all material presented in L9 (Network Layers) through R17 (Why Crypto Systems Fail). The quiz will be open book. That means you can bring along any printed or written materials that you think might be useful. Calculators are allowed, though not necessary. The quiz format will be similar to quiz 1. You can find old quiz questions to practice on in the Problems and Solutions section following chapter 9 of the class notes. Be sure to check out both the independent problems and the problem sets that pertain to the current topics.

The quiz will be held in 34-101 and in Walker (50-340). See the chart below to determine which location you should go to for the quiz.
            Last Name      Location
              A-G           34-101 
              H-Z           Walker
The quiz is being held in a regularly scheduled class hour. The date was announced at the beginning of the term, so you should not have problems with scheduling conflicts. If, nevertheless, you have managed to create a conflict, contact Prof. Kaashoek at kaashoek@mit.edu as soon as possible to resolve the problem.

Monday and Tuesday, April 21st and 22nd

Patriot's Day Holiday, no class!

For Lecture: Wednesday, April 23rd

In preparation for this lecture on replication, read sections D, E, and F of Chapter 7 of the course notes.

For Recitation: Thursday, April 24th

For recitation, read "The Design and Implementation of a Log-Structured File System" by Rosenblum and Ousterhout (Reading #16).  Please also do Hands-on #7.  In this hands-on assignment you will experiment with some of the same benchmarks used in the LFS paper.

If you have decided to propose your own application for the Design Project 2, you must submit the one page description of its goals and design issues by the beginning of recitation today.

System aphorism of the week

An engineer is a person who can do for a dime what any fool can do for a dollar. (Anonymous)

Go to 6.033 Home Page Questions or Comments: 6.033-tas@mit.edu