should check for and reject requests to grow programs larger than that limit.
should account for the possibility that the original allocation request (or previous additional allocation requests) for memory did not evenly fill up the previously allocated pages.
should specify which MMU registers must be updated with new values, as well as which kernel data structures.
Here is an example energy analysis for a base-and-bounds design: For the specified modem speeds, downloading a 2K program takes 400 ms and thus consumes 1800 ma-seconds of battery capacity. Compacting all 30K of memory to make room for a new program would require no more than 15,000 iterations of a 4-instruction loop, and on average probably only half that, say 30,000 instructions. Assuming that an 8 MHz computer runs 3 MIPS, 30,000 instructions would require 10 ms of CPU and RAM time and would absorb no more than 80 ma-seconds of battery capacity. Thus, doing one compaction for every download would increase energy usage by less than 5%--probably much less, if the program runs for a significant length of time. A similar analysis suggests that if programs run more than 200 ms between calls to grow_protection_domain, one compaction per call would increase energy use by less than 5%.