6.033 - Computer System Engineering DNS Hands-On Assignment

Hands-on 4: Internet Domain Name System

Today's hands-on exercise is designed to give you a quick introduction to the Internet's Domain Name System. This is an example of a naming system which all of you use on a daily basis --- in fact you used it to get to this web-page! To prepare for this assignment, please read Appendix 5-B of the class notes, titled "Case study of the Internet Domain Name System". This should give you a good general idea of how the DNS works.


In order to help explore the domain name system, there is a tool called dig, short for Domain Information Groper. We will be making use of dig in this assignment. This should be available on all recent Athena workstations. If it does not work by default, please try running add watchmaker first. If that still does not work, try an Athena Sun workstation. Be sure and explicitly use /usr/athena/bin/dig when running dig; the dig we will use in this assignment is 9.2.1 Here is an example usage of dig:

biohazard-cafe>/usr/athena/bin/dig slashdot.org

; <<>> DiG 9.2.1 <<>> slashdot.org
;; global options:  printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 39851
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 3, ADDITIONAL: 3

;slashdot.org.                  IN      A

slashdot.org.           6925    IN      A

slashdot.org.           6925    IN      NS      ns3.vasoftware.com.
slashdot.org.           6925    IN      NS      ns1.vasoftware.com.
slashdot.org.           6925    IN      NS      ns2.vasoftware.com.

ns1.vasoftware.com.     25410   IN      A
ns2.vasoftware.com.     25410   IN      A
ns3.vasoftware.com.     25410   IN      A

;; Query time: 2 msec
;; WHEN: Sun Mar 28 12:38:46 2004
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 162

The tells us a lot of information about our DNS request and the response to it. We can see that we asked our default server (, and that it took roughly 2 msecs to respond. However, for this exercise, we are mostly interested in is the answer section. We can see that the IP address for slashdot.org is The field "6925" indicates that this record/entry is valid for about 6925 seconds (about 2 hours). The authority section tells us which DNS servers are responsible for answering requests for names in the slashdot.org domain. (Note that in all of these examples, the exact results you get may be slightly different. Why?)

We can ask a specific server (instead of the default) for information about a host by using the following syntax:

biohazard-cafe>/usr/athena/bin/dig @redlab.lcs.mit.edu slashdot.org
; <<>> DiG 9.2.1 <<>> @redlab.lcs.mit.edu slashdot.org
;; global options:  printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 23729
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 3, ADDITIONAL: 3

;slashdot.org.                  IN      A

slashdot.org.           7055    IN      A

...[output truncated]

We can also see that these queries are resulting in the recursive searches described in section 1 of appendix 5-B of the notes by the "recurs" text in the res options line. dig only shows us the final result of the recursive search. One way for us to mimic the individual steps of a recursive search is to send a request to a particular DNS server and ask for no recursion. For the former, we can give an @server argument to dig. For the latter, we can pass the +norecurs flag. For example, to send a non-recursive query to one of the root servers:

biohazard-cafe>/usr/athena/bin/dig @a.ROOT-SERVERS.NET www.slashdot.org. +norecurs

; <<>> DiG 9.2.1 <<>> @a.ROOT-SERVERS.NET www.slashdot.org. +norecurs
;; global options:  printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 25999
;; flags: qr; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 2

;www.slashdot.org.              IN      A

org.                    172800  IN      NS      TLD1.ULTRADNS.NET.
org.                    172800  IN      NS      TLD2.ULTRADNS.NET.

TLD1.ULTRADNS.NET.      172800  IN      A
TLD2.ULTRADNS.NET.      172800  IN      A

;; Query time: 15 msec
;; WHEN: Sun Mar 28 12:37:23 2004
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 116

As you can see, the server does not know the answer and instead provides information about the servers most likely to be able to provide authoritative information. In this case, the best the root server knows is the identities of the servers for the org. domain.

With this in mind, let's do some simple exercises. This hands-on should be doable from any workstation that has dig or an equivalent command, but if you try it anywhere other than on an Athena workstation, and you run into something unexpected, the teaching staff may not be able to help you figure out what is going on.

I. Getting started

What is the IP address of thyme.lcs.mit.edu? What command did you use to find this address? What is the expiration time for this record? The "dig" answer for thyme contains the string CNAME. In the terminology of chapter 5, what does CNAME mean?

What are the IP addresses for ai and ai. (note the dot at the end) respectively? (use the command nslookup instead of dig for this exercise).
Examine the local machine's /etc/resolv.conf file, what can you say about the context of DNS searches for ai and ai.?

II. Understanding hierarchy

For this problem, you will go through the steps of resolving a particular hostname, by iterating through a series of servers, just like a regular server might. Assuming it knows nothing else about a name, a DNS resolver will ask a well-known root server. The root servers on the Internet are in the domain root-servers.net. One way to get a list of them is with the command:

athena% dig . ns

Why does this particular command return the names of the root nameservers?

Use dig to ask one of the root servers the address of amsterdam.lcs.mit.edu without recursion. What command do you use to do this? It is unlikely that these servers actually know the answer so they will refer you to a server (or list of servers) that might know more. Go through the hierarchy from the root without recursion and following the referrals manually until you have found the address of amsterdam.lcs.mit.edu. What is the address? Display the output of the final command. How many iterations did it take? What commands did you use for each one?

III. Understanding caching

These few queries should show you how your local machine's cache works.
Please turn in the answers to these questions in Thursday's recitation. Also include how long it took for you to do this assignment.
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