Design Project 2: Frequently-Asked Questions
Last updated: $Date: 2005/05/02 20:03:28 $
Q: I think I found a bug in DP2.
A: Check out the DP2 Errata.
Q: Where can I ask questions?
A: Check out the 6.033 DP2 Discussion Forum.
Q: Must all members of my group be from the same section?
A: Yes. However, it is also acceptable to be in a group with someone from another section taught by the same recitation instructor. It is not acceptable to have a group consisting of members from recitations taught by different instructors. Q: Must I be in a group of exactly three?
A: Yes. If you are having trouble finding a group, email your TA. The TAs will facilitate matching in tutorial and via email. Exceptions will only be made if your recitation is not a multiple of 3.
Q: Do the results of mapAMs(x, k) comprise a subset of mapAMs(x, k+n)?
A: Yes.
Q: Can mapAMs "remember" where I put my
files in the past?
A: No: it it a black box which deterministically maps a (String, Int) pair to a list of IP addresses. It does no more than its specification says
it does.
Q: Do I need to worry about running out of space on an archive server?
A: No, you are not required to.
Q: Can the FWS use a highly available database
for storing the archive metadata?
A: The FWS is a cluster of servers
which handle client requests using round-robin DNS. Using
a single database for the FWS metadata
makes the entire FWS cluster easily susceptible to failures.
Consider using either a distributed database hosted by all
FWS servers (and specifying a consistency protocol such that
all the FWS servers see the same metadata), or storing
the metadata database on the archivers (this is the simpler
solution). In either case, try to keep the database size