Spring 2007


Preparation for Quiz 3

Quiz 3 is from 1:30pm-3:00pm on Thursday, May 24, 2007. While Quiz 3 is during finals week, it will only explicitly cover the final 1/3 of the course. Of course, the cumulative nature of this course means that terms and concepts from the first 2/3 will be used freely, but the questions will focus primarily on the material covered on April 11th and onward. Quiz 3 will be 90 minutes, not 50 like the first 2.

The quiz will cover material from lecture 17 through recitation 26, including the guest lecture (lecture 25). The quiz will be "open book." That means you can bring along any printed or written materials that you think might be useful. Calculators are allowed, though not necessary; cell phones, laptops, and PDAs are off limits. 6.033 quizzes typically begin with half a dozen or so independent questions that focus on material in the readings followed by one or two longer, multi-part questions that deal with concepts of computer systems covered in the notes and lecture. The quiz will be, at least in part, multiple choice.

Warning: the lectures touch on only a modest subset of the totality of 6.033 concepts. Anything in the readings or class notes assigned from LEC17 through REC26 may show up on the quiz.

The quiz will be held on the Johnson Ice Rink (skates will be provided).

You can find old quiz questions to practice on in the Problems and Solutions in Chapter 14 of the class notes. Be sure to check out both the independent problems and the problem sets that pertain to the current topics. Note that each problem in that section is followed by a code that tells what year it was given and which quiz it appeared on. Although there has been a little rearrangement of material over the years, you should be able to answer most questions relevant to the subjects we have covered.

Old quizzes:

There will be a quiz review from 7:00 to 9:00 PM, Tuesday, May 22nd, room TBA. During this time the TAs will go over an outline of the covered subjects and explain a few questions from the Problems and Solutions section of the class notes.
Slides: Security slides (ppt)
Notes: Distributed Transactions notes

A subset of the staff (mostly TAs) will be holding marathon office hours prior to the quiz.

Should you have a conflict, contact Prof. Kaashoek as soon as possible to resolve the problem.

Questions or comments regarding 6.033? Send e-mail to the 6.033 staff at or to the 6.033 TAs at

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