6.033 - Computer System Engineering (Spring 2007)

April 4th, 2007

Please find additional clarifications and details in the DP2 FAQ.

6.033 Design Project 2: YouCast, A Peer-to-Peer Streaming Service

I. Assignment

You will do design project 2 in teams of three students who are in your recitation or share the same instructor. There are four deliverables for Design Project 2:

  1. A list of team members emailed to your recitation instructor by April 12, 2007.
  2. One copy of a design proposal not exceeding 1200 words, due on Tuesday, April 24, 2007.
  3. One copy of a design report not exceeding 5,000 words, due on Thursday, May 10, 2007.
  4. An in-class presentation on May 15, 2007. Details about your presentation. While this presentation falls during the last week of classes, in consultation with the chair of the faculty we have determined that the assignment falls in the spirit of the end-of-term rules.

6.033 design reports are different from quizzes and problem sets. These projects, like those in real life, are under-specified, and it is your job to complete the specification sensibly, given the project requirements. As with real-world designs, those requirements often need some adjustment as you flesh out your design. We strongly recommend that you start early so that you can iterate your design. A good design will likely take more than a few days.

II. Introduction

You and your friends have decided to start a new company, YouCast. In contrast to YouTube, where people can share their videos with others, YouCast provides live video streams. Anyone who has a camera connected to the Internet can contribute a video stream. Internet users browse a list of available YouCast streams and watch whichever stream they like.

To launch a prototype, you deploy a few cameras around MIT. For example, you may position a camera at LaVerde's to show the waiting lines at the register. The camera allows people to estimate the waiting time if they go buy stuff now. Other cameras show the lines at the Stata cafeteria and Lobdell. Your cameras at the Z-center allow students to check for congestion and avoid going to the gym when it is full. You have also deployed cameras in class rooms so that students can follow the lectures from home.

YouCast also allows any Internet user to contribute live streams. You have told your friends at MIT and other universities about your prototype. Many of them got excited and decided to contribute video streams. Now, whenever they have a party, they stream it live on the Internet via YouCast.

II.1 The YouCast System

The YouCast system has three types of machines, as shown in Figure 1:

  1. Tracker: the tracker is a server that maintains a list of video servers that stream live video. For example, the tracker maintains the IP address of the PCs connected to the camera in LaVerde's and a short description of the video produced by that camera, e.g., "camera shows the register line at LaVerde's, MIT." Users who are interested in viewing a YouCast stream contact the tracker and search the list of available streams to find something they want to watch.
  2. Video Servers: A YouCast video server streams the output of a particular camera to interested users. For example, the PC connected to the camera at LaVerde's runs a YouCast video server. The server first contacts the tracker and informs it of the availability of the video stream. Users who learn the IP address of the video server from the tracker may contact the video server to watch the stream.
  3. YouCast Peers: A user interested in watching YouCast streams runs a YouCast peer on her/his local machine. The peer acts as a client and a server. The client part performs the following functionalities:
    1. It allows a user to search the list of streams available at the tracker
    2. It allows the user to pick a stream and start watching it
    3. It allows the user to switch from one stream to another

The server part allows a YouCast peer to download a video stream from another peer that is watching it instead of downloading it from the video server. This reduces the load on the video server and improves scalability.

Diagram of system
Figure 1: YouCast includes three types of machines: a tracker, video servers, and peers. Each peer runs both a client and a server.

III. Your Task

In this project, you will design a few protocols that control the interaction among peers and between peers and a video server. Your design should achieve the following four tasks: high video quality, scalability, resilience to failures, and minimal security. Though we discuss these tasks in separate sections, they do depend on each other. You need to come up with a single design that addresses all of them.

Your design should be concise enough that other people can implement video servers and peers based on your description, and your protocols should not dictate particular implementations, in the same way that HTTP and HTML do not dictate the implementation of a Web browser.

III.1 High Quality Video Streams

A video stream is a sequence of frames. Each frame has a sequence number to identify its position in the stream (e.g., frame 5 is played after frame 4 and before frame 6). You do not need to worry about how to produce video frames or how to show them on the screen. You, however, need to design a protocol for timely dissemination of these frames from a video server to a peer machine interested in watching the stream.

  1. Goal: The objective of your dissemination protocol is to ensure high-quality timely streaming of video. To see how you can achieve this goal you need to learn a few things about video. For proper video viewing, a peer needs to play the frames in order and at a constant rate. For this project, you can assume that a peer needs to play one frame every 50ms. This means that once a peer starts playing the frames, it needs to provide the next frame every 50ms. Say that the peer plays frame 6 at time t. Then at t+50ms, the peer needs to play frame 7. If the peer does not receive frame 7 by t+50ms, then it does not have the right frame to play. The peer can compensate for the missing frame but at the expense of a degraded video quality. Specifically, if the peer has received a frame with a higher sequence number (say frame 8), it skips the missing frame and plays that frame. If the peer has not received any frame with a sequence number larger than the missing frame, it plays the most recent frame (i.e., frame 6). In both cases, the video quality degrades. If the peer skips the missing frame, the user sees a jump in the video stream. If the peer replays the last frame, the user sees that the video freezes. Note that there is no point receiving frame 7 after a peer has played a frame with a larger sequence number (say frame 8) because frames have to be played in increasing order. Thus, to ensure high video quality, your design should maximize the likelihood that a peer has a frame by the time it needs to play it.

    A naive design that retransmits every frame until it is received, regardless of whether it can still be played, is inefficient. In fact, such an approach may degrade the video quality because it spends the system's bandwidth on retransmitting the wrong frames.

    Note also that a peer cannot download the whole video before starting to play it. For example, it is not acceptable to say that a peer who wants to watch the lines at LaVerde's reliably downloads frames for long interval, and starts playing the video once it has received all frames in a sequence of 10 minutes. By then the lines may have changed significantly. Your design should provide the user with the feeling that the video is streamed in realtime. This requires that the delay between generating a frame and playing it stays low, e.g., less than a minute.

  2. Task and assumptions: Your job is to design a dissemination protocol that ensures good video quality. Your design may make use of the following:

III.2 Scalable Streaming

Your design should scale to a large number of peers, while maintaining high video quality. A YouCast video stream has an average rate of 0.5 Mb/s. This is a significant amount of bandwidth. Many video servers may be behind DSL or T1 lines, which are limited to 1-2 Mb/s. In this case, only a few peers can directly download the stream from the video server without causing severe congestion. This problem is not limited to servers behind DSL or T1 lines. Consider a scenario in which tens of thousands of international students start streaming a 6.033 lecture in realtime. This number of peers would overwhelm any MIT machine, despite its high-speed connectivity.

  1. Goal: Your design needs to support scenarios in which thousands of peers watch the same stream. To address this issue, you may want to make some peers download the stream from each other, as shown in Figure 1. This means that each peer runs a peer server, which takes the received frames as input and transmits them to interested receivers. We say that the downloading peer is a child of the serving peer.

    A naive approach would make the first peer stream the video from the video server. Other peers stream the video from the peer that joined immediately before them. As a result, the video will be delivered along a string of peers. Assume 1000 peers are interested in watching a particular stream. First, the stream will incur a very large delay before it reaches the 800th or 900th peer. Second, if Peer 1 misses a particular frame all other peers fail to receive that frame. Third, if Peer 1 crashes, the other 999 peers will experience a disturbance in video quality. You should propose a dissemination infrastructure that works much better than string dissemination infrastructure.

  2. Your Task: You should augment your dissemination protocol with a join protocol. A peer runs the join protocol before the dissemination protocol to discover from which machine to stream video, i.e., to discover a parent machine. Then the child peer runs the dissemination protocol to stream video from its parent machine.

    Your design of the join protocol should address the following issues:

  3. Assumptions and constraints: In addition to all previous assumptions, you can assume the following:

III.3 Resilience to Peer Failures

A machine may crash or reboot at any time. Further, a peer may stop watching a stream at any time. Your design should minimize the impact of such events on performance. In particular, you may want to make peers serve video to each other to reduce the load on the video server. But if a peer crashes or leaves the system, your design should minimize the likelihood that other peers that download the video from the failed peer will miss frames. Note that you cannot assume that a peer will inform its children before rebooting or killing the application.

  1. Goal & Task: Design your protocols to be robust to any peer failure, i.e., as long as multiple peers do not fail at the same time, no peer will see performance degradation that is caused by peer failures. Specifically:
  2. Additional Assumptions:

III.4 Minimal Security

Your design should support private streams. A camera owner can make his stream accessible only to specific peers. Users who are allowed to watch the stream exchange shared-secret keys with the camera owner using an out of band mechanism (e.g., in email or over the phone). Peers that are not allowed to watch a stream should not be able to watch it, even though they may download the video.

  1. Goal: Extend your design to support private streams. Your design should specify how to use the keys to ensure that only peers who have the right keys can watch the stream. Your design should also ensure that private streams stay scalable.
  2. Additional Assumption:
  3. Task: You need to tell us how you address the following issues:

IV. Your Design Proposal

The design proposal should be a concise summary (1200 words) of your overall system design. It's a good idea to start out with a system diagram to show how you plan to make the overall system work. Your proposal should lay out the basic mechanisms in the dissemination protocol and the join protocol.

You do not have to present a detailed rationale or analysis. However, if any of your design decisions is unusual (particularly creative, experimental, risky, or specifically warned against in the assignment), or you want to change any of the assumptions substantially, it would be wise to describe such changes in your proposal.

You will receive feedback from your TA in time to adjust your final report.

V. Your Design Report

Here are some items we are interested in seeing in your final report.

Note that your report should describe only the final design of your protocols. For example, if you have designed a dissemination protocol to address the goal in Section III.1 but had to modify it later to address the goals in Sections III.2, III.3, and III.4, describe only the final design. We expect one design for each protocol, and that the combination of the three protocols satisfies all the goals in this document. Similarly, you should report the analysis of only the final design.

VI. Your written work

The following are some tips on writing your design report. While the Writing Program will not be grading DP2, you can still use them as a valuable writing resource.

Audience: You may assume that the reader has read the DP2 assignment but has not thought carefully about this particular design problem. Give enough detail that your project can be turned over successfully to an implementation team.

Report Outline (use this organization for your report):