6.033 2011 Lecture 10: Networking Intro (6.02 in a single lecture) First of 4 lectures on data networks. Overview today: identify the problems and approach Dig into details over next 3 lectures. * Build in on 6.02 * network are a useful systems building block * internal workings are a good case study of system design. Internet in particular an example of a very successful system. complex enough to be a subject of science, like the weather What is the goal of data networking? Allow us to build systems out of multiple computers. Your problem may be too big for one computer. You may want multiple computers for structural reasons: client/server. more fundamental reason: A key use of computers is for communication between people, orgs. People are geographically distributed, along with their computers. So we're forced to deal with inter-computer comms. System picture: Hosts. Maybe millions of them. All over the world. [No cloud yet, but leave room. circular hosts.] What are the key design problems to be solved? I'll classify into three types: O: Organizational, to help human designers cope. E: Economic, to save operators money. P: Physics. E: universality. Want one net, many uses Rather than lots of small incompatible/disconnected network worlds. e.g. Fedex builds its own data net for its customers to track packages private nets sometimes good for reliability, predictable service, security The more people that use a network, the more useful it is for everybody. Value to me is proportional to N people using the same net. Value to society is proportional to N^2. What technical tools help us achieve universality? Standard protocols make it easy to build systems. But don't want to prevent evolution by freezing design w/ standards. Hard: standardize just what's required to make net generally useful, but not the things that might need to be changed later. One universal net means it's *not* part of each system design. It's a black box; simplifies design of systems that use it. Symbolically, a cloud that hides internal workings. [draw network cloud] E: topology. [three new pictures; circular hosts, square switches] Look inside the cloud. Wire between every pair? pro: network (wires) is transparent, passes analog signals. It's never busy. Never any question of how to reach someone. con: host electronics. laying wires expensive. Star network. "switch". Federal Express in Memphis. pro: less wire cost. easy to find a path. con: load and cost and unreliability of hub. Mesh topology. Routers and links. pro: low wire cost. limited router fan-out. some path redundancy. con: shared links, higher load. complex routing. O: routing. Find paths given dst "address". Harder in mesh than in star or hierarchy. [diagram: two available paths] change far away may require re-routing -> has a global element, thus scaling problems many goals: Efficiency: low delay, fast links Spread load Adapt to failures Minimize payments Cope w/ huge scale Routing is a key problem. O: addressing. Hosts need to be able to specify destination to network. specifically, the address you give to the routing system, not web.mit.edu ideal: every host has a unique ID, perhaps 128 bits assigned at random routing system can find address, wherever it is so i can connect to my PDA, whether i left it at home or in the office no-one knows how to build a routing system for large #s of flat addresses! maybe can layer on top of something else, but not directly In practice, encode location hints in addresses. hierarcical addresses, e.g. 18.7.whatever [diagram: 18 area, 18.7 area, ...] rest of inet knows only 18, not every host in 18 Trouble if hosts move or topology changes. hard to exploit non-hierarchical links (rest of Inet can't use MIT-Harvard) routing and addressing often very intertwined E: sharing. Must multiplex many conversations on each physical wire. 1. how to multiplex? A. isochronous. [input links, router1, router2, link, repeating cycle] reserved b/w, predictable delay, originally designed for voice called TDM B. asynchronous data traffic tends to be bursty - not evenly spaced you think, then click on a link that loads lots of big images wasteful to reserve b/w for a conversation so send and forward whenever data is ready [diagram: input links, router1, link, router2, output links] divide data into packets, each with header w/ info abt dst 2. how to keep track of conversations? A. connections like phone system you tell network who you want to talk to figures out path in advance, then you talk reqired for isochronous traffic can allow control of load balance for async traffic maybe allow smaller packet headers (just small connection ID) connection setup complex, forwarding simpler B. connectionless / datagrams many apps don't match net-level connections, e.g. DNS lookups each packet self-contained, treated separately packet contains full src and dst addresses each may take a different route through network! shifts burden from network to end hosts (connection abstraction) E: Overload more demand than capacity consequence of sharing and growth and bursty sources how does it appear? isochronous net: new calls blocked, existing calls undisturbed makes sense if apps have constant unchangeable b/w requirements async net: [diagram: router with many inputs] overload is inside the net, not apparent to sending hosts. net must do something with excess traffic depends on time scale of demand > capacity very long: buy faster links short: tell senders to slow down feedback elastic applications (file xfer, video with parameterized compression) can always add more users, just gets slower for everyone often better than blocking calls very short: don't drop -- buffer packets -- "queuing" demand fluctuates over time [graph: varying demand, line for fixed link capacity] buffers allow you to delay peaks into valleys but only works if valley comes along pretty quick! adds complexity. must drop if overload too much. source of most Inet loss. Behavior with overload is key. [Graph of in rate vs out rate, knee, collapse.] Collapse: resources consumed coping with overload. This is an important and hard topic: congestion control E: high utilization. How much expensive capacity do we have to pay for? Capacity >= peak demand would keep users happy. What would that mean? single-user traffic is bursty! [typical user time vs load graph -- avg low, peak high] Worst case is 100x average, so network would be 99% wasted! e.g. my one-megabit DSL line is almost entirely idle too expensive in core to buy Nusers * peak But when you aggregate async users -- peaks and valleys cancel. [a few graphs, w/ more and more users, smoother and smoother] peak gets closer and closer to average 100 users in << 100x capacity needed for 1 user. less and less idle capacity, lower cost per bit transmitted "Statistical multiplexing." Hugely important to economics of Internet Assumes independent users mostly true -- but day/night, flash crowds 50% average daytime utilization maybe typical on core links Once you buy capacity, you want to get as close to 100% as possible. fixed cost, want to maximize revenue/work may need feedback to tell senders to speed up! want to stay at first knee of in/out graph. Or maybe less to limit delay [graph: load vs queuing delay] P: errors and failures. Communication wires are analog, suffer from noise. Backhoes, unreliable control computers. General fix: detect, send redundant info (rxmt), or re-route. How to divide responsibility? You pay your telecommunications provider, so they better be perfect? Leads to complex, expensive networks: each piece 100% reliable. You don't trust the network, so you detect and fix problems yourself. Leads to complex host software. Decision of smart network vs smart hosts turns out to be very important. Locus of complexity pays costs but also has power. "Best design" depends on whether you are operator or user. P: speed of light. foot per nanosecond. 14 ms coast to coast, maybe 40 ms w/ electronics. Request/response delay. Byte per rtt -> 36 bytes/second. [picture of pkt going over wire -- and idle wire] Need to be more efficient. Worse: delay hurts control algorithms. Change during delay. Example: Slow down / speed up. Result: Oscillation between overload and wastefully idle. O: wide range of adaptability. One design, many situations. Applications: file xfer, games, voice, video. Delay: machine room vs satellite. Link bit rate: modem vs fiber optics. Management: a few users, whole Internet. Solution: Adaptive mechanisms. Internet in design space Asynchronous (no reservations) Packets (no connections) No b/w or delay guarantees May drop, duplicate, re-order, or corrupt packets -- and often does Not of much direct use! End hosts must fix but gives host flexibility, room for innovation "best effort"